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* To the chief musician . A Contemplation for the sons of Korah . As the deer pants after the channels of water , so my soul pants after You , O God . * My soul thirsts for God , for the living God ; when shall I come and appear before God ? * My tears have been my food by day and by night , while they say to me all the day long , Where is your God ? * When I remember these things and I pour out my soul on me (for I passed over with the throng ; I led them to the house of God with the voice of rejoicing and praise , a host keeping the feast ). * Oh my soul , why are you cast down and moan within me ? Hope in God , for I shall yet thank Him for the salvation of His presence . * O my God , my soul is cast down within me ; on account of this I remember You from Jordan-land and from the Hermons , from Mount Mizar . * Deep calls to deep through the voice of Your waterfalls ; all Your waves and Your billows have passed over me . * Jehovah will command His loving-kindness by day , and His song shall be with me in the night , a prayer to the God of my life . * I will say to God my Rock , Why have You forgotten me ? Why do I go mourning when the enemy oppresses me ? * My oppressors reproach me with crushing in my bones . when they say to me every day , Where is your God ? * O my soul , why are you cast down ? And why do you moan within me ? Hope in God , for I yet thank Him for the salvation of my face and my God . * Judge me , O God , and strive for my cause against a nation not godly . Deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man . * For You are the God of my strength . Why have You cast me off ? Why do I go mourning when the enemy oppresses ? * Oh send out Your light and Your truth ; let them lead me and bring me to the mount of Your holiness and to Your tabernacles . * Then I will go to the altar of God , to God , the joy of my delight , and I will thank with the lyre , O God , my God . * Why are you cast down , O my soul , and why do you moan within me ? Hope in God , for I will still thank Him , the salvations of my face , and my God . * To the chief musician . A Contemplation for the Sons of Korah . We have heard with our ears , O God ; our fathers have told us the work You did in their days , in the days of old . * You drove out nations with Your hand and planted them . You brought evil on peoples and expelled them . * For they did not inherit the land with their own sword ; yea , their own arm did not save them . But it was Your right hand and Your arm and the light of Your face , because You favored them . * You are He , my King , O God ; command deliverances for Jacob . * Through You we will push our enemies ; through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us . * For I will not trust in my bow , and my sword shall not save me . * But You have saved us from our adversaries and have put to shame those who hate us . * We boast in God all the day long ; and we praise Your name forever . Selah . * Now You have cast us off and have shamed us . And You do not go forth with our armies . * You make us turn back from the oppressor ; yea , our haters plunder for themselves . * You have given us like sheep for food and have scattered us among the nations . * For no gain You have sold Your people , and You are not increased by their price . * You made us a disgrace to our neighbors , a scorn and a mockery to those around us . * You make us a byword among the nations , a shaking of the head among the peoples . * My humiliation is before me all the day ; yea , the shame of my face covers me , * because of the slanderer 's voice and the blasphemer , before the face of the enemy and avenger . * All this has come upon us , and we have not forgotten You nor dealt falsely with Your covenant . * Our heart has not turned back , and our steps have not swerved from Your way , * though You have crushed us in the place of jackals and covered us over with the death-shade . * If we have forgotten the name of our God , and have spread our hands to an alien god , * shall not God search out this ? For He knows the secrets of the heart . * Yea , for Your sake we are slain all the day long ; we are counted as sheep of slaughter . * Be aroused ! Why do You sleep , O God ? Awake ! Do not cast us off forever . * Why do You hide Your face and forget our affliction and distress ? * For our soul bows down to the dust ; our belly holds fast to the earth . * Arise for our help and redeem us for the sake of Your mercy . * To the Chief Musician , Concerning the Lilies . For the sons of Korah . A Poem ; a Song of the Beloved . My heart is overflowing with a good matter . I am speaking of my works to the King ; my