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* But take heed (5720 ) to yourselves : for they shall deliver you up (5692 ) to councils ; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten (5691 ): and ye shall be brought (5701 ) (5625 ) (5701 ) before rulers and kings for my sake , for a testimony against them . * And the gospel must (5748 ) first be published (5683 ) among all nations . * But when they shall lead (5632 ) you , and deliver you up (5723 ), take no thought beforehand (5720 ) what ye shall speak (5661 ), neither do ye premeditate (5720 ): but whatsoever shall be given (5686 ) you in that hour , that speak (5720 ) ye : for it is (5748 ) not ye that speak (5723 ), but the Holy Ghost .

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