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* And on the first day of the Unleavened Bread , when they killed the passover , His disciples said to Him , Where do You desire that going we may prepare that You may eat the passover ? * And He sent two of His disciples , and said to them , Go into the city . And you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water . Follow him . * And wherever he goes in , say to the housemaster , The Teacher says , Where is the guest room where I may eat the passover with My disciples ? * And he will show you a large upper room , having been spread and made ready . Prepare for us there . * And His disciples went out and came into the city and found it as He told them . And they prepared the Passover . * And evening having come , He came with the Twelve . * And as they were reclining and eating , Jesus said , Truly I say to you , One of you will betray Me , the one eating with Me . * And they began to be grieved , and to say to Him one by one , Not at all I , is it ? And another , Not at all I , is it ? * But answering , He said to them , It is one from the Twelve , the one dipping in the dish with Me . * Truly the Son of man goes as it has been written concerning Him , but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed ! It were good for him if that man had never been born . * And as they were eating , Jesus taking a loaf , blessing , He broke and gave to them . And He said , Take , eat , this is My body . * And taking the cup , giving thanks , He gave to them . And they all drank out of it . * And He said to them , This is My blood , that of the New Covenant , which is poured out concerning many . * Truly I say to you , I will not at all drink of the fruit of the vine any more until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God . * And singing a hymn , they went to the Mount of Olives . * And Jesus said to them , All of you will be offended in Me in this night , because it has been written : "I will strike the Shepherd , and the sheep will be scattered ." Zechariah . strkjv @13:7 * But after My resurrection , I will go before you into Galilee . * But Peter said to Him , Even if all shall be offended , yet not I . * And Jesus said to him , Truly I say to you that today , in this night , before a cock crows twice , you will deny Me three times . * But he said more fervently , If it were needful for me to die with You , in no way will I deny You . And also all said the same .

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