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* And they come (5736 ) unto him , bringing (5723 ) one sick of the palsy , which was borne (5746 ) of four . * And when they could (5740 ) not come nigh (5658 ) unto him for the press , they uncovered (5656 ) the roof where he was (5713 ): and when they had broken it up (5660 ), they let down (5719 ) the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay (5711 ). * When Jesus saw (5631 ) their faith , he said (5719 ) unto the sick of the palsy , Son , thy sins be forgiven (5769 ) thee . * But there were (5713 ) certain of the scribes sitting (5740 ) there , and reasoning (5740 ) in their hearts , * Why doth this man thus speak (5719 ) blasphemies ? who can (5736 ) forgive (5721 ) sins but God only ? * And immediately when Jesus perceived (5631 ) in his spirit that they so reasoned (5736 ) within themselves , he said (5627 ) unto them , Why reason ye (5736 ) these things in your hearts ? * Whether is it (5748 ) easier to say (5629 ) to the sick of the palsy , Thy sins be forgiven (5769 ) thee ; or to say (5629 ), Arise (5669 ), and take up (5657 ) thy bed , and walk (5720 )? * But that ye may know (5762 ) that the Son of man hath (5719 ) power on earth to forgive (5721 ) sins , (he saith (5719 ) to the sick of the palsy ,) * I say (5719 ) unto thee , Arise (5669 ), and take up (5657 ) thy bed , and go thy way (5720 ) into thine house . * And immediately he arose (5681 ), took up (5660 ) the bed , and went forth (5627 ) before them all ; insomuch that they were all amazed (5733 ), and glorified (5721 ) God , saying (5723 ), We never saw (5627 ) it on this fashion .

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