





geneva Lamentations:1-5 SEEK

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* How doth (note :)The prophet wonders at the great judgment of God , seeing Jerusalem , which was so strong and so full of people , to be now destroyed and desolate .(:note ) the city sit desolate , [that was ] full of people ! [how ] is she become as a widow ! she [that was ] great among the nations , Who had chief rule over many provinces and countries . [and ] princess among the provinces , [how ] is she become a slave ! * She weepeth bitterly in the (note :)So that she takes no rest .(:note ) night , and her tears [are ] on her cheeks : among all her Meaning the Egyptians and Assyrians who promised help . lovers she hath none to comfort [her ]: all her friends have dealt treacherously with her , they are become her enemies . * Judah is gone into captivity because (note :)For her cruelty toward the poor and oppression of servants , ( Jer_34:11 ).(:note ) of affliction , and because of great servitude : she dwelleth among the nations , she findeth no rest : all her persecutors overtook her in the midst of distress . * The ways of Zion do mourn , because none come (note :)As they used to come up with mirth and joy , ( Psa_42:4 ).(:note ) to the solemn feasts : all her gates are desolate : her priests sigh , her virgins are afflicted , and she [is ] in bitterness . * Her adversaries (note :)That is , have rule over her , ( Deu_28:41 ).(:note ) are the head , her enemies prosper ; for the LORD hath afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions : her children are gone into captivity before the enemy . * And from the daughter of Zion all her beauty hath departed : her princes are become (note :)As men pined away with sorrow and that have no courage .(:note ) like harts [that ] find no pasture , and they are gone without strength before the pursuer . * Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old , when her people (note :)In her misery she considered the great benefits and commodities that she had lost .(:note ) fell into the hand of the enemy , and none helped her : the adversaries saw her , [and ] mocked at her At her religion and serving of God , which was the greatest grief to the godly . sabbaths . * Ierusalem hath grieuously sinned , therefore shee is in derision : all that honoured her , despise her , because they haue seene her filthinesse : yea , she sigheth and turneth backeward . * * The adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things : for she hath seen [that ] the nations entered into her sanctuary , whom (note :)God forbids the Ammonites and Moabites to enter into the congregation of the Lord , and under them he comprehends all enemies , ( Deu_23:3 ).(:note ) thou didst command [that ] they should not enter into thy congregation . * All her people sigh and seeke their bread : they haue giuen their pleasant thinges for meate to refresh the soule : see , O Lorde , and consider : for I am become vile . * [Is it ] nothing to you , all ye that pass by ? behold , and see if there is any (note :)Thus Jerusalem laments moving others to pity her and to learn by her example .(:note ) sorrow like my sorrow , which hath fallen upon me , with which the LORD hath afflicted [me ] in the day of his fierce anger . * From above hath (note :)This declares that we should acknowledge God to be the author of all our afflictions to the intent that we might seek him for remedy .(:note ) he sent fire into my bones , and it prevaileth against them : he hath spread a net for my feet , he hath turned me back : he hath made me desolate [and ] faint all the day . * The (note :)My heavy sins are continually before his eyes as he that ties a thing to his hand for a reminder .(:note ) yoke of my transgressions is bound by his hand : they are knit together , [and ] come up upon my neck : he hath made my strength to fall , the Lord hath delivered me into [their ] hands , [from whom ] I am not able to rise . * The Lord hath trodden under foot all my mighty [men ] in the midst of me : he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men : the Lord hath trodden the virgin , the daughter of Judah , [as ] in a (note :)He has trodden them underfoot as they tread grapes in the winepress .(:note ) winepress . * For these things I weepe : mine eye , euen mine eye casteth out water , because the comforter that should refresh my soule , is farre from me : my children are desolate , because the enemie preuailed . * Zion spreadeth forth her hands , [and there is ] none to comfort her : the LORD hath commanded concerning Jacob , [that ] his adversaries [should be ] around him : Jerusalem is (note :)Who because of her pollution was separate from her husband , ( Lev_15:19 ) and was abhorred for the time .(:note ) as a menstruous woman among them . * The Lorde is righteous : for I haue rebelled against his commandement : heare , I pray you , all people , and behold my sorowe : my virgins and my yong men are gone into captiuitie . * I called for my lovers , [but ] they deceived me : my priests and my elders gave up the ghost in the city , while they (note :)That is , they died for hunger .