tongue is the pen of a rapid writer . * You are the fairest of the sons of man ; grace has poured into Your lips ; on this account God has blessed You forever . * Gird Your sword on Your thigh , Mighty One ; with Your glory and Your majesty . * And ride prosperously in Your majesty , on the matter of truth and meekness and right , and Your right hand shall teach You fearful things . * Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the King 's enemies ; peoples fall under You . * Your throne , O God , is forever and ever ; the scepter of Your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness . * You love righteousness and hate wickedness ; on account of this God , Your God , has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your fellows . * All Your garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of ivory palaces , by which they make You glad . * King 's daughters are among Your precious ones ; the queen stands at Your right hand in gold of Ophir . * Listen , O daughter , and look , and incline your ear , and forget your people and your father 's house . * And the King will desire your beauty , for He is your Lord , and you shall worship Him . * And the daughter of Tyre will stroke Your face with a gift , the rich among the peoples . * The king 's daughter is all glorious within , her clothing braided gold . * She shall be led to the King in embroidered work ; her companions , the virgins , shall be brought to You after her . * They shall be led with gladness and rejoicing ; they shall go in to the King 's palace . * Your sons shall be in the place of your fathers ; You will make them for rulers in all the earth . * I will make remembered Your name in every generation and generation ; on this account people shall thank You forever and ever . * To the chief musician . For the sons of Korah ; A song . For the Virgins . God is our refuge and strength , very much found to be a help in distresses . * On account of this we will not fear when the earth changes and when mountains are slipping into the heart of the seas . * Let its waters foam ; let the mountains shake in its swelling . Selah . * There is a river , its channels gladden the city of God , the holy tabernacles of the Most High . * God is in the midst of her ; she shall not be shaken ; God will help her at the turning of the morning . * The nations roared ; kingdoms were shaken ; He gave forth His voice and the earth melted . * Jehovah of hosts is with us ; the God of Jacob is a refuge for us . Selah . * Come , behold the works of Jehovah , who sets ruins on the earth , * causing to cease wars to the end of the earth ; He breaks the bow and cuts apart spears ; He burns the chariots in the fire . * Be still and know that I am God ! I will be exalted among the nations ; I will be exalted in the earth . * Jehovah of hosts is with us ; the God of Jacob is a refuge for us . Selah . * To the chief musician . A Psalm for the Sons of Korah . All the peoples clap the hand ; shout aloud to God with the voice of shouting . * For Jehovah Most High is awesome , a great king over all the earth . * He shall speak peoples under us , even nations under our feet . * He chooses our inheritance for us , the majesty of Jacob whom He loved . Selah . * God has gone up with a shout , Jehovah with the sound of a ram 's horn . * Sing praise ; sing praise ; sing praise to our King , sing praise ! * For God is the king of all the earth ; sing a psalm for edification . * God reigns over the nations ; God sits on the throne of His holiness . * The nobles of peoples gather together , the people of the God of Abraham . For the shields of the earth are God 's ; He is greatly lifted up . * A Song , A Psalm for the Sons of Korah . Great is Jehovah , and exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God , His holy mountain . * Beautiful on high , the joy of all the earth , is Mount Zion , in the sides of the north , the city of the great King . * God is known in her strongholds for a refuge . * For , lo , the kings met together ; they passed by together ; * they saw , so they marveled ; they were troubled and fled away . * Trembling and pain seized them there , like a woman in labor . * You break the ships of Tarshish with an east wind . * As we have heard , so we have seen in the city of Jehovah of hosts , in the city of our God . God establishes it forever . Selah . * We have thought on Your lovingkindness , O God , in the midst of Your temple . * According to Your name , O God , so is Your praise to the ends of the earth ; Your right hand is full of righteousness . * Mount Zion shall be glad ; the daughters of Judah shall shout for joy because of Your judgments . * Walk around Zion ; yea , go all