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* Wisdom cries outside ; she utters her voice in the streets ; * she cries in the chief place of gathering , in the openings of the gates ; in the city she utters her words , [saying ], * How long will you love simplicity , simple ones ? And will scorners delight in their scorning ? And will fools hate knowledge ? * Turn at my warning ; behold , I will pour out my Spirit to you ; I will make my words known to you . * Because I called , and you refused ; I stretched out my hand , and no one paid attention ; * but you have despised all my advice , and would have none of my warning . * I also will laugh at your trouble ; I will mock when your fear comes ; * when your fear comes as a wasting away , and your ruin comes like a tempest when trouble and pain come upon you . * Then they shall call upon me , and I will not answer ; they shall seek me early , but they shall not find me ; * instead they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD . * They would have none of my counsel ; they despised all my correction , * and they shall eat the fruit of their own way , and be filled with their own desires . * For the turning away of the simple kills them , and the ease of fools destroys them . * But whoever listens to me shall dwell safely , and shall be quiet from fear of evil .

Seeker Overlay: Off On