(:note ) sought their food to relieve their souls . * Behold , O Lorde , howe I am troubled : my bowels swell : mine heart is turned within me , for I am ful of heauinesse : the sword spoyleth abroad , as death doeth at home . * They haue heard that I mourne , but there is none to comfort mee : all mine enemies haue heard of my trouble , and are glad , that thou hast done it : thou wilt bring the day , that thou hast pronounced , and they shalbe like vnto me . * * How hath the Lord (note :)That is , brought her from prosperity to adversity .(:note ) covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger , [and ] cast down from Has given her a most sore fall . heaven to the earth the beauty of Israel , and remembered not his Alluding to the temple , or to the ark of the covenant , which was called the footstool of the Lord , because they would not set their minds so low , but lift up their heart toward the heavens . footstool in the day of his anger ! * The Lord hath destroyed al the habitations of Iaakob , &amp ; not spared : he hath throwen downe in his wrath ye strong holds of the daughter of Iudah : he hath cast the downe to ye ground : he hath polluted the kingdome and the princes thereof . * He hath cut off in [his ] fierce anger all the (note :)Meaning the glory and strength , as in ( 1Sa_2:1 ).(:note ) horn of Israel : he hath drawn back his That is , his comfort which he was wont to send us , when our enemies oppressed us . right hand from before the enemy , and he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire , [which ] devoureth on every side . * He (note :)Showing that there is no remedy but destruction where God is the enemy .(:note ) hath bent his bow like an enemy : he stood with his right hand as an adversary , and slew all [that were ] pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion : he poured out his fury like fire . * The Lord was as an enemie : he hath deuoured Israel , and consumed all his palaces : hee hath destroyed his strong holdes , and hath increased in the daughter of Iudah lamentation and mourning . * For hee hath destroyed his Tabernacle , as a garden , hee hath destroyed his Congregation : the Lorde hath caused the feastes and Sabbathes to bee forgotten in Zion , and hath despised in the indignation of his wrath the King and the Priest . * The Lord hath cast off his altar , he hath abhorred his sanctuary , he hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces ; they have made a (note :)As the people were accustomed to praising God to the solemn feasts with a loud voice , so now the enemies blaspheme him with shouting and cry .(:note ) noise in the house of the LORD , as in the day of a solemn feast . * The LORD hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion : he hath stretched out a line , he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying : therefore he made the rampart (note :)This is a figurative speech as that was , when he said the ways lamented , ( Lam_1:4 ) meaning that this sorrow was so great that the insensible things had their part of it .(:note ) and the wall to lament ; they languished together . * Her gates are sunke to the grounde : he hath destroyed and broken her barres : her King and her princes are among the Gentiles : the Lawe is no more , neither can her Prophets receiue any vision from the Lord . * The Elders of the daughter of Zion sit vpon the grounde , and keepe silence : they haue cast vp dust vpon their heades : they haue girded them selues with sackecloth : the virgines of Ierusalem hang downe their heades to the ground . * Mine eyes doe saile with teares : my bowels swell : my liuer is powred vpon the earth , for the destructio of the daughter of my people , because the children and sucklings swoone in the streetes of the citie . * They haue sayd to their mothers , Where is bread and drinke ? when they swooned as the wounded in the streetes of the citie , and whe they gaue vp the ghost in their mothers bosome . * * Thy prophets have (note :)Because the false prophets called themselves seers , as the others were called , therefore he shows that they saw amiss because they did not reprove the people 's faults , but flattered them in their sins , which was the cause of their destruction .(:note ) seen vain and foolish things for thee : and they have not revealed thy iniquity , to turn away thy captivity ; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment . * All that passe by the way , clap their hands at thee : they hisse and wagge their head vpon the daughter Ierusalem , saying , Is this the citie that men call , The perfection of beautie , and the ioye of the whole earth ? * All thine enemies haue opened their mouth against thee : they hisse and gnashe the teeth , saying , Let vs deuoure it : certainely this is the day that we looked for : we haue founde and seene it . * The Lorde hath done that which he had purposed : he hath fulfilled his worde that he had determined of old time : he hath throwen downe , and not spared : hee hath caused thine enemie to reioyce ouer thee , and set vp the horne of thine aduersaries . * Their heart cryed vnto the Lord , O wall of the daughter Zion , let teares runne downe like a riuer , day and night : take thee no rest , neither let the apple of thine eye cease . * Arise , cry in the night : in the beginning