around it ; count its towers ; * set your heart on its ramparts ; pass between its strongholds ; in order that you may report to the coming generation . * For this God is our God forever and ever ; He will be our guide even unto death . * To the chief musician , A Psalm for the Sons of Korah . Hear this all peoples listen , all inhabitants of the world . * Both sons of mankind and sons of man together , rich and poor : * My mouth shall speak wisdoms ; and the thoughts of my heart shall be of understanding . * I will bow down my ear to a parable ; I will open my dark saying on the harp . * Why should I fear in the days of evil , when the perversity of my ambushers will surround me ? * Those who trust in their wealth , and in their many riches , boast themselves . * A man cannot at all redeem a brother , nor give to God a ransom for him , * for the redemption of their soul is precious , and it ceases forever , * for he shall yet live forever ; he shall never see corruption . * For he sees wise men die ; together the fool and the animal-like ones perish and leave their riches to others . * Their inward thought is that their houses shall last forever , their dwelling-places to all generations ; they call lands after their own names . * But man shall not remain high in honor ; he is like the animals ; they shall be cut off . * This way of theirs is folly to them , yet their followers shall be pleased by their mouth . Selah . * Like sheep , they are appointed to Sheol ; death shall reign for them ; and upright ones shall rule over them in the morning ; and their form is for rotting ; Sheol is home for him . * But God will redeem my soul from the hand of Sheol ; for He will take me . Selah . * Do not be afraid when one becomes rich , when the glory of his house increases ; * for when he dies , he shall take nothing ; his glory shall not go down after him . * For in his life he blessed his soul ; yea , men praise you when you do well for yourself . * He shall go to the generation of his fathers ; they shall not see light forever . * Man , though high in honor , but understanding not , is like the animals ; they shall be cut off . * A Psalm of Asaph God , Jehovah God has spoken , and calls to the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting . * Out of Zion , the perfection of beauty , God has shone . * Our God comes , and He is not silent ; a fire shall devour before Him ; and it shall be very stormy around Him . * He shall call to the heavens from above , and to the earth , to judge His people . * Gather My saints together to Me , those who cut My covenant by sacrifice . * And the heavens shall declare His righteousness , for God Himself is judge . Selah . * Hear , My people , and I will speak ; O Israel , and I will testify against you ; I am God , your God . * I will not reprove you for your sacrifices ; yea , your burnt offerings are continually before Me ; * I will take no bull out of your house , nor he-goats out of your folds , * for every beast of the forest is Mine ; the cattle on a thousand hills ; * I know all the birds of the mountains ; and all moving in My fields are Mine ; * if I were hungry , I would not tell you ; for the world is Mine , and the fullness of it . * Will I eat the flesh of mighty ones , and will I drink the blood of he-goats ? * Offer thanksgiving to God ; and pay your vows to the Most High . * And call on Me in the day of distress ; and I will save you ; and you shall glorify Me . * But to the wicked , God says , What is it to you to proclaim My statutes , and to take up My covenant on your mouth ? * Yea , you hate instruction , and toss My words behind you ? * When you saw a thief , you were pleased with him ; and you have taken part with adulterers . * You give your mouth to evil , and your tongue frames deceit . * You sit ; you speak against your brother ; the son of your mother ; you give slander . * You have done these things , and I have kept silence ; you thought that surely I would be like you ; but I will rebuke you and set in order before your eyes . * Now think of this , you who forget God , lest I tear , and not any to deliver : * Whoever offers thanks glorifies Me ; and he who prepares a way , I will show the salvation of God to him . * To the chief musician , A Psalm of David when Nathan the prophet came to him , after he had gone in to Bathsheba . Be gracious to me , O God , according to Your loving-kindness , according to the multitude of Your tender mercies ; blot out my transgressions . * Wash me completely from my iniquity , and cleanse me from my sin . * For I know my transgressions ; and my sin is ever before me . * Against You , You only , I have sinned , and done evil in Your eyes ; that You