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* And Jesus stood (5627 ) before the governor : and the governor asked (5656 ) him , saying (5723 ), Art (5748 ) thou the King of the Jews ? And Jesus said (5713 ) unto him , Thou sayest (5719 ). * And when he was accused (5745 ) of the chief priests and elders , he answered (5662 ) nothing . * Then said (5719 ) Pilate unto him , Hearest thou (5719 ) not how many things they witness against (5719 ) thee ? * And he answered (5662 ) him to never a word ; insomuch that the governor marvelled (5721 ) greatly . * Now at that feast the governor was wont (5715 ) to release (5721 ) unto the people a prisoner , whom they would (5707 ). * And they had (5707 ) then a notable prisoner , called (5746 ) Barabbas . * Therefore when they were gathered together (5772 ), Pilate said (5627 ) unto them , Whom will ye (5719 ) that I release (5661 ) unto you ? Barabbas , or Jesus which is called (5746 ) Christ ? * For he knew (5715 ) that for envy they had delivered (5656 ) him . * When he was set down (5740 ) on the judgment seat , his wife sent (5656 ) unto him , saying (5723 ), Have thou nothing to do with that just man : for I have suffered (5627 ) many things this day in a dream because of him . * But the chief priests and elders persuaded (5656 ) the multitude that they should ask (5672 ) Barabbas , and destroy (5661 ) Jesus . * The governor answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ) unto them , Whether of the twain will ye (5719 ) that I release (5661 ) unto you ? They said (5627 ), Barabbas . * Pilate saith (5719 ) unto them , What shall I do (5692 ) then with Jesus which is called (5746 ) Christ ? They all say (5719 ) unto him , Let him be crucified (5682 ). * And the governor said (5713 ), Why , what evil hath he done (5656 )? But they cried out (5707 ) the more , saying (5723 ), Let him be crucified (5682 ). * When Pilate saw (5631 ) that he could prevail (5719 ) nothing , but that rather a tumult was made (5736 ), he took (5631 ) water , and washed (5668 ) his hands before the multitude , saying (5723 ), I am (5748 ) innocent of the blood of this just person : see (5695 ) ye to it . * Then answered (5679 ) all the people , and said (5627 ), His blood be on us , and on our children . * Then released he (5656 ) Barabbas unto them : and when he had scourged (5660 ) Jesus , he delivered (5656 ) him to be crucified (5686 ). * Then the soldiers of the governor took (5631 ) Jesus into the common hall , and gathered (5627 ) unto him the whole band of soldiers . * And they stripped (5660 ) him , and put on (5656 ) him a scarlet robe . * And when they had platted (5660 ) a crown of thorns , they put (5656 ) it upon his head , and a reed in his right hand : and they bowed the knee (5660 ) before him , and mocked (5707 ) him , saying (5723 ), Hail (5720 ), King of the Jews ! * And they spit (5660 ) upon him , and took (5627 ) the reed , and smote (5707 ) him on the head . * And after that they had mocked (5656 ) him , they took the robe off (5656 ) from him , and put his own raiment on (5656 ) him , and led him away (5627 ) to crucify (5658 ) him . * And as they came out (5740 ), they found (5627 ) a man of Cyrene , Simon by name : him they compelled (5656 ) to bear (5661 ) his cross . * And when they were come (5631 ) unto a place called (5746 ) Golgotha , that is (5748 ) to say (5746 ), a place of a skull , * They gave (5656 ) him vinegar to drink (5629 ) mingled (5772 ) with gall : and when he had tasted (5666 ) thereof , he would (5707 ) not drink (5629 ). * And they crucified (5660 ) him , and parted (5668 ) his garments , casting (5723 ) lots : that it might be fulfilled (5686 ) which was spoken (5685 ) by the prophet , They parted (5668 ) my garments among them , and upon my vesture did they cast (5627 ) lots . * And sitting down (5740 ) they watched (5707 ) him there ;

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