of the watches powre out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord : lift vp thine handes towarde him for the life of thy yong children , that faint for hunger in the corners of all the streetes . * Beholde , O Lord , and consider to whome thou hast done thus : shall the women eate their fruite , and children of a spanne long ? shall the Priest and the Prophet be slaine in the Sanctuarie of the Lord ? * The yong and the olde lie on the ground in the streetes : my virgins and my yong men are fallen by the sworde : thou hast slaine them in the day of thy wrath : thou hast killed and not spared . * Thou hast called as in a solemne daye my terrours rounde about , so that in the day of the Lordes wrath none escaped nor remained : those that I haue nourished and brought vp , hath mine enemie consumed . * I [am ] the man [that ] hath seen (note :)The prophet complains of the punishments and afflictions that he endured by the false prophets and hypocrites when he declared the destruction of Jerusalem , as in ( Jer_20:1-2 ).(:note ) affliction by the rod of his wrath . * He hath ledde mee , and brought me into darkenes , but not to light . * Surely he is turned against me : he turneth his hand against me all the day . * My flesh and my skinne hath he caused to waxe olde , and he hath broken my bones . * He hath (note :)He speaks this as one that felt God 's heavy judgment , which he greatly feared , and therefore sets them out with this diversity of words .(:note ) built against me , and surrounded [me ] with gall and labour . * He hath set me in darke places , as they that be dead for euer . * He hath hedged about mee , that I cannot get out : he hath made my chaines heauy . * Also when I cry and shout , he shutteth out my (note :)This is a great temptation for the godly when they do not see the fruit of their prayers and causes them to think that they are not heard , which thing God uses so that they might pray more earnestly and often .(:note ) prayer . * He hath (note :)And keeps me in hold as a prisoner .(:note ) inclosed my ways with hewn stone , he hath made my paths crooked . * * He hath stopped my wayes , and pulled me in pieces : he hath made me desolate . * He hath bent his bow &amp ; made me a marke for the arrow . * Hee caused the arrowes of his quiuer to enter into my reines . * I was a derision to all my people , and their song all the day . * He hath filled me with bitterness , he hath made me drunk with (note :)With great anguish and sorrow he has made me lose my sense .(:note ) wormwood . * He hath also broken my teeth with stones , and hath couered me with ashes . * Thus my soule was farre off from peace : I forgate prosperitie , * And I said , My strength and my (note :)Thus with pain he was driven to and fro between hope and despair , as the godly often are , yet in the end the spirit gets the victory .(:note ) hope hath perished from the LORD : * Remembring mine affliction , &amp ; my mourning , the wormewood and the gall . * My soul hath [them ] still in remembrance , and is humbled (note :)He shows that God thus uses to exercise his , to the intent that by this they may know themselves , and feel his mercies .(:note ) in me . * I consider this in mine heart : therefore haue I hope . * [It is of ] the LORD 'S (note :)Considering the wickedness of man it is a marvel that any remains alive : but only that God for his own mercies sake and for his promise will ever have his Church remain , though they are never so few in number , ( Isa_1:9 ).(:note ) mercies that we are not consumed , because his compassions fail not . * [They are ] new (note :)We feel your benefits daily .(:note ) every morning : great [is ] thy faithfulness . * The LORD [is ] my (note :)The godly put their whole confidence in God , and therefore look for no other inheritance , as ( Psa_16:5 ).(:note ) portion , saith my soul ; therefore will I hope in him . * The Lord is good vnto them , that trust in him , and to the soule that seeketh him . * It is good both to trust , and to waite for the saluation of the Lord . * [It is ] good for a man that he should bear the yoke in his (note :)He shows that we can never begin too soon to be exercised under the cross , that when the afflictions grow greater , our patience also by experience may be stronger .(:note ) youth . * He sitteth alone (note :)He murmurs not against God , but is patient .(:note ) and keepeth silence , because he hath borne [it ] upon him . * He putteth his (note :)He humbles himself as they who fall down with their face to the ground , and so with patience waits for comfort .(:note ) mouth in the dust ; if there may be hope . * Hee giueth his cheeke to him that smiteth him : he is filled full with reproches . * For the Lord will not forsake for euer . * But though he sende affliction , yet will he haue compassion according to the multitude of his mercies . * For he doth not (note :)He takes no pleasure in it , but does it of necessity for our amendment , when he permits the wicked to oppress the poor .(:note ) afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men . * In stamping vnder his feete all the prisoners of the earth , * In ouerthrowing the right of a man before the face of the most high , * To subvert a man in his cause , the Lord (note :)He does not delight in it .