might be justified in Your speaking and be clear when You judge . * Behold , I was brought forth in iniquity , and in sin my mother conceived me . * Behold , You desire truth in the inward parts ; and in the hidden parts You teach me wisdom . * Purge me with hyssop , and I shall be clean ; wash me , and I shall be whiter than snow . * Cause me to hear joy and gladness ; that the bones You have crushed may rejoice . * Hide Your face from my sins , and blot out all my iniquities . * Create in me a clean heart , O God ; and renew a steadfast spirit within me . * Do not cast me out from Your presence , and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me . * Restore to me the joy of Your salvation , and uphold me with a willing spirit . * Then I will teach transgressors Your ways ; and sinners will turn back to You . * Deliver me from the guilt of shedding blood , O God , O God of my salvation ; my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness . * O Lord , open my lips and my mouth shall declare Your praise . * For you do not desire sacrifice , or I would give it ; You do not delight in burnt offering . * The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart , O God , You will not despise . * Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion ; build the walls of Jerusalem . * Then You shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness , with burnt offering and whole offering ; then they shall offer bulls on Your altar . * To the chief musician . A Contemplation . A Psalm of David when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul , and said to him , David has come to the house of Ahimelech . Why do you boast yourself in evil , O hero ? The mercy of God is all the day . * Like a sharp razor , your tongue devises ruin , working deceit . * You love evil more than good ; lying more than to speak righteousness . Selah . * You love all devouring words , O deceitful tongue ! * God will likewise break you forever ; He shall take you away , even pluck you from your tent , and uproot you out of the land of the living . Selah . * And the righteous shall see and fear ; yea , they will laugh over him , saying , * Behold , the man who did not make God his strength ; but he trusted in his many riches ; he was strong in his destruction . * But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God ; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever . * I will thank You forever , because You have done it ; and I will hope in Your name , for it is good before Your saints . * To the Chief musician on Mahalath . A Contemplation ; A Psalm of David . The fool has said in his heart , There is no God ! They have done corruptly ; they have committed abominable wickedness ; there is not one doing good ! * God looked down from Heaven on the sons of mankind , to see if there was any discerning , who was seeking God : * Every one has turned away ; together they are filthy ; not one is doing good ; not even one ! * Have the workers of evil not known , eating up My people as they eat bread ? They have not called on God . * There they dreaded with dread , where no dread was ; for God has scattered the bones of the one who besieges you ; you have put them to shame because God rejects them . * Who gives from Zion the salvation of Israel ? When God brings back the captivity of His people , Jacob shall rejoice ; Israel shall be glad . * To the Chief Musician on Neginoth . A Contemplation ; A Psalm of David , when the Ziphites came and said to Saul , Does not David hide himself among us ? Save me , O God , by Your name ; and judge me by Your strength . * Hear my prayer , O God ; listen to the words of my mouth . * For strangers have risen up against me ; and terrifying men seek after my soul ; they have not set God before them . Selah . * Behold , God is my helper . The Lord is with those who uphold my soul . * He shall reward evil to my enemies ; cut them off in Your truth . * I will freely sacrifice to You ; I will praise Your name , O Jehovah , for it is good . * For He has delivered me out of all trouble ; and my eye has seen its desire on my enemies . * To the Chief Musician on Neginoth . A Contemplation . A Psalm of David . Give ear to my prayer , O God ; and do not hide Yourself from my cry . * Pay attention to me , and answer me ; I wander and I moan in my complaint , * from the voice of the enemy , from the oppression of the wicked ; for they shake trouble over me , and in anger they hate me . * My heart is pained within me , and the terrors of death have fallen on me . * Fear and trembling come on me ; and honor has covered me . * And I said , Who will give to me wings like a dove ? I would fly away and be at rest . * I would