
rwp@Matthew:5:22 @{But I say unto you} (\eg“ de leg“ humin\). Jesus thus assumes a tone of superiority over the Mosaic regulations and proves it in each of the six examples. He goes further than the Law into the very heart. "{Raca}" (\Raka\) and "{Thou fool}" (\M“re\). The first is probably an Aramaic word meaning "Empty," a frequent word for contempt. The second word is Greek (dull, stupid) and is a fair equivalent of "raca." It is urged by some that \m“re\ is a Hebrew word, but Field (_Otium Norvicense_) objects to that idea. "_Raca_ expresses contempt for a man's head=you stupid! _M“re_ expresses contempt for his heart and character=you scoundrel" (Bruce). "{The hell of fire}" (\tˆn geennan tou puros\), "the Gehenna of fire," the genitive case (\tou puros\) as the genus case describing Gehenna as marked by fire. Gehenna is the Valley of Hinnom where the fire burned continually. Here idolatrous Jews once offered their children to Molech (2Kings:23:10|). Jesus finds one cause of murder to be abusive language. Gehenna "should be carefully distinguished from Hades (\hƒidˆs\) which is never used for the place of punishment, but for the _place of departed spirits_, without reference to their moral condition" (Vincent). The place of torment is in Hades (Luke:16:23|), but so is heaven.

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