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* For the kingdom of the heavens , is like , a man , a householder , who went forth with the morning , to hire labourers into his vineyard ; * and , when he had agreed with the labourers for a denary the day , he sent them into his vineyard . * And , going forth about the third hour , he saw others , standing in the market-place , unemployed ; * and , to them , he saidye also , go your way into the vineyard , and , whatsoever may be right , I will give you ; * and , they , departed . And , again , going forth about the sixth and ninth hour , he did likewise . * And , about the eleventh , going forth , he found others , standing , and saith unto them Why , here , stand ye , all the day , unemployed ? * They say unto him Because , no one , hath hired , us . He saith unto them Ye also , go your way into the vineyard . * And , when evening came , the master of the vineyard saith unto his steward Call the labourers , and pay the hire , beginning from the last , unto the first . * And they of the eleventh hour , coming , received severally a denary . * And , when the first came , they supposed that , more , they should receive , and , they also , received severally a denary . * And , having received it , they began to murmur against the householder , saying * These last , one hour , wrought , and thou hast made them , equal unto us , who have borne the burden of the day , and the scorching heat . * And , he , answering , unto one of them , said , Friend ! I wrong thee not : Was it not , for a denary , thou didst agree with me ? * Take thine own , and go thy way ; but I please , unto this last , to give , as also to thee : * Is it not allowed me to do , what I please , with my own ? or is , thine eye , evil , because I good ? * Thus , shall be The last first , and the first last .

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