(:note ) approveth not . * Who [is ] he [that ] saith , and it cometh to pass , [when ] the Lord (note :)He shows that nothing is done without God 's providence .(:note ) commandeth [it ] not ? * Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not (note :)That is , adversity and prosperity , ( Amo_3:6 ).(:note ) evil and good ? * Why doth a living (note :)When God afflicts him .(:note ) man complain , a man for the punishment of his sins ? * Let vs search and try our wayes , and turne againe to the Lord . * Let us lift up (note :)That is , both hearts and hands : for else to lift up the hands is but hypocrisy .(:note ) our heart with [our ] hands to God in the heavens . * We haue sinned , and haue rebelled , therefore thou hast not spared . * Thou hast couered vs with wrath , and persecuted vs : thou hast slaine and not spared . * Thou hast couered thy selfe with a cloude , that our prayer should not passe through . * Thou hast made vs as the ofscouring and refuse in the middes of the people . * All our enemies haue opened their mouth against vs . * Feare , and a snare is come vpon vs with desolation and destruction . * Mine eye casteth out riuers of water , for the destruction of the daughter of my people . * Mine eye droppeth without stay and ceaseth not , * Till the Lorde looke downe , and beholde from heauen . * My eye (note :)I am overcome with sore weeping for all my people .(:note ) affecteth my heart because of all the daughters of my city . * Mine enemies chased me sore like a birde , without cause . * They have cut off my life (note :)Read ( Jer_37:16 ) how he was in the miry dungeon .(:note ) in the dungeon , and cast a stone upon me . * Waters flowed ouer mine head , then thought I , I am destroyed . * I called vpon thy Name , O Lorde , out of the lowe dungeon . * Thou hast heard my voyce : stoppe not thine eare from my sigh and from my cry . * Thou drewest neere in the day that I called vpon thee : thou saydest , Feare not . * O Lord , thou hast pleaded the causes of my (note :)Meaning , the reason his life was in danger .(:note ) soul ; thou hast redeemed my life . * O Lorde , thou hast seene my wrong , iudge thou my cause . * Thou hast seene all their vengeance , and all their deuises against me . * Thou hast heard their reproch , O Lord , and all their imaginations against me : * The lippes also of those that rose against me , and their whispering against me continually . * Behold , their sitting downe and their rising vp , how I am their song . * Giue them a recompence , O Lord , according to the worke of their handes . * Giue them sorow of heart , euen thy curse to them . * Persecute with wrath &amp ; destroy them from vnder the heauen , O Lord . * How is the (note :)By the gold he means the princes , as by the stones he understands the priests .(:note ) gold become dim ! [how ] is the most fine gold changed ! the stones of the sanctuary are poured out at the head of every street . * The precious sons of Zion , comparable to fine gold , how are they esteemed as earthen (note :)Which are of small value and have no honour .(:note ) pitchers , the work of the hands of the potter ! * Even the sea monsters (note :)Though the dragons are cruel , yet they pity their young , and nourish them , which Jerusalem does not do .(:note ) draw out the breast , they nurse their young ones : the daughter of my people [is become ] cruel , like the The women forsake their children as the ostrich does her eggs , ( Job_39:17 ). ostriches in the wilderness . * The tongue of the sucking childe cleaueth to the roofe of his mouth for thirst : the yong children aske bread , but no man breaketh it vnto them . * They that did feede delicately , perish in the streetes : they that were brought vp in skarlet , embrace the dongue . * For the iniquitie of the daughter of my people is become greater then the sinne of Sodom , that was destroyed as in a moment , &amp ; none pitched campes against her . * Her Nazarites were purer then the snowe , &amp ; whiter then ye milke : they were more ruddie in bodie , then the redde precious stones ; they were like polished saphir . * Their (note :)They who were before most in God 's favour are now in greatest abomination to him .(:note ) visage is blacker than a coal ; they are not known in the streets : their skin cleaveth to their bones ; it is withered , it is become like a stick . * [They that are ] slain with the sword are better than [they that are ] slain with hunger : for these pine away , stricken through for [lack of ] the (note :)For lack of food they pine away and consume .(:note ) fruits of the field . * The hands of the pitifull women haue sodden their owne children , which were their meate in the destruction of the daughter of my people . * The Lord hath accomplished his indignation : he hath powred out his fierce wrath , he hath kindled a fire in Zion , which hath deuoured the foundations thereof . * The Kings of the earth , and all the inhabitants of the world would not haue beleeued that the aduersarie and the enemie should haue entred into the gates of Ierusalem : * For the sins of her prophets , [and ] the iniquities of her priests , that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of (note :)He means that these things are come to pass therefore , contrary to all men 's expectations .