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bbe @Matthew:15:21 @And Jesus went away from there into the country of Tyre and Sidon . bbe @Matthew:15:22 @And a woman of Canaan came out from those parts , crying and saying , Have pity on me , O Lord , Son of David ; my daughter is greatly troubled with an unclean spirit . bbe @Matthew:15:23 @But he gave her no answer . And his disciples came and said to him , Send her away , for she is crying after us . bbe @Matthew:15:24 @But he made answer and said , I was sent only to the wandering sheep of the house of Israel . bbe @Matthew:15:25 @But she came and gave him worship , saying , Help , Lord . bbe @Matthew:15:26 @And he made answer and said , It is not right to take the children 's bread and give it to the dogs . bbe @Matthew:15:27 @But she said , Yes , Lord : but even the dogs take the bits from under their masters ' table . bbe @Matthew:15:28 @Then Jesus , answering , said to her , O woman , great is your faith : let your desire be done . And her daughter was made well from that hour .

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