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* Therefore be (5737 ) ye also ready : for in such an hour as ye think (5719 ) not the Son of man cometh (5736 ). * Who then is (5748 ) a faithful and wise servant , whom his lord hath made ruler (5656 ) over his household , to give (5721 ) them meat in due season ? * Blessed is that servant , whom his lord when he cometh (5631 ) shall find (5692 ) so doing (5723 ). * Verily I say (5719 ) unto you , That he shall make him ruler (5692 ) over all his goods (5723 ). * But and if that evil servant shall say (5632 ) in his heart , My lord delayeth (5719 ) his coming (5629 ); * And shall begin (5672 ) to smite (5721 ) his fellowservants , and to eat (5721 ) and drink (5721 ) with the drunken (5723 ); * The lord of that servant shall come (5692 ) in a day when he looketh (5719 ) not for him , and in an hour that he is not aware of (5719 ),

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