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* And he came out (5631 ), and went (5675 ), as he was wont , to the mount of Olives ; and his disciples also followed (5656 ) him . * And when he was (5637 ) at the place , he said (5627 ) unto them , Pray (5737 ) that ye enter (5629 ) not into temptation . * And he was withdrawn (5681 ) from them about a stones cast , and kneeled down (5631 ), and prayed (5711 ), * Saying (5723 ), Father , if thou be willing (5736 ), remove (5629 ) (5625 ) (5628 ) this cup from me : nevertheless not my will , but thine , be done (5634 ). * And there appeared (5681 ) an angel unto him from heaven , strengthening (5723 ) him . * And being (5637 ) in an agony he prayed (5711 ) more earnestly : and his sweat was (5633 ) as it were great drops of blood falling down (5723 ) to the ground . * And when he rose up (5631 ) from prayer , and was come (5631 ) to his disciples , he found (5627 ) them sleeping (5746 ) for sorrow , * And said (5627 ) unto them , Why sleep ye (5719 )? rise (5631 ) and pray (5737 ), lest ye enter (5632 ) into temptation .

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