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* Afterward came (5736 ) also the other virgins , saying (5723 ), Lord , Lord , open (5657 ) to us . * But he answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ), Verily I say (5719 ) unto you , I know (5758 ) you not . * Watch (5720 ) therefore , for ye know (5758 ) neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh (5736 ). * For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country (5723 ), who called (5656 ) his own servants , and delivered (5656 ) unto them his goods (5723 ). * And unto one he gave (5656 ) five talents , to another two , and to another one ; to every man according to his several ability ; and straightway took his journey (5656 ). * Then he that had received (5631 ) the five talents went (5679 ) and traded (5662 ) with the same , and made (5656 ) them other five talents . * And likewise he that had received two , he also gained (5656 ) other two . * But he that had received (5631 ) one went (5631 ) and digged (5656 ) in the earth , and hid (5656 ) his lords money . * After a long time the lord of those servants cometh (5736 ), and reckoneth (5719 ) with them . * And so he that had received (5631 ) five talents came (5631 ) and brought (5656 ) other five talents , saying (5723 ), Lord , thou deliveredst (5656 ) unto me five talents : behold , I have gained (5656 ) beside them five talents more . * His lord said (5713 ) unto him , Well done , thou good and faithful servant : thou hast been (5713 ) faithful over a few things , I will make thee ruler (5692 ) over many things : enter thou (5628 ) into the joy of thy lord . * He also that had received (5631 ) two talents came (5631 ) and said (5627 ), Lord , thou deliveredst (5656 ) unto me two talents : behold , I have gained (5656 ) two other talents beside them . * His lord said (5713 ) unto him , Well done , good and faithful servant ; thou hast been (5713 ) faithful over a few things , I will make thee ruler (5692 ) over many things : enter thou (5628 ) into the joy of thy lord . * Then he which had received (5761 ) the one talent came (5631 ) and said (5627 ), Lord , I knew (5627 ) thee that thou art (5748 ) an hard man , reaping (5723 ) where thou hast not sown (5656 ), and gathering (5723 ) where thou hast not strawed (5656 ):

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