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* Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar , Pontius Pilate being governor (5723 ) of Judaea , and Herod being tetrarch (5723 ) of Galilee , and his brother Philip tetrarch (5723 ) of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis , and Lysanias the tetrarch (5723 ) of Abilene , * Annas and Caiaphas being the high priests , the word of God came (5633 ) unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness . * And he came (5627 ) into all the country about Jordan , preaching (5723 ) the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins ; * As it is written (5769 ) in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet , saying (5723 ), The voice of one crying (5723 ) in the wilderness , Prepare ye (5657 ) the way of the Lord , make (5720 ) his paths straight . * Every valley shall be (5704 ) filled (5701 ), and every mountain and hill shall be brought low (5701 ); and the crooked shall be made straight , and the rough ways shall be made smooth ; * And all flesh shall see (5695 ) the salvation of God . * Then said (5707 ) he to the multitude that came forth (5740 ) to be baptized (5683 ) of him , O generation of vipers , who hath warned (5656 ) you to flee (5629 ) from the wrath to come (5723 )? * Bring forth (5657 ) therefore fruits worthy of repentance , and begin (5672 ) not to say (5721 ) within yourselves , We have (5719 ) Abraham to our father : for I say (5719 ) unto you , That God is able (5736 ) of these stones to raise up (5658 ) children unto Abraham . * And now also the axe is laid (5736 ) unto the root of the trees : every tree therefore which bringeth not forth (5723 ) good fruit is hewn down (5743 ), and cast (5743 ) into the fire . * And the people asked (5707 ) him , saying (5723 ), What shall we do (5692 ) then ? * He answereth (5679 ) and saith (5719 ) unto them , He that hath (5723 ) two coats , let him impart (5628 ) to him that hath (5723 ) none ; and he that hath (5723 ) meat , let him do (5720 ) likewise . * Then came (5627 ) also publicans to be baptized (5683 ), and said (5627 ) unto him , Master , what shall we do (5692 )? * And he said (5627 ) unto them , Exact (5719 ) no more than that which is appointed (5772 ) you . * And the soldiers (5734 ) likewise demanded (5707 ) of him , saying (5723 ), And what shall we do (5692 )? And he said (5627 ) unto them , Do violence (5661 ) to no man , neither accuse any falsely (5661 ); and be content (5744 ) with your wages . * And as the people were in expectation (5723 ), and all men mused (5740 ) in their hearts of John , whether he were (5751 ) the Christ , or not ; * John answered (5662 ), saying (5723 ) unto them all , I indeed baptize (5719 ) you with water ; but one mightier than I cometh (5736 ), the latchet of whose shoes I am (5748 ) not worthy to unloose (5658 ): he shall baptize (5692 ) you with the Holy Ghost and with fire : * Whose fan is in his hand , and he will throughly purge (5692 ) his floor , and will gather (5692 ) the wheat into his garner ; but the chaff he will burn (5692 ) with fire unquenchable . * And many other things in his exhortation (5723 ) preached (5710 ) he unto the people . * But Herod the tetrarch , being reproved (5746 ) by him for Herodias his brother Philips wife , and for all the evils which Herod had done (5656 ), * Added (5656 ) yet this above all , that he shut up (5656 ) John in prison .

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