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* At the same time came (5656 ) the disciples unto Jesus , saying (5723 ), Who is (5748 ) the greatest in the kingdom of heaven ? * And Jesus called a little child unto him (5666 ), and set (5656 ) him in the midst of them , * And said (5627 ), Verily I say (5719 ) unto you , Except ye be converted (5652 ), and become (5638 ) as little children , ye shall not enter (5632 ) into the kingdom of heaven . * Whosoever therefore shall humble (5661 ) himself as this little child , the same is (5748 ) greatest in the kingdom of heaven . * And whoso shall receive (5667 ) one such little child in my name receiveth (5736 ) me . * But whoso shall offend (5661 ) one of these little ones which believe (5723 ) in me , it were better (5719 ) for him that a millstone were hanged (5686 ) about his neck , and that he were drowned (5686 ) in the depth of the sea . * Woe unto the world because of offences ! for it must needs be (5748 ) that offences come (5629 ); but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh (5736 )! * Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee (5719 ), cut them off (5657 ), and cast (5628 ) them from thee : it is (5748 ) better for thee to enter into (5629 ) life halt or maimed , rather than having (5723 ) two hands or two feet to be cast (5683 ) into everlasting fire . * And if thine eye offend (5719 ) thee , pluck it out (5628 ), and cast (5628 ) it from thee : it is (5748 ) better for thee to enter (5629 ) into life with one eye , rather than having (5723 ) two eyes to be cast (5683 ) into hell fire .

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