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* And returning , the apostles told Him what things they did . And taking them He went out privately to a deserted place of a city called Bethsaida . * But knowing this , the crowds followed Him . And having received them , He spoke to them about the kingdom of God . And He cured those having need of healing . * But the day began to wane . And coming up the Twelve said to Him , Let the crowd go that going to the surrounding villages and farms they may lodge and find food supplies , because here we are in a deserted place . * But He said to them , You give them to eat . But they said , There are not to us more than five loaves and two fish , unless going we buy foods for all this people . * For they were about five thousand men . But He said to His disciples , Make them recline in groups , by fifties . * And they did so , and made all recline . * And taking the five loaves and the two fish , looking up to Heaven , He blessed them , and broke , and gave to the disciples to set before the crowd . * And they ate and were all satisfied . And twelve hand baskets of fragments of that left over to them were taken up .

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