
rwp@Mark:9:18 @{Wheresoever it taketh him} (\hopou ean auton katalabˆi\). Seizes him down. Our word catalepsy is this same word. The word is used by Galen and Hippocrates for fits. The word is very common in the papyri in various senses as in the older Greek. Each of the verbs here in Mark is a graphic picture. {Dashes down} (\rˆssei\). Also \rˆgnumi, mi\ form. Convulses, rends, tears asunder. Old and common word. {Foameth} (\aphrizei\). Here only in the N.T. Poetic and late word. {Grindeth} (\trizei\). Another _hapax legomenon_ in the N.T. Old word for making a shrill cry or squeak. {Pineth away} (\xˆrainetai\). Old word for drying or withering as of grass in strkjv@James:1:11|. {And they were not able} (\kai ouk ischusan\). They did not have the strength (\ischus\) to handle this case. See strkjv@Matthew:17:16; strkjv@Luke:9:40| (\kai ouk ˆdunˆthˆsan\, first aorist passive). It was a tragedy.

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