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* And one from the crowd said to Him , Teacher , tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me . * But He said to him , Man , who appointed Me a judge or a divider over you ? * And He said to them , Beware , and keep back from covetousness ; for one 's life is not in the abundance of the things which are his . * And He spoke a parable to them , saying , A certain rich man produced well from the land . * And he reasoned within himself , saying , What may I do , for I have nowhere I may gather my fruits ? * And he said , I will do this ; I will tear down my barns and I will build larger ; and I will gather there all my produce and my goods . * And I will say to my soul , Soul , you have many goods laid up for many years ; take rest , eat , drink , and be glad . * But God said to him , Fool ! This night they demand your soul from you ; and that which you prepared , to whom will it be ? * So is he treasuring up for himself , and not being rich toward God .

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