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rwp@Mark:7:21 @{Evil thoughts} (\hoi dialogismoi hoi kakoi\). These come out of the heart (\ek tˆs kardias\), the inner man, and lead to the dreadful list here given like the crimes of a modern police court: {fornications} (\porneiai\, usually of the unmarried), {adulteries} (\moichaiai\, of the married), {thefts} (\klopai\, stealings), {covetings} (\pleonexiai\, craze for more and more), {murders} (\phonoi\, growing out of the others often), {wickednesses} (\ponˆriai\, from \ponos\, toil, then drudge, bad like our _knave_, serving boy like German _Knabe_, and then criminal), {deceit} (\dolos\, lure or snare with bait), {lasciviousness} (\aselgeia\, unrestrained sex instinct), {evil eye} (\ophthalmos ponˆros\) or eye that works evil and that haunts one with its gloating stare, {railing} (\blasphˆmia\, blasphemy, hurtful speech), {pride} (\huperˆphania\, holding oneself above others, stuck up), {foolishness} (\aphrosunˆ\, lack of sense), a fitting close to it all.

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