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* And the children of Israel heard say , Behold , the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh have built an altar over against the land of Canaan K @na #an #, in the borders of Jordan , at the passage of the children of Israel Yisra #el #. * And when the children of Israel heard of it , the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered themselves together at Shiloh , to go up to war against them . * And the children of Israel sent unto the children of Reuben R @#uwben #, and to the children of Gad , and to the half tribe of Manasseh , into the land of Gilead Gil #ad #, Phinehas the son of Eleazar #El #azar # the priest , * And with him ten princes , of each #H259chief nasiy # house a prince throughout all the tribes of Israel Yisra #el #; and each one was an head of the house of their fathers among the thousands of Israel Yisra #el #. * And they came unto the children of Reuben R @#uwben #, and to the children of Gad , and to the half tribe of Manasseh , unto the land of Gilead Gil #ad #, and they spake with them , saying , * Thus saith the whole congregation of the LORD , What trespass is this that ye have committed against the God of Israel Yisra #el #, to turn away this day from following the LORD , in that ye have builded you an altar , that ye might rebel this day against the LORD ? * Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us , from which we are not cleansed until this day , although there was a plague in the congregation of the LORD , * But that ye must turn away this day from following the LORD ? and it will be , seeing ye rebel to day against the LORD , that to morrow he will be wroth with the whole congregation of Israel Yisra #el #. * Notwithstanding , if the land of your possession be unclean , then pass ye over unto the land of the possession of the LORD , wherein the LORDS tabernacle dwelleth , and take possession among us : but rebel not against the LORD , nor rebel against us , in building you an altar beside the altar of the LORD our God . * Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing , and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel Yisra #el #? and that man perished not alone in his iniquity . * Then the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh answered , and said unto the heads of the thousands of Israel Yisra #el #, * The LORD God of gods , the LORD God of gods , he knoweth , and Israel he shall know ; if it be in rebellion , or if in transgression against the LORD , (save us not this day , ) * That we have built us an altar to turn from following the LORD , or if to offer thereon burnt offering or meat offering , or if to offer peace offerings thereon , let the LORD himself require it ; * And if we have not rather done it for fear of this thing , saying , In time to come your children might speak unto our children , saying , What have ye to do with the LORD God of Israel Yisra #el #? * For the LORD hath made Jordan a border between us and you , ye children of Reuben and children of Gad ; ye have no part in the LORD : so shall your children make # our children cease from fearing the LORD . * Therefore we said , Let us now prepare to build us an altar , not for burnt offering , nor for sacrifice : * But that it may be a witness between us , and you , and our generations after us , that we might do the service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings , and with our sacrifices , and with our peace offerings ; that your children may not say to our children in time to come , Ye have no part in the LORD . * Therefore said we , that it shall be , when they should so say to us or to our generations in time to come , that we may say again , Behold the pattern of the altar of the LORD , which our fathers made , not for burnt offerings , nor for sacrifices ; but it is a witness between us and you . * God forbid that we should rebel against the LORD , and turn this day from following the LORD , to build an altar for burnt offerings , for meat offerings , or for sacrifices , beside the altar of the LORD our God that is before his tabernacle . * And when Phinehas the priest , and the princes of the congregation and heads of the thousands of Israel which were with him , heard the words that the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the children of Manasseh spake , it pleased them . * And Phinehas the son of Eleazar #El #azar # the priest said unto the children of Reuben R @#uwben #, and to the children of Gad , and to the children of Manasseh , This day we perceive that the LORD is among us , because ye have not committed this trespass against the LORD : now ye have delivered the children of Israel out of the hand of the LORD . * And Phinehas the son of Eleazar #El #azar # the priest , and the princes , returned from the children of Reuben R @#uwben #, and from the children of Gad , out of the land of Gilead Gil #ad #, unto the land of Canaan K @na #an #, to the children of Israel Yisra #el #, and brought # them word again . * And the thing pleased the children of Israel Yisra #el #; and the children of Israel blessed God , and did not intend to go up against them in battle , to destroy the land wherein the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt . * And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad called the altar Ed : for it shall be a witness between us that the LORD is God .

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