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* * Lord , have mercy on my son : for he is (note :)They that at certain times of the moon are troubled with the falling sickness , or any other kind of disease : but in this case , we must so understand it , that besides the natural disease he had a demonic derangement .(:note ) lunatick , and sore vexed : for ofttimes he falleth into the fire , and oft into the water . * And I brought him to thy disciples , and they could not heale him . * Then Iesus answered , and said , O generation faithlesse , and crooked , how long now shall I be with you ! Howe long nowe shall I suffer you ! Bring him hither to me . * And Iesus rebuked the deuill , and he went out of him : and the childe was healed at that houre . * * And Iesus said vnto them , Because of your vnbeliefe : for verely I say vnto you , if ye haue faith as much as is a graine of mustarde seede , ye shall say vnto this mountaine , Remooue hence to yonder place , and it shall remoue : and nothing shalbe vnpossible vnto you . * * * And they shall kill him , but the thirde day shall he rise againe : and they were very sorie .

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