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* Paul and Timotheus , the servants of Jesus Christ , to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are (5752 ) at Philippi , with the bishops and deacons : * Grace be unto you , and peace , from God our Father , and from the Lord Jesus Christ . * I thank (5719 ) my God upon every remembrance of you , * Always in every prayer of mine for you all making (5734 ) request with joy , * For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now ; * Being confident (5756 ) of this very thing , that he which hath begun (5666 ) a good work in you will perform (5692 ) it until the day of Jesus Christ : * Even as it is (5748 ) meet for me to think (5721 ) this of you all , because I have (5721 ) you in my heart ; inasmuch as both in my bonds , and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel , ye all are (5752 ) partakers of my grace . * For God is (5748 ) my record , how greatly I long after (5719 ) you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ . * And this I pray (5736 ), that your love may abound (5725 ) yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment ; * That ye may approve (5721 ) things that are excellent (5723 ); that ye may be (5753 ) sincere and without offence till the day of Christ ; * Being filled (5772 ) with the fruits of righteousness , which are by Jesus Christ , unto the glory and praise of God . * But I would (5736 ) ye should understand (5721 ), brethren , that the things which happened unto me have fallen out (5754 ) rather unto the furtherance of the gospel ; * So that my bonds in Christ are (5635 ) manifest in all the palace , and in all other places ; * And many of the brethren in the Lord , waxing confident (5756 ) by my bonds , are much more bold (5721 ) to speak (5721 ) the word without fear . * Some indeed preach (5719 ) Christ even of envy and strife ; and some also of good will : * The one preach (5719 ) Christ of contention , not sincerely , supposing (5740 ) to add (5721 ) affliction to my bonds : * But the other of love , knowing (5761 ) that I am set (5736 ) for the defence of the gospel . * What then ? notwithstanding , every way , whether in pretence , or in truth , Christ is preached (5743 ); and I therein do rejoice (5719 ), yea , and will rejoice (5690 ). * For I know (5758 ) that this shall turn (5695 ) to my salvation through your prayer , and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ , * According to my earnest expectation and my hope , that in nothing I shall be ashamed (5701 ), but that with all boldness , as always , so now also Christ shall be magnified (5701 ) in my body , whether it be by life , or by death . * For to me to live (5721 ) is Christ , and to die (5629 ) is gain . * But if I live (5721 ) in the flesh , this is the fruit of my labour : yet what I shall choose (5698 ) I wot (5719 ) not . * For I am in a strait (5743 ) betwixt two , having (5723 ) a desire to depart (5658 ), and to be (5750 ) with Christ ; which is far better : * Nevertheless to abide (5721 ) in the flesh is more needful for you . * And having this confidence (5756 ), I know (5758 ) that I shall abide (5692 ) and continue (5692 ) with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith ; * That your rejoicing may be more abundant (5725 ) in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again . * Only let your conversation be (5737 ) as it becometh the gospel of Christ : that whether I come (5631 ) and see (5631 ) you , or else be absent (5752 ), I may hear (5661 ) of your affairs , that ye stand fast (5719 ) in one spirit , with one mind striving together (5723 ) for the faith of the gospel ; * And in nothing terrified (5746 ) by your adversaries (5740 ): which is (5748 ) to them an evident token of perdition , but to you of salvation , and that of God . * For unto you it is given (5681 ) in the behalf of Christ , not only to believe (5721 ) on him , but also to suffer (5721 ) for his sake ; * Having (5723 ) the same conflict which ye saw (5628 ) (5625 ) (5627 ) in me , and now hear (5719 ) to be in me .

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