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* Then shall the righteous answer (5700 ) him , saying (5723 ), Lord , when saw we (5627 ) thee an hungred (5723 ), and fed (5656 ) thee ? or thirsty (5723 ), and gave thee drink (5656 )? * When saw we (5627 ) thee a stranger , and took thee in (5627 )? or naked , and clothed (5627 ) thee ? * Or when saw we (5627 ) thee sick , or in prison , and came (5627 ) unto thee ? * And the King shall answer (5679 ) and say (5692 ) unto them , Verily I say (5719 ) unto you , Inasmuch as ye have done (5656 ) it unto one of the least of these my brethren , ye have done (5656 ) it unto me .

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