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* In the end of the sabbath , as it began to dawn (5723 ) toward the first day of the week , came (5627 ) Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see (5658 ) the sepulchre . * And , behold (5628 ), there was (5633 ) a great earthquake : for the angel of the Lord descended (5631 ) from heaven , and came (5631 ) and rolled back (5656 ) the stone from the door , and sat (5711 ) upon it . * His countenance was (5713 ) like lightning , and his raiment white as snow : * And for fear of him the keepers (5723 ) did shake (5681 ), and became (5633 ) as dead men . * And the angel answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ) unto the women , Fear (5737 ) not ye : for I know (5758 ) that ye seek (5719 ) Jesus , which was crucified (5772 ). * He is (5748 ) not here : for he is risen (5681 ), as he said (5627 ). Come (5773 ), see (5628 ) the place where the Lord lay (5711 ). * And go (5679 ) quickly , and tell (5628 ) his disciples that he is risen (5681 ) from the dead ; and , behold (5628 ), he goeth before (5719 ) you into Galilee ; there shall ye see (5695 ) him : lo (5628 ), I have told (5627 ) you . * And they departed (5631 ) quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy ; and did run (5627 ) to bring his disciples word (5658 ). * And as they went (5711 ) to tell (5658 ) his disciples , behold (5628 ), Jesus met (5656 ) them , saying (5723 ), All hail (5720 ). And they came (5631 ) and held (5656 ) him by the feet , and worshipped (5656 ) him . * Then said (5719 ) Jesus unto them , Be not afraid (5737 ): go (5632 ) tell (5657 ) my brethren that they go (5720 ) into Galilee , and there shall they see (5695 ) me . * Now when they were going (5740 ), behold (5628 ), some of the watch came (5631 ) into the city , and shewed (5656 ) unto the chief priests all the things that were done (5637 ). * And when they were assembled (5685 ) with the elders , and had taken (5631 ) counsel , they gave (5656 ) large money unto the soldiers , * Saying (5723 ), Say ye (5628 ), His disciples came (5631 ) by night , and stole (5656 ) him away while we slept (5746 ). * And if this come to the governors ears (5686 ), we will persuade (5692 ) him , and secure (5692 ) you . * So they took (5631 ) the money , and did (5656 ) as they were taught (5681 ): and this saying is commonly reported (5681 ) among the Jews until this day . * Then the eleven disciples went away (5675 ) into Galilee , into a mountain where Jesus had appointed (5668 ) them . * And when they saw (5631 ) him , they worshipped (5656 ) him : but some doubted (5656 ). * And Jesus came (5631 ) and spake (5656 ) unto them , saying (5723 ), All power is given (5681 ) unto me in heaven and in earth . * Go ye (5679 ) therefore , and teach (5657 ) all nations , baptizing (5723 ) them in the name of the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost : * Teaching (5723 ) them to observe (5721 ) all things whatsoever I have commanded (5662 ) you : and , lo (5628 ), I am (5748 ) with you alway , even unto the end of the world . Amen .

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