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* My sonne , if thou be surety for thy neighbour , and hast striken hands with the stranger , * Thou art (note :)He forbids us not to become surety one for another , according to the rule of charity , but that we consider for whom and after what sort , so that the creditor may not be defrauded .(:note ) snared with the words of thy mouth , thou art taken with the words of thy mouth . * Doe this nowe , my sonne , and deliuer thy selfe : seeing thou art come into the hande of thy neighbour , goe , and humble thy selfe , and sollicite thy friends . * Giue no sleepe to thine eyes , nor slumber to thine eyelids . * Deliuer thy selfe as a doe from the hande of the hunter , and as a birde from the hande of the fouler . * Go to the (note :)If the word of God cannot instruct you , learn from the little ant to labour for yourself and not to burden others .(:note ) ant , thou sluggard ; consider her ways , and be wise : * For shee hauing no guide , gouernour , nor ruler , * Prepareth her meat in the sommer , &amp ; gathereth her foode in haruest . * Howe long wilt thou sleepe , O sluggarde ? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleepe ? * [Yet ] a little sleep , a little slumber , (note :)He expresses the nature of the sluggards , who though they sleep long , yet never have enough , but always seek opportunity for more .(:note ) a little folding of the hands to sleep : * So shall thy poverty come as one that (note :)That is , suddenly , and when you do not look for it .(:note ) travelleth , and thy want as It will come in such sort , as you are not able to resist it . an armed man . * A naughty person , (note :)He shows to what inconvenience the idle persons and sluggards come , by calling them unthrifty , or the men of Belial , and slanderous .(:note ) a wicked man , walketh with a froward mouth . * He winketh with his eyes , he speaketh with his feet , he (note :)Thus all his gesture tends to wickedness ,(:note ) teacheth with his fingers ; * Lewde things are in his heart : he imagineth euill at all times , and raiseth vp contentions . * Therefore shall his destruction come speedily : hee shall be destroyed suddenly without recouerie . * These sixe things doeth the Lorde hate : yea , his soule abhorreth seuen : * The hautie eyes , a lying tongue , and the hands that shed innocent blood , * An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations , (note :)Meaning , the raging affections , which carry a man away in such sort that he cannot tell what he does .(:note ) feet that be swift in running to mischief , * A false witnesse that speaketh lyes , and him that rayseth vp contentions among brethren .

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