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* And the lot of the children of Joseph fell from Jordan by Jericho , unto the water of Jericho on the east , to the wilderness that goeth up from Jericho throughout mount Bethel Beyth -#El #, * And goeth out from Bethel Beyth -#El # to Luz , and passeth along unto the borders of Archi to Ataroth , * And goeth down westward to the coast of Japhleti , unto the coast of Bethhoron Beyththe nether , and to Gezer : and the goings out thereof are at the sea . * So the children of Joseph , Manasseh and Ephraim , took their inheritance . * And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus : even the border of their inheritance on the east side was Atarothaddar #Atrowth , unto Bethhoron Beyththe upper ; * And the border went out toward the sea to Michmethah on the north side ; and the border went about eastward unto Taanathshiloh Ta #anath , and passed by it on the east to Janohah ; * And it went down from Janohah to Ataroth , and to Naarath Na #arah #, and came to Jericho , and went out at Jordan . * The border went out from Tappuah westward unto the river Kanah ; and the goings out thereof were at the sea . This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Ephraim by their families . * And the separate cities for the children of Ephraim were among the inheritance of the children of Manasseh , all the cities with their villages . * And they drave not out the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer : but the Canaanites dwell among the Ephraimites unto this day , and serve under tribute . * There was also a lot for the tribe of Manasseh ; for he was the firstborn of Joseph ; to wit , for Machir the firstborn of Manasseh , the father of Gilead Gil #ad #: because he was a man of war , therefore he had Gilead and Bashan . * There was also a lot for the rest of the children of Manasseh by their families ; for the children of Abiezer #Abiy #ezer #, and for the children of Helek , and for the children of Asriel #Asriy #el #, and for the children of Shechem , and for the children of Hepher , and for the children of Shemida : these were the male children of Manasseh the son of Joseph by their families . * But Zelophehad , the son of Hepher , the son of Gilead Gil #ad #, the son of Machir , the son of Manasseh , had no sons , but daughters : and these are the names of his daughters , Mahlah , and Noah No #ah #, Hoglah , Milcah , and Tirzah . * And they came near before Eleazar #El #azar # the priest , and before Joshua the son of Nun , and before the princes , saying , The LORD commanded Moses to give us an inheritance among our brethren . Therefore according to the commandment of the LORD he gave them an inheritance among the brethren of their father . * And there fell ten portions to Manasseh , beside the land of Gilead and Bashan , which were on the other side Jordan ; * Because the daughters of Manasseh had an inheritance among his sons : and the rest of Manassehs sons had the land of Gilead Gil #ad #. * And the coast of Manasseh was from Asher to Michmethah , that lieth before Shechem ; and the border went along on the right hand unto the inhabitants of Entappuah #Eyn . * Now Manasseh had the land of Tappuah : but Tappuah on the border of Manasseh belonged to the children of Ephraim ; * And the coast descended unto the river Kanah , southward of the river : these cities of Ephraim are among the cities of Manasseh : the coast of Manasseh also was on the north side of the river , and the outgoings of it were at the sea : * Southward it was Ephraims , and northward it was Manassehs , and the sea is his border ; and they met together in Asher on the north , and in Issachar on the east . * And Manasseh had in Issachar and in Asher Bethshean Beythand her towns , and Ibleam and her towns , and the inhabitants of Dor and her towns , and the inhabitants of Endor #Eyn-Do #r # and her towns , and the inhabitants of Taanach and her towns , and the inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns , even three countries . * Yet the children of Manasseh could not drive out the inhabitants of those cities ; but the Canaanites would dwell in that land . * Yet it came to pass , when the children of Israel were waxen strong , that they put the Canaanites to tribute ; but did not utterly drive them out . * And the children of Joseph spake unto Joshua , saying , Why hast thou given me but one lot and one portion to inherit , seeing I am a great people , forasmuch as the LORD hath blessed me hitherto ? * And Joshua answered them , If thou be a great people , then get thee up to the wood country , and cut down for thyself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants , if mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee . * And the children of Joseph said , The hill is not enough for us : and all the Canaanites that dwell in the land of the valley have chariots of iron , both they who are of Bethshean Beythand her towns , and they who are of the valley of Jezreel Yizr @#e #l #. * And Joshua spake unto the house of Joseph , even to Ephraim and to Manasseh , saying , Thou art a great people , and hast great power : thou shalt not have one lot only : * But the mountain shall be thine ; for it is a wood ya #ar #, and thou shalt cut it down : and the outgoings of it shall be thine : for thou shalt drive out the Canaanites K @na #aniy #, though they have iron chariots , and though they be strong . * And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh , and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there . And the land was subdued before them . * And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes , which had not yet received their inheritance . * And Joshua said unto the children of Israel Yisra #el #, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land , which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you ? * Give out from among you three men for each tribe : and I will send them , and they shall rise , and go through the land , and describe it according to the inheritance of them ; and they shall come again to me . * And they shall divide it into seven parts : Judah shall abide in their coast on the south , and the house of Joseph shall abide in their coasts on the north . * Ye shall therefore describe the land into seven parts , and bring the description hither to me , that I may cast lots for you here before the LORD our God . * But the Levites have no part among you ; for the priesthood of the LORD is their inheritance : and Gad , and Reuben R @#uwben #, and half the tribe of Manasseh , have received their inheritance beyond Jordan on the east , which Moses the servant of the LORD gave them . * And the men arose , and went away : and Joshua charged them that went to describe the land , saying , Go and walk through the land , and describe it , and come again to me , that I may here cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh . * And the men went and passed through the land , and described it by cities into seven parts in a book , and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh . * And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the LORD : and there Joshua divided the land unto the children of Israel according to their divisions . * And the lot of the tribe of the children of Benjamin came up according to their families : and the coast of their lot came forth between the children of Judah and the children of Joseph . * And their border on the north side was from Jordan ; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north side , and went up through the mountains westward ; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Bethaven Beyth . * And the border went over from thence toward Luz , to the side of Luz , which is Bethel Beyth -#El #, southward ; and the border descended to Atarothadar #Atrowth , near the hill that lieth on the south side of the nether Bethhoron Beyth . * And the border was drawn thence , and compassed the corner of the sea southward , from the hill that lieth before Bethhoron Beythsouthward ; and the goings out thereof were at Kirjathbaal Qiryath Ba #al #, which is Kirjathjearim Qiryath Y @#ariym #, a city of the children of Judah : this was the west quarter pe #ah #. * And the south quarter was from the end of Kirjathjearim Qiryath Y @#ariym #, and the border went out on the west , and went out to the well of waters of Nephtoah : * And the border came down to the end of the mountain that lieth before the valley of the son of Hinnom , and which is in the valley of the giants on the north , and descended to the valley of Hinnom , to the side of Jebusi on the south , and descended to Enrogel #Eyn , * And was drawn from the north , and went forth to Enshemesh #Eyn , and went forth toward Geliloth , which is over against the going up of Adummim , and descended to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben R @#uwben #, * And passed along toward the side over against Arabah northward , and went down unto Arabah : * And the border passed along to the side of Bethhoglah Beythnorthward : and the outgoings of the border were at the north bay of the salt sea at the south end of Jordan : this was the south coast . * And Jordan was the border of it on the east side pe #ah #. This was the inheritance of the children of Benjamin , by the coasts thereof round about , according to their families . * Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho , and Bethhoglah Beyth , and the valley of Keziz , * And Betharabah Beyth ha -#Arabah #, and Zemaraim , and Bethel Beyth -#El #, * And Avim , and Parah , and Ophrah , * And Chepharhaammonai K @phar ha -#Ammowniy #, and Ophni , and Gaba ; twelve sh @nayim # cities with their villages : * Gibeon Gib #own #, and Ramah , and Beeroth B @#erowth #, * And Mizpeh , and Chephirah , and Mozah , * And Rekem , and Irpeel Yirp @#el #, and Taralah Tar #alah #, * And Zelah , Eleph , and Jebusi , which is Jerusalem , Gibeath Gib #ath #, and Kirjath Qiryath Y @#ariym #; fourteen #H6240cities with their villages . This is the inheritance of the children of Benjamin according to their families . * And the second lot came forth to Simeon Shim #own #, even for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families : and their inheritance was within the inheritance of the children of Judah .

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