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* And he came out , and went , as he was wont , to the mount of Olives ; and his disciples also followed him . * And when he was at the place , he said unto them , Pray that ye enter not into temptation . * And he was withdrawn from them about a stone 's cast , and kneeled down , and prayed , * Saying , Father , if thou be willing , remove this cup from me : nevertheless not my will , but thine , be done . * And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven , strengthening him . * And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly : and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground . * And when he rose up from prayer , and was come to his disciples , he found them sleeping for sorrow , * And said unto them , Why sleep ye ? rise and pray , lest ye enter into temptation . * And while he yet spake , behold a multitude , and he that was called Judas , one of the twelve , went before them , and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him . * But Jesus said unto him , Judas , betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss ? * When they which were about him saw what would follow , they said unto him , Lord , shall we smite with the sword ?

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