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asv @Luke:16:1 @And he said also unto the disciples , There was a certain rich man , who had a steward ; and the same was accused unto him that he was wasting his goods . asv @Luke:16:2 @And he called him , and said unto him , What is this that I hear of thee ? render the account of thy stewardship ; for thou canst be no longer steward . asv @Luke:16:3 @And the steward said within himself , What shall I do , seeing that my lord taketh away the stewardship from me ? I have not strength to dig ; to beg I am ashamed . asv @Luke:16:4 @I am resolved what to do , that , when I am put out of the stewardship , they may receive me into their houses . asv @Luke:16:5 @And calling to him each one of his lord 's debtors , he said to the first , How much owest thou unto my lord ? asv @Luke:16:6 @And he said , A hundred measures of oil . And he said unto him , Take thy bond , and sit down quickly and write fifty . asv @Luke:16:7 @Then said he to another , And how much owest thou ? And he said , A hundred measures of wheat . He saith unto him , Take thy bond , and write fourscore . asv @Luke:16:8 @And his lord commended the unrighteous steward because he had done wisely : for the sons of this world are for their own generation wiser than the sons of the light . asv @Luke:16:9 @And I say unto you , Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness ; that , when it shall fail , they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles . asv @Luke:16:10 @He that is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much : and he that is unrighteous in a very little is unrighteous also in much . asv @Luke:16:11 @If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon , who will commit to your trust the true [riches ]? asv @Luke:16:12 @And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another 's , who will give you that which is your own ? asv @Luke:16:13 @No servant can serve two masters : for either he will hate the one , and love the other ; or else he will hold to one , and despise the other . Ye cannot serve God and mammon . asv @Luke:16:14 @And the Pharisees , who were lovers of money , heard all these things ; and they scoffed at him . asv @Luke:16:15 @And he said unto them , Ye are they that justify yourselves in the sight of men ; but God knoweth your hearts : for that which is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God .

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