rove far away , fleeing ; I would lodge in the desert . Selah . * I would hasten to my escape from the rushing wind , from the tempest . * Swallow up , O Lord ; divide their tongue ; for I see violence and strife in the city . * They go around her on her walls by day and night ; and trouble and mischief are in her midst . * Covetings are in her midst ; oppression and guile will not depart from her streets . * For it is not an enemy reproaching me , or I could bear it ; it is not one who hates me who is magnifying himself against me ; or I would hide myself from him . * But it is you , a man of my rank , my friend and my associate . * We sweetened counsel together ; we marched into the house of God with the throng . * Desolation be upon them ! They go down into Sheol alive , for evils are among them in their dwelling . * I , even I , will call to God , and Jehovah will save me . * Evening and morning , and at noon , I will complain and cry aloud ; and He shall hear my voice . * He redeems my soul in peace from the war being waged against me for they were many with me . * God shall hear and answer them , even He who is enthroned of old . Selah . There are no changes to them ; yea , they do not fear God . * He sent out his hand against those who wish him well ; he polluted his covenant . * The butterings of his mouth were smooth , and war was in his heart ; his words were softer than oil , but they were as drawn swords . * Cast on Jehovah what He has given , and He will keep you ; He will not give the righteous to waver , forever . * But You , O God , will bring them down to the pit of destruction ; men of blood and deceit will not live out half their days ; but I will trust in You . * To the chief musician . Concerning the silent dove , those far off . Of David , a secret treasure (when the Philistines seized him in Gath ). Favor me , O God , for man snuffs me up ; all the day fighting oppresses me . * My watchers panted for me all the day ; for many are proudly fighting against me . * The day I am afraid , I will trust in You . * In God I will praise His word ; in God I have trusted ; I will not fear ; what will flesh do to me ? * All the day they pervert my words ; all their thoughts are against me for evil . * They stir up strife ; they hide ; they observe my footprints as they wait for my soul . * Is escape for them by iniquity ? In anger the peoples cast down , O God . * You have counted my wandering ; O put my tears in Your bottle ; are they not in Your Book ? * Then my enemies will turn back in the day I call ; this I know , for God is for me . * In God I will praise the Word ; in Jehovah I will praise the Word . * In God I have trusted ; I will not fear ; what will man do to me ? * On me , O God , are Your vows ; I will render to You thank offerings . * For You have delivered my soul from death . Do You not keep my feet from falling , so that I may walk before God in the light of the living ? * To the chief musician . Do not destroy . A secret treasure of David , when he fled from Saul in the cave . Be merciful to me , O God , be merciful to me , for my soul trusts in You ; yea , in the shadow of Your wings I will make my hiding place , until the great destruction passes by . * I will cry to God most High , to God who works for me . * He shall send from Heaven and save me ; He will shame the one who crushes me . Selah . God shall send His mercy and His truth . * My soul is among lions ; I lie among those on fire , the sons of men , whose teeth are spears and arrows , and their tongue a sharp sword . * Be praised above the heavens , O God ; let Your glory be over the whole earth . * They have prepared a net for my steps ; my soul is bowed down ; they have dug a pit before me ; they have fallen into it . Selah . * My heart is fixed , O God , my heart is fixed ; I will sing and give praise . * Wake up my glory ! Wake up , harp and lyre ! I will stir the morning dawn with praise . * I will praise You among the peoples , O Lord , I will sing to You among the nations . * For Your mercy is great to the heavens , and Your truth to the clouds . * Be exalted above the heavens , O God ; Your glory over the whole earth . * To the chief musician . Do not destroy . A secret treasure of David . Will you indeed speak righteousness in silence ? Do you judge uprightly , O sons of men ? * Yes , in heart you work the evil , you weigh the violence of your hands in the land . * The wicked are estranged from the womb ; they go astray from the belly , speaking lies . * Their poison is like the poison of a snake ; like the deaf adder , he stops his ear , * which will not hear the charmer 's voice , skillful caster of spells . * O God , break their teeth in their mouth ; break out the big teeth of the young lions , O Jehovah . * Let them melt away like waters ; they flow off to them ; he treads his arrows ; let them be as though they were cut off ; * Let them be as a snail goes into melting , a miscarriage of a woman ; they do not see the sun . * Before your pots can feel the thorns , whether green or glowing , He shall sweep it away . * The righteous shall rejoice when he sees vengeance ; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked . * And man will say , Truly , a fruit is to the righteous ; truly , there is a God judging in the earth . * To the chief musician . Do not destroy . A secret treasure of David , when Saul sent , and they watched the house to kill him . Deliver me from my enemies , O my God ; set me on high from the ones who rise up against me . * Deliver me from the workers of evil , and save me from bloody men . * For lo , they lie in wait for my soul , mighty ones gather against me ; not for my transgression , and not my sin , O Jehovah . * Without my fault they run and prepare themselves ; awaken to help me , and look on me . * And You , O Jehovah God of hosts , the God of Israel : Awake to visit all the nations ; be not merciful to any plotting evil . Selah . * They return at evening ; they howl like a dog , and go around the city . * Behold , they bellow with their mouth ; swords are in their lips ; for they say , Who hears ? * But You , O Jehovah , shall laugh at them ; you shall mock at all the nations . * O my Strength , let me look to You ; for God is my strong tower . * The God of my mercy shall meet me ; God shall let me see my desire on my enemies . * Do not kill them , lest my people forget ; scatter them by Your power and bring them down , O Jehovah our shield . * For the sin of their mouth is the word of their lips , even let them be captured in their pride , and for cursing and the lying which they utter . * Consume them in Your anger ; consume , so that they may not be ; and they shall know that God is ruling in Jacob , to the ends of the earth . Selah . * Yes , they shall return at evening ; let them howl like the dog and go around the city ; * let them wander up and down for food , and growl if they are not satisfied . * But I will sing of Your power ; yes , I will sing of Your mercy in the morning . For You have been my strong tower , and my hiding place in the day of my trouble . * To You , O my strength , I will sing ; for God is my strong tower , the God of my mercy . * To the chief musician . On the Lily of Testimony . A secret treasure of David , to teach ; when he struggled with Aram-naharaim , and with Aram-zobah ; when Joab returned , and struck twelve thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt . O God ! You cast us off ; You broke us ; You who were angry ; take us back . * You made the earth tremble ; You tore it ; heal its breaks , for it is shaking . * You have shown Your people hardship ; You made us drink the wine of trembling . * You have given a banner to those who fear You , to lift it up because of the truth . Selah . * Save with Your right hand and answer me , that Your beloved may be delivered . * God has spoken in His holiness ; I will rejoice ; I will divide Shechem , and measure out the valley of Succoth . * Gilead is Mine , and Manasseh is Mine ; Ephraim is the strength of My head ; Judah is My lawgiver ; * Moab is My washpot ; over Edom I will cast out My shoe ; over me , Philistia , shout in triumph . * Who will bring me into the strong city ? Who will lead me into Edom ? * Have not You , O God , cast us aside ? And will You not go forth with our armies , O God ? * Give us help against our foe , for vain is the deliverance of man . * Through God we shall do mighty things ; for He shall tread on our foes . * To the chief musician . On stringed instruments . Of David . Hear my cry , O God , and listen to my prayer . * From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart faints ; Oh lead me to the Rock that is higher than I . * For You have been my shelter , a strong tower before the enemy . * I will dwell in Your tabernacle forever ; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings . Selah . * For You , O God , have heard my vows ; You appointed the inheritance of those who fear Your name . * You will add days to the days of the king ; his years will be as generations to generations . * He shall abide forever before God ; appoint mercy and truth to preserve him . * So I will sing praise to Your name forever , so that I may pay my vows day by day . * To the chief musician . To Jeduthun . A Psalm of David . Only to God is my soul silent ; from Him comes my salvation . * He alone is my rock and my salvation , my strong