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* He answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ) unto them , Because it is given (5769 ) unto you to know (5629 ) the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven , but to them it is not given (5769 ). * For whosoever hath (5719 ), to him shall be given (5701 ), and he shall have more abundance (5701 ): but whosoever hath (5719 ) not , from him shall be taken away (5701 ) even that he hath (5719 ). * Therefore speak I (5719 ) to them in parables : because they seeing (5723 ) see (5719 ) not ; and hearing (5723 ) they hear (5719 ) not , neither do they understand (5719 ). * And in them is fulfilled (5743 ) the prophecy of Esaias , which saith (5723 ), By hearing ye shall hear (5692 ), and shall not understand (5655 ); and seeing (5723 ) ye shall see (5692 ), and shall not perceive (5632 ): * For this peoples heart is waxed gross (5681 ), and their ears are dull of hearing (5656 ), and their eyes they have closed (5656 ); lest at any time they should see (5632 ) with their eyes , and hear (5661 ) with their ears , and should understand (5632 ) with their heart , and should be converted (5661 ), and I should heal (5667 ) them . * But blessed are your eyes , for they see (5719 ): and your ears , for they hear (5719 ). * For verily I say (5719 ) unto you , That many prophets and righteous men have desired (5656 ) to see (5629 ) those things which ye see (5719 ), and have not seen (5627 ) them ; and to hear (5658 ) those things which ye hear (5719 ), and have not heard (5656 ) them . * Hear (5657 ) ye therefore the parable of the sower (5723 ). * When any one heareth (5723 ) the word of the kingdom , and understandeth (5723 ) it not , then cometh (5736 ) the wicked one , and catcheth away (5719 ) that which was sown (5772 ) in his heart . This is (5748 ) he which received seed (5651 ) by the way side . * But he that received the seed (5651 ) into stony places , the same is (5748 ) he that heareth (5723 ) the word , and anon with joy receiveth (5723 ) it ; * Yet hath he (5719 ) not root in himself , but dureth (5748 ) for a while : for when tribulation or persecution ariseth (5637 ) because of the word , by and by he is offended (5743 ). * He also that received seed (5651 ) among the thorns is (5748 ) he that heareth (5723 ) the word ; and the care of this world , and the deceitfulness of riches , choke (5719 ) the word , and he becometh (5736 ) unfruitful . * But he that received seed (5651 ) into the good ground is (5748 ) he that heareth (5723 ) the word , and understandeth (5723 ) it ; which also beareth fruit (5719 ), and bringeth forth (5719 ), some an hundredfold , some sixty , some thirty . * Another parable put he forth (5656 ) unto them , saying (5723 ), The kingdom of heaven is likened (5681 ) unto a man which sowed (5723 ) (5625 ) (5660 ) good seed in his field :

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