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* In those days the multitude being (5752 ) very great , and having (5723 ) nothing to eat (5632 ), Jesus called (5666 ) his disciples unto him , and saith (5719 ) unto them , * I have compassion (5736 ) on the multitude , because they have now been (5719 ) with me three days , and have (5719 ) nothing to eat (5632 ): * And if I send them away (5661 ) fasting to their own houses , they will faint (5701 ) by the way : for divers of them came (5758 ) from far . * And his disciples answered (5662 ) him , From whence can (5695 ) a man satisfy (5658 ) these men with bread here in the wilderness ? * And he asked (5707 ) them , How many loaves have ye (5719 )? And they said (5627 ), Seven . * And he commanded (5656 ) the people to sit down (5629 ) on the ground : and he took (5631 ) the seven loaves , and gave thanks (5660 ), and brake (5656 ), and gave (5707 ) to his disciples to set before (5632 ) them ; and they did set them before (5656 ) the people . * And they had (5707 ) a few small fishes : and he blessed (5660 ), and commanded (5627 ) to set them also before (5629 ) them . * So they did eat (5627 ), and were filled (5681 ): and they took up (5656 ) of the broken meat that was left seven baskets . * And they that had eaten (5631 ) were (5713 ) about four thousand : and he sent them away (5656 ). * And straightway he entered (5631 ) into a ship with his disciples , and came (5627 ) into the parts of Dalmanutha . * And the Pharisees came forth (5627 ), and began (5662 ) to question (5721 ) with him , seeking (5723 ) of him a sign from heaven , tempting (5723 ) him . * And he sighed deeply (5660 ) in his spirit , and saith (5719 ), Why doth this generation seek after (5719 ) a sign ? verily I say (5719 ) unto you , There shall no sign be given (5701 ) unto this generation . * And he left (5631 ) them , and entering (5631 ) into the ship again departed (5627 ) to the other side . * Now the disciples had forgotten (5633 ) to take (5629 ) bread , neither had (5707 ) they in the ship with them more than one loaf . * And he charged (5710 ) them , saying (5723 ), Take heed (5720 ), beware (5720 ) of the leaven of the Pharisees , and of the leaven of Herod . * And they reasoned (5711 ) among themselves , saying (5723 ), It is because we have (5719 ) no bread . * And when Jesus knew (5631 ) it , he saith (5719 ) unto them , Why reason ye (5736 ), because ye have (5719 ) no bread ? perceive ye (5719 ) not yet , neither understand (5719 )? have ye (5719 ) your heart yet hadened (5772 )? * Having (5723 ) eyes , see ye (5719 ) not ? and having (5723 ) ears , hear ye (5719 ) not ? and do ye not remember (5719 )? * When I brake (5656 ) the five loaves among five thousand , how many baskets full of fragments took ye up (5656 )? They say (5719 ) unto him , Twelve . * And when the seven among four thousand , how many baskets full of fragments took ye up (5656 )? And they said (5627 ), Seven . * And he said (5707 ) unto them , How is it that ye do not understand (5719 )? * And he cometh (5736 ) to Bethsaida ; and they bring (5719 ) a blind man unto him , and besought (5719 ) him to touch (5672 ) him . * And he took (5637 ) the blind man by the hand , and led (5627 ) him out of the town ; and when he had spit (5660 ) on his eyes , and put (5631 ) his hands upon him , he asked (5707 ) him if he saw (5719 ) ought . * And he looked up (5660 ), and said (5707 ), I see (5719 ) men as (5719 ) trees , walking (5723 ). * After that he put (5656 ) his hands again upon his eyes , and made (5656 ) him look up (5658 ): and he was restored (5681 ), and saw (5656 ) every man clearly . * And he sent him away (5656 ) to his house , saying (5723 ), Neither go (5632 ) into the town , nor tell (5632 ) it to any in the town . * And Jesus went out (5627 ), and his disciples , into the towns of Caesarea Philippi : and by the way he asked (5707 ) his disciples , saying (5723 ) unto them , Whom do men say (5719 ) that I am (5750 )? * And they answered (5662 ), John the Baptist : but some say , Elias ; and others , One of the prophets . * And he saith (5719 ) unto them , But whom say (5719 ) ye that I am (5750 )? And Peter answereth (5679 ) and saith (5719 ) unto him , Thou art (5748 ) the Christ . * And he charged (5656 ) them that they should tell (5725 ) no man of him . * And he began (5662 ) to teach (5721 ) them , that the Son of man must (5748 ) suffer (5629 ) many things , and be rejected (5683 ) of the elders , and of the chief priests , and scribes , and be killed (5683 ), and after three days rise again (5629 ). * And he spake (5707 ) that saying openly . And Peter took (5642 ) him , and began (5662 ) to rebuke (5721 ) him . * But when he had turned about (5651 ) and looked (5631 ) on his disciples , he rebuked (5656 ) Peter , saying (5723 ), Get thee (5720 ) behind me , Satan : for thou savourest (5719 ) not the things that be of God , but the things that be of men . * And when he had called (5666 ) the people unto him with his disciples also , he said (5627 ) unto them , Whosoever will (5719 ) come (5629 ) after me , let him deny (5663 ) himself , and take up (5657 ) his cross , and follow (5720 ) me . * For whosoever will (5725 ) save (5658 ) his life shall lose (5692 ) it ; but whosoever shall lose (5661 ) his life for my sake and the gospels , the same shall save (5692 ) it . * For what shall it profit (5692 ) a man , if he shall gain (5661 ) the whole world , and lose (5686 ) his own soul ? * Or what shall a man give (5692 ) in exchange for his soul ? * Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed (5680 ) of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation ; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed (5700 ), when he cometh (5632 ) in the glory of his Father with the holy angels .

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