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ylt @Mark:14:12 @And the first day of the unleavened food , when they were killing the passover , his disciples say to him , 'Where wilt thou , [that ,] having gone , we may prepare , that thou mayest eat the passover ?' ylt @Mark:14:13 @And he sendeth forth two of his disciples , and saith to them , 'Go ye away to the city , and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water , follow him ; ylt @Mark:14:14 @and wherever he may go in , say ye to the master of the house -- The Teacher saith , Where is the guest-chamber , where the passover , with my disciples , I may eat ? ylt @Mark:14:15 @and he will shew you a large upper room , furnished , prepared -- there make ready for us .' ylt @Mark:14:16 @And his disciples went forth , and came to the city , and found as he said to them , and they made ready the passover . ylt @Mark:14:17 @And evening having come , he cometh with the twelve , ylt @Mark:14:18 @and as they are reclining , and eating , Jesus said , 'Verily I say to you -- one of you , who is eating with me -- shall deliver me up .' ylt @Mark:14:19 @And they began to be sorrowful , and to say to him , one by one , 'Is it I ?' and another , 'Is it I ?' ylt @Mark:14:20 @And he answering said to them , 'One of the twelve who is dipping with me in the dish ; ylt @Mark:14:21 @the Son of Man doth indeed go , as it hath been written concerning him , but wo to that man through whom the Son of Man is delivered up ; good were it to him if that man had not been born .' ylt @Mark:14:22 @And as they are eating , Jesus having taken bread , having blessed , brake , and gave to them , and said , 'Take , eat ; this is my body .' ylt @Mark:14:23 @And having taken the cup , having given thanks , he gave to them , and they drank of it -- all ; ylt @Mark:14:24 @and he said to them , 'This is my blood of the new covenant , which for many is being poured out ; ylt @Mark:14:25 @verily I say to you , that no more may I drink of the produce of the vine till that day when I may drink it new in the reign of God .' ylt @Mark:14:26 @And having sung an hymn , they went forth to the mount of the Olives , ylt @Mark:14:27 @and Jesus saith to them -- 'All ye shall be stumbled at me this night , because it hath been written , I will smite the shepherd , and the sheep shall be scattered abroad , ylt @Mark:14:28 @but after my having risen I will go before you to Galilee .' ylt @Mark:14:29 @And Peter said to him , 'And if all shall be stumbled , yet not I ;' ylt @Mark:14:30 @And Jesus said to him , 'Verily I say to thee , that to-day , this night , before a cock shall crow twice , thrice thou shalt deny me .' ylt @Mark:14:31 @And he spake the more vehemently , 'If it may be necessary for me to die with thee -- I will in nowise deny thee ;' and in like manner also said they all .

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