
Seeker Overlay ON

* And again , departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon , He came to the Sea of Galilee , in the midst of the borders of the Decapolis . * And they brought a deaf one to Him , hardly speaking . And they begged Him to put [His ] hand on him . * And He took him aside from the crowd and put His fingers into his ears . And He spat and touched his tongue . * And looking up to Heaven , He sighed and said to him , Ephphatha ! (that is , Be opened !) * And instantly his ears were opened and the bond of his tongue was loosened , and he spoke plainly . * And He commanded them , that they should tell no one . But the more He commanded them , so much the more they proclaimed [it ]. * And they were astonished beyond measure , saying , He has done all things well . He makes both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak .

Seeker Overlay: Off On