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asv @Mark:10:17 @And as he was going forth into the way , there ran one to him , and kneeled to him , and asked him , Good Teacher , what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life ? asv @Mark:10:18 @And Jesus said unto him , Why callest thou me good ? none is good save one , [even ] God . asv @Mark:10:19 @Thou knowest the commandments , Do not kill , Do not commit adultery , Do not steal , Do not bear false witness , Do not defraud , Honor thy father and mother . asv @Mark:10:20 @And he said unto him , Teacher , all these things have I observed from my youth . asv @Mark:10:21 @And Jesus looking upon him loved him , and said unto him , One thing thou lackest : go , sell whatsoever thou hast , and give to the poor , and thou shalt have treasure in heaven : and come , follow me . asv @Mark:10:22 @But his countenance fell at the saying , and he went away sorrowful : for he was one that had great possessions . asv @Mark:10:23 @And Jesus looked round about , and saith unto his disciples , How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God ! asv @Mark:10:24 @And the disciples were amazed at his words . But Jesus answereth again , and saith unto them , Children , how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God ! asv @Mark:10:25 @It is easier for a camel to go through a needle 's eye , than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God . asv @Mark:10:26 @And they were astonished exceedingly , saying unto him , Then who can be saved ? asv @Mark:10:27 @Jesus looking upon them saith , With men it is impossible , but not with God : for all things are possible with God . asv @Mark:10:28 @Peter began to say unto him , Lo , we have left all , and have followed thee . asv @Mark:10:29 @Jesus said , Verily I say unto you , There is no man that hath left house , or brethren , or sisters , or mother , or father , or children , or lands , for my sake , and for the gospel 's sake , asv @Mark:10:30 @but he shall receive a hundredfold now in this time , houses , and brethren , and sisters , and mothers , and children , and lands , with persecutions ; and in the world to come eternal life . asv @Mark:10:31 @But many [that are ] first shall be last ; and the last first .

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