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* Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came (5656 ) to Jesus , saying (5723 ) unto him , Where wilt thou (5719 ) that we prepare (5661 ) for thee to eat (5629 ) the passover ? * And he said (5627 ), Go (5720 ) into the city to such a man , and say (5628 ) unto him , The Master saith (5719 ), My time is (5748 ) at hand ; I will keep (5719 ) the passover at thy house with my disciples . * And the disciples did (5656 ) as Jesus had appointed (5656 ) them ; and they made ready (5656 ) the passover . * Now when the even was come (5637 ), he sat down (5711 ) with the twelve . * And as they did eat (5723 ), he said (5627 ), Verily I say (5719 ) unto you , that one of you shall betray (5692 ) me . * And they were exceeding sorrowful (5746 ), and began (5662 ) every one of them to say (5721 ) unto him , Lord , is (5748 ) it I ? * And he answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ), He that dippeth (5660 ) his hand with me in the dish , the same shall betray (5692 ) me . * The Son of man goeth (5719 ) as it is written (5769 ) of him : but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed (5743 )! it had been (5713 ) good for that man if he had not been born (5681 ). * Then Judas , which betrayed (5723 ) him , answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ), Master , is (5748 ) it I ? He said (5719 ) unto him , Thou hast said (5627 ). * And as they were eating (5723 ), Jesus took (5631 ) bread , and blessed (5660 ) it , and brake (5656 ) it , and gave (5707 ) it to the disciples , and said (5627 ), Take (5628 ), eat (5628 ); this is (5748 ) my body . * And he took (5631 ) the cup , and gave thanks (5660 ), and gave (5656 ) it to them , saying (5723 ), Drink ye (5628 ) all of it ; * For this is (5748 ) my blood of the new testament , which is shed (5746 ) for many for the remission of sins . * But I say (5719 ) unto you , I will not drink (5632 ) henceforth of this fruit of the vine , until that day when I drink (5725 ) it new with you in my Fathers kingdom . * And when they had sung an hymn (5660 ), they went out (5627 ) into the mount of Olives .

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