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* And the children of Israel , even the whole congregation , came into the wilderness of Sin , in the first month , and the people abode in Cades ; and Mariam died there , and was buried there . * And there was no water for the congregation : and they gathered themselves together against Moses and Aaron . * And the people reviled Moses , saying , Would we had died in the destruction of our brethren before the Lord ! * And wherefore have ye brought up the congregation of the Lord into this wilderness , to kill us and our cattle ? * And wherefore is this ? Ye have brought us up out of Egypt , that we should come into this evil place ; a place where there is no sowing , neither figs , nor vines , nor pomegranates , neither is there water to drink . * And Moses and Aaron went from before the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of witness , and they fell upon their faces ; and the glory of the Lord appeared to them . * And the Lord spoke to Moses , saying , * Take thy rod , and call the assembly , thou and Aaron thy brother , and speak ye to the rock before them , and it shall give forth its waters ; and ye shall bring forth for them water out of the rock , and give drink to the congregation and their cattle . * And Moses took his rod which was before the Lord , as the Lord commanded . * And Moses and Aaron assembled the congregation before the rock , and said to them , Hear me , ye disobedient ones ; must we bring you water out of this rock ? * And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his rod twice ; and much water came forth , and the congregation drank , and their cattle . * And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron , Because ye have not believed me to sanctify me before the children of Israel , therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them . * This is the water of Strife , because the children of Israel spoke insolently before the Lord , and he was sanctified in them .

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