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updv@Luke:16:19 @ Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, faring sumptuously every day:

updv@Luke:16:20 @ and a certain beggar named Lazarus was laid at his gate, full of sores,

updv@Luke:16:21 @ and desiring to be fed with the [crumbs] that fell from the rich man's table; yes, even the dogs came and licked his sores.

updv@Luke:16:22 @ And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and that he was carried away by the angels into Abraham's bosom: and the rich man also died, and was buried.

updv@Luke:16:23 @ And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and sees Abraham far off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

updv@Luke:16:24 @ And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame.

updv@Luke:16:25 @ But Abraham said, Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things: but now here he is comforted and you are in anguish.

updv@Luke:16:26 @ And besides all this, between us and you(note:){+}(:note) there is a great gulf fixed, that those who would pass from here to you{+} may not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.

updv@Luke:16:27 @ And he said, I pray you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house;

updv@Luke:16:28 @ for I have five brothers; that he may testify to them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

updv@Luke:16:29 @ But Abraham says, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

updv@Luke:16:30 @ And he said, No, father Abraham: but if one go to them from the dead, they will repent.

updv@Luke:16:31 @ And he said to him, If they don't hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, if one would rise from the dead.

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