tower ; I shall not be greatly moved . * Until when will you break in against a man ? You will shatter him , all of you , like a bowing wall , a tottering fence . * Surely , they plotted to cast him down from his excellent dignity ; they delight in lies ; they bless with their mouth , but they curse in their heart . Selah . * Only be silent to God , O my soul , for my hope comes from Him . * He alone is my rock and my salvation , my strong tower ; I shall not be shaken . * On God is my salvation and my glory ; my strong rock , my refuge is in God . * Trust in Him at every time , you people ; pour out your heart before Him ; God is a refuge for us . Selah . * Surely the sons of men are vanity , the sons of man are a lie ; they go up in the scales ; they are higher than vanity together . * Trust not in oppression , and do not be vain in robbery ; if riches increase to you , do not set your heart on them . * God has spoken once ; twice I have heard this , that power belongs to God ; * Also mercy belongs to You , O Lord , for You reward a man according to his work . * A Psalm of David , when he was in the wilderness of Judah . O God , You are my God ; I earnestly seek You ; my soul thirsts for You ; my flesh longs for You , as in a dry and weary land without water . * Therefore I have seen you in the holy place , seeing Your power and Your glory . * For Your loving-kindness is better than life ; my lips give praise to You . * So I will bless You while I live ; I will lift up my hands in Your name . * My soul shall be satisfied , as with marrow and fatness ; and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips , * when I remember You upon my bed . I will meditate on You in the night watches . * For You have been a help to me , and I will rejoice under the shadow of Your wings . * My soul is cleaved after You ; Your right hand upholds me . * And those who seek to destroy my life shall go into the depths of the earth . * They shall pour him out by the sword ; they shall be a serving for jackals . * But the king shall rejoice in God ; everyone who swears by Him shall glory , because the mouth of the one speaking a lie will be stopped . * To the chief musician . A Psalm of David . O God , hear my voice in my complaint ; guard my life from the terror of the enemy . * Hide me from the council of those who injure , from the tumult of evildoers , * who sharpen their tongue like a sword ; they tread their arrows , a bitter word , * so that they may shoot at the innocent from a lurking place ; suddenly they shoot at him , and fear not . * They make themselves strong in an evil plan ; they talk of laying snares secretly ; they say , Who shall see them ? * They search into injustice , saying , We have finished a well laid plan . Yea , the inward part of man and the heart are deep ! * But God shall shoot an arrow at them ; their wounds shall suddenly appear . * So they shall be confounded ; their tongue falls upon themselves ; everyone seeing them shall flee . * And all men shall fear and shall declare the work of God ; yea , they shall in wisdom consider His work . * The righteous shall rejoice in Jehovah , and shall trust in Him ; and all the upright in heart shall glory . * To the chief musician . A Psalm and Song of David . To You silence is praise , O God , in Zion ; and to You is a vow paid . * To You who hears prayer , all flesh comes . * Things of iniquity , our transgressions , are mightier than I ; You atone for them . * Blessed is the one You choose and cause to come near You ; he shall dwell in Your courts ; we shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house , Your holy temple . * You will answer us in righteousness by awesome things , O God of our salvation ; the Confidence of all the ends of the earth and the sea , of those afar off . * By Your strength the mountains are established , banded together with might . * You still the roaring of the sea , the roar of their waves , and the tumult of the peoples . * And the inhabitants of the uttermost parts are afraid of Your signs ; You make the outgoings of the morning and the evening to rejoice . * You visit the earth and water it ; You greatly enrich it ; the river of God is full of water . You provide their grain , for in this way You have prepared it . * You fill its terraces with water . You deepen its furrows . You make it soft with showers . You bless the sprouting of it . * You crown the year of Your goodness , and Your tracks drop with fruitfulness . * The pastures of the wilderness drop , and the little hills gird themselves with joy . * The meadows are outfitted with flocks ; the valleys are also covered with grain ; they shout for joy and sing . * To the chief musician . A Songs . