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* And the people asked (5707 ) him , saying (5723 ), What shall we do (5692 ) then ? * He answereth (5679 ) and saith (5719 ) unto them , He that hath (5723 ) two coats , let him impart (5628 ) to him that hath (5723 ) none ; and he that hath (5723 ) meat , let him do (5720 ) likewise . * Then came (5627 ) also publicans to be baptized (5683 ), and said (5627 ) unto him , Master , what shall we do (5692 )? * And he said (5627 ) unto them , Exact (5719 ) no more than that which is appointed (5772 ) you . * And the soldiers (5734 ) likewise demanded (5707 ) of him , saying (5723 ), And what shall we do (5692 )? And he said (5627 ) unto them , Do violence (5661 ) to no man , neither accuse any falsely (5661 ); and be content (5744 ) with your wages .

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