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* Woe unto you , Pharisees ! for ye love (5719 ) the uppermost seats in the synagogues , and greetings in the markets . * Woe unto you , scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites ! for ye are (5748 ) as graves which appear not , and the men that walk (5723 ) over them are not aware (5758 ) of them . * Then answered (5679 ) one of the lawyers , and said (5719 ) unto him , Master , thus saying (5723 ) thou reproachest (5719 ) us also . * And he said (5627 ), Woe unto you also , ye lawyers ! for ye lade (5719 ) men with burdens grievous to be borne , and ye yourselves touch (5719 ) not the burdens with one of your fingers . * Woe unto you ! for ye build (5719 ) the sepulchres of the prophets , and your fathers killed (5656 ) them . * Truly ye bear witness (5719 ) that ye allow (5719 ) the deeds of your fathers : for they indeed killed (5656 ) them , and ye build (5719 ) their sepulchres . * Therefore also said (5627 ) the wisdom of God , I will send (5692 ) them prophets and apostles , and some of them they shall slay (5692 ) and persecute (5692 ): * That the blood of all the prophets , which was shed (5746 ) from the foundation of the world , may be required (5686 ) of this generation ; * From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias , which perished (5642 ) between the altar and the temple : verily I say (5719 ) unto you , It shall be required (5701 ) of this generation . * Woe unto you , lawyers ! for ye have taken away (5656 ) the key of knowledge : ye entered not in (5627 ) yourselves , and them that were entering in (5740 ) ye hindered (5656 ). * And as he said (5723 ) these things unto them , the scribes and the Pharisees began (5662 ) to urge (5721 ) him vehemently , and to provoke him to speak (5721 ) of many things : * Laying wait for (5723 ) him , and seeking (5723 ) to catch (5658 ) something out of his mouth , that they might accuse (5661 ) him .

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