
Seeker Overlay ON

* On that day , saith the Lord , will I assemble her that halteth , and her that is driven out will I gather , and her to whom I have done evil ; * And I will make of her that halted a remnant , and of her that was cast off far away a strong nation : and the Lord will reign over them on mount Zion , from this time and unto eternity . * And thou , O tower of flocks , the strong –hold of the daughter of Zion , unto thee shall go , and shall come , the former dominion , the kingdom belonging to the daughter of Jerusalem . * Now why dost thou cry aloud ? is there no king in thee ? is thy counsellor lost ? that pangs have seized on thee as on a woman in travail ? * Be in pain , and labor to bring forth , O daughter of Zion , like a woman in travail ; for now shalt thou go forth out of the town , and thou shalt dwell in the field , and thou shalt go as far as Babylon ; there shalt thou be delivered ; there will the Lord redeem thee from the grasp of thy enemies . * And now many nations are gathered against thee , that say , Let her be defiled , and let our eye look with pleasure on Zion . * But they know not the thoughts of the Lord , and they understand not his counsel : that he will gather them as the sheaves into the threshing –floor . * Arise and thresh , O daughter of Zion ; for I will render thy horn iron , and thy hoofs will I render copper , and thou shalt beat in pieces many people : and I will devote unto the Lord their ill –gotten gain , and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth .

Seeker Overlay: Off On