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* My God , My God , why have You forsaken Me ? Why are You so far from helping Me , And from the words of My groaning ? * O My God , I cry in the daytime , but You do not hear ; And in the night season , and am not silent . * But You are holy , Enthroned in the praises of Israel . * Our fathers trusted in You ; They trusted , and You delivered them . * They cried to You , and were delivered ; They trusted in You , and were not ashamed . * But I am a worm , and no man ; A reproach of men , and despised by the people . * All those who see Me ridicule Me ; They shoot out the lip , they shake the head , saying , * "He trusted in the LORD , let Him rescue Him ; Let Him deliver Him , since He delights in Him !" * But You are He who took Me out of the womb ; You made Me trust while on My mother 's breasts . * I was cast upon You from birth . From My mother 's womb You have been My God . * Be not far from Me , For trouble is near ; For there is none to help . * Many bulls have surrounded Me ; Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled Me . * They gape at Me with their mouths , Like a raging and roaring lion . * I am poured out like water , And all My bones are out of joint ; My heart is like wax ; It has melted within Me . * My strength is dried up like a potsherd , And My tongue clings to My jaws ; You have brought Me to the dust of death . * For dogs have surrounded Me ; The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me . They pierced My hands and My feet ; * I can count all My bones . They look and stare at Me . * They divide My garments among them , And for My clothing they cast lots . * But You , O LORD , do not be far from Me ; O My Strength , hasten to help Me ! * Deliver Me from the sword , My precious life from the power of the dog . * Save Me from the lion 's mouth And from the horns of the wild oxen ! You have answered Me .

Seeker Overlay: Off On