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* Then came together (5743 ) unto him the Pharisees , and certain of the scribes , which came (5631 ) from Jerusalem . * And when they saw (5631 ) some of his disciples eat (5723 ) bread with defiled , that is to say (5748 ), with unwashen , hands , they found fault (5662 ). * For the Pharisees , and all the Jews , except they wash (5672 ) their hands oft , eat (5719 ) not , holding (5723 ) the tradition of the elders . * And when they come from the market , except they wash (5672 ), they eat (5719 ) not . And many other things there be (5748 ), which they have received (5627 ) to hold (5721 ), as the washing of cups , and pots , brasen vessels , and of tables . * Then the Pharisees and scribes asked (5719 ) him , Why walk (5719 ) not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders , but eat (5719 ) bread with unwashen hands ? * He answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ) unto them , Well hath Esaias prophesied (5656 ) of you hypocrites , as it is written (5769 ), This people honoureth (5719 ) me with their lips , but their heart is (5719 ) far from me . * Howbeit in vain do they worship (5736 ) me , teaching (5723 ) for doctrines the commandments of men . * For laying aside (5631 ) the commandment of God , ye hold (5719 ) the tradition of men , as the washing of pots and cups : and many other such like things ye do (5719 ). * And he said (5707 ) unto them , Full well ye reject (5719 ) the commandment of God , that ye may keep (5661 ) your own tradition . * For Moses said (5627 ), Honour (5720 ) thy father and thy mother ; and , Whoso curseth (5723 ) father or mother , let him die (5720 ) the death : * But ye say (5719 ), If a man shall say (5632 ) to his father or mother , It is Corban , that is to say , a gift , by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by (5686 ) me ; he shall be free . * And ye suffer (5719 ) him no more to do (5658 ) ought for his father or his mother ; * Making the word of God of none effect (5723 ) through your tradition , which ye have delivered (5656 ): and many such like things do ye (5719 ). * And when he had called (5666 ) all the people unto him , he said (5707 ) unto them , Hearken (5720 ) unto me every one of you , and understand (5720 ): * There is (5748 ) nothing from without a man , that entering (5740 ) into him can (5736 ) defile (5658 ) him : but the things which come (5740 ) out of him , those are they (5748 ) that defile (5723 ) the man . * If any man have (5719 ) ears to hear (5721 ), let him hear (5720 ). * And when he was entered (5627 ) into the house from the people , his disciples asked (5707 ) him concerning the parable . * And he saith (5719 ) unto them , Are (5748 ) ye so without understanding also ? Do ye not perceive (5719 ), that whatsoever thing from without entereth (5740 ) into the man , it cannot (5736 ) defile (5658 ) him ; * Because it entereth (5736 ) not into his heart , but into the belly , and goeth out (5736 ) into the draught , purging (5723 ) all meats ? * And he said (5707 ), That which cometh (5740 ) out of the man , that defileth (5719 ) the man . * For from within , out of the heart of men , proceed (5736 ) evil thoughts , adulteries , fornications , murders , * Thefts , covetousness , wickedness , deceit , lasciviousness , an evil eye , blasphemy , pride , foolishness : * All these evil things come (5736 ) from within , and defile (5719 ) the man .

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