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* And when he was come (5631 ) into the temple , the chief priests and the elders of the people came (5656 ) unto him as he was teaching (5723 ), and said (5723 ), By what authority doest thou (5719 ) these things ? and who gave (5656 ) thee this authority ? * And Jesus answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ) unto them , I also will ask (5692 ) you one thing , which if ye tell (5632 ) me , I in like wise will tell (5692 ) you by what authority I do (5719 ) these things . * The baptism of John , whence was it (5713 )? from heaven , or of men ? And they reasoned (5711 ) with themselves , saying (5723 ), If we shall say (5632 ), From heaven ; he will say (5692 ) unto us , Why did ye not then believe (5656 ) him ? * But if we shall say (5632 ), Of men ; we fear (5736 ) the people ; for all hold (5719 ) John as a prophet . * And they answered (5679 ) Jesus , and said (5627 ), We cannot tell (5758 ). And he said (5713 ) unto them , Neither tell (5719 ) I you by what authority I do (5719 ) these things . * But what think (5719 ) ye ? A certain man had (5707 ) two sons ; and he came (5631 ) to the first , and said (5627 ), Son , go (5720 ) work (5737 ) to day in my vineyard . * He answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ), I will (5719 ) not : but afterward he repented (5679 ), and went (5627 ). * And he came (5631 ) to the second , and said (5627 ) likewise . And he answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ), I go , sir : and went (5627 ) not . * Whether of them twain did (5656 ) the will of his father ? They say (5719 ) unto him , The first . Jesus saith (5719 ) unto them , Verily I say (5719 ) unto you , That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before (5719 ) you . * For John came (5627 ) unto you in the way of righteousness , and ye believed (5656 ) him not : but the publicans and the harlots believed (5656 ) him : and ye , when ye had seen (5631 ) it , repented (5675 ) not afterward , that ye might believe (5658 ) him . * Hear (5657 ) another parable : There was (5713 ) a certain householder , which planted (5656 ) a vineyard , and hedged it round about (5656 ), and digged (5656 ) a winepress in it , and built (5656 ) a tower , and let it out (5639 ) to husbandmen , and went into a far country (5656 ): * And when the time of the fruit drew near (5656 ), he sent (5656 ) his servants to the husbandmen , that they might receive (5629 ) the fruits of it . * And the husbandmen took (5631 ) his servants , and beat (5656 ) one , and killed (5656 ) another , and stoned (5681 ) another . * Again , he sent (5656 ) other servants more than the first : and they did (5656 ) unto them likewise . * But last of all he sent (5656 ) unto them his son , saying (5723 ), They will reverence (5691 ) my son . * But when the husbandmen saw (5631 ) the son , they said (5627 ) among themselves , This is (5748 ) the heir ; come (5773 ), let us kill (5725 ) him , and let us seize (5632 ) on his inheritance . * And they caught (5631 ) him , and cast (5627 ) him out of the vineyard , and slew (5656 ) him . * When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh (5632 ), what will he do (5692 ) unto those husbandmen ? * They say (5719 ) unto him , He will miserably destroy (5692 ) those wicked men , and will let out (5695 ) his vineyard unto other husbandmen , which shall render (5692 ) him the fruits in their seasons . * Jesus saith (5719 ) unto them , Did ye never read (5627 ) in the scriptures , The stone which the builders (5723 ) rejected (5656 ), the same is become (5675 ) the head of the corner : this is the Lords doing (5633 ), and it is (5748 ) marvellous in our eyes ? * Therefore say I (5719 ) unto you , The kingdom of God shall be taken (5701 ) from you , and given (5701 ) to a nation bringing forth (5723 ) the fruits thereof . * And whosoever shall fall (5631 ) on this stone shall be broken (5701 ): but on whomsoever it shall fall (5632 ), it will grind him to powder (5692 ). * And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard (5660 ) his parables , they perceived (5627 ) that he spake (5719 ) of them .

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