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* But when the Son of man comes in His glory , and all the holy angels with Him , then He shall sit on the throne of His glory . * And all nations shall be gathered before Him . And He shall separate them from one another , as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats . * And indeed [He ] shall set the sheep on His right hand , but the goats off the left . * Then the King shall say to those on His right [hand ], Come , blessed of My Father , inherit the kingdom prepared for you from [the ] foundation of [the ] world . * For I was hungry , and you gave me food ; I was thirsty , and you gave Me drink ; I was a stranger , and you took Me in ; * I was naked , and you clothed Me ; I was sick , and you visited Me ; I was in prison , and you came to Me . * Then the righteous shall answer Him , saying , Lord , when did we see You hungry , and fed [You ]? Or thirsty , and gave [You ] drink ? * When did we see You a stranger , and took [You ] in ? Or naked , and clothed [You ]? * Or when did we see You sick , or in prison , and came to You ? * And the King shall answer and say to them , Truly I say to you , Inasmuch as you did [it ] to one of the least of these My brothers , you have done [it ] to Me . * Then He also shall say to those on [the ] left [hand ], Depart from Me , you cursed , into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels . * For I was hungry , and you gave Me no food ; I was thirsty , and you gave Me no drink ; * I was a stranger and you did not take Me in ; I was naked , and you did not clothe Me ; I was sick , and in prison , and you did not visit me . * Then they will also answer Him , saying , Lord , when did we see You hungry , or thirsty , or a stranger , or naked , or sick , or in prison , and did not minister to You ? * Then He shall answer them , saying , Truly I say to you , Inasmuch as you did not do [it ] to one of the least of these , you did not do [it ] to Me . * And these shall go away into everlasting punishment , but the righteous into everlasting life .

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