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* Again at that time many , many people came together . They had nothing to eat . Jesus called his disciples . He said , * I share the suffering of the people . They have been with me for three days and they have nothing to eat . * If I send them home hungry , they will get weak and fall on the way . Some of them have come a long way . * His disciples answered , Where can anyone get enough food in this lonely place to feed so many people ? * Jesus asked them , How many loaves of bread have you ? They said , Seven . * He told the people to sit down on the ground . Then he took the seven loaves of bread and thanked God for them . Then he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples . They gave it to the people . * They had a few small fish . Jesus told the disciples to divide the fish among the people also . * The people ate and had enough . They gathered seven baskets full of pieces that were left . * The number of men who ate was about four thousand . * Jesus sent them away . Then right away he got in the boat with his disciples and went to the country around Dalmanutha . * The Pharisees came and began to argue with Jesus . They wanted to test him . So they asked him to show them a sign from the sky . * He sighed deeply in his spirit and said , Why do people today want a sign ? I tell you the truth . No sign will be given to them . * He left them and went to the other side in a boat . * The disciples forgot to take food . They had only one loaf of bread with them in the boat . * Jesus said , Watch ! Take care . Do not let the bread yeast of the Pharisees and Herod spoil you . * The disciples talked to one another about the matter . They said , He says that because we have no bread . * Jesus knew what they were saying . He asked , Why are you saying , "We have no bread "? Do you not yet understand ? Are your minds so slow ? * Can you not see with your eyes or hear with your ears ? Do you not remember ? * When I broke five loaves for five thousand people , how many baskets full of broken pieces did you gather ? They said , Twelve . * He said , When I broke seven loaves for four thousand people , how many baskets full of broken pieces did you gather ? They said , Seven . * He said to them , How is it that you do not yet understand ?

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