(:note ) her , * They have wandered [as ] blind [men ] (note :)Some refer this to the blind men who as they went , stumbled on the blood , of which the city was full .(:note ) in the streets , they have polluted themselves with blood , so that Meaning the heathen who came to destroy them could not abide them . men could not touch their garments . * But they cried vnto them , Depart , ye polluted , depart , depart , touch not : therefore they fled away , and wandered : they haue sayd among the heathen , They shal no more dwell there . * The anger of the LORD hath divided them ; he will no longer regard them : (note :)That is , the enemies .(:note ) they respected not the persons of the priests , they favoured not the elders . * As for us , our eyes as yet failed for our vain help : in our watching we have watched for (note :)He shows two principal causes for their destruction : their cruelty and their vain confidence in man : for they trusted in the help of the Egyptians .(:note ) a nation [that ] could not save [us ]. * They hunt our steppes that we cannot goe in our streetes : our ende is neere , our dayes are fulfilled , for our ende is come . * Our persecuters are swifter then the egles of the heauen : they pursued vs vpon the mountaines , and layed waite for vs in the wildernes . * The (note :)Our king Josiah , in whom stood our hope of God 's favour and on whom depended our state and life was slain , whom he calls anointed , because he was a figure of Christ .(:note ) breath of our nostrils , the anointed of the LORD , was taken in their pits , of whom we said , Under his shadow we shall live among the nations . * Rejoice and be glad , (note :)This is spoken by derision .(:note ) O daughter of Edom , that dwellest in the land of Uz ; the cup also shall pass through to thee : thou shalt be drunk , and shalt make thyself naked . * The punishment of thy iniquity is accomplished , O daughter of Zion ; he (note :)He comforts the Church because after seventy years their sorrows will have an end while the wicked would be tormented for ever .(:note ) will no more carry thee away into captivity : he will visit thy iniquity , O daughter of Edom ; he will disclose thy sins . * Remember , O LORD , what is come upon us : (note :)This prayer as is thought , was made when some of the people were carried away captive , others such as the poorest remained , and some went into Egypt and other places for comfort , though it seems that the prophet foreseeing their miseries to come , thus prayed .(:note ) consider , and behold our reproach . * Our inheritance is turned to the strangers , our houses to the aliants . * We are fatherles , euen without father , and our mothers are as widowes . * We have drank our (note :)Meaning their extreme servitude and bondage .(:note ) water for money ; our wood is sold to us . * Our neckes are vnder persecution : we are wearie , and haue no rest . * We have given the (note :)We are joined in league and amity with them , or have submitted ourselves to them .(:note ) hand [to ] the Egyptians , [and to ] the Assyrians , to be satisfied with bread . * Our fathers have sinned , [and are ] not ; and we have borne (note :)As our fathers have been punished for their sins : so we that are guilty of the same sins are punished .(:note ) their iniquities . * Seruants haue ruled ouer vs , none would deliuer vs out of their hands . * We procured our bread with [the peril of ] our lives because of the sword (note :)Because of the enemy that came from the wilderness and would not suffer us to go and seek our necessary food .(:note ) of the wilderness . * Our skinne was blacke like as an ouen because of the terrible famine . * They defiled the women in Zion , and the maydes in the cities of Iudah . * Princes were hung up by (note :)That is , by the enemies hand .(:note ) their hand : the faces of elders were not honoured . * They took the young men to grind , and the children fell under (note :)Their slavery was so great , that they were not able to abide it .(:note ) the wood . * The elders have ceased from the (note :)There were no more laws nor form of commonwealth .(:note ) gate , the young men from their music . * The ioy of our heart is gone , our daunce is turned into mourning . * The crowne of our head is fallen : wo nowe vnto vs , that we haue sinned . * For this our heart is faint ; for these [things ] our (note :)With weeping .(:note ) eyes are dim . * Because of the mountaine of Zion which is desolate : the foxes runne vpon it . * Thou , O LORD , remainest for (note :)And therefore your covenant and mercies can never fail .(:note ) ever ; thy throne from generation to generation . * Wherefore doest thou forget vs for euer , and forsake vs so long time ? * * But thou hast vtterly reiected vs : thou art exceedingly angry against vs . * Tell ye the (note :)The city of Sion . This is a Hebrew idiom , common in the Lamentations of Jeremiah .(:note ) daughter of Sion , Behold , thy King cometh unto thee , meek , and sitting upon an ass , and a colt the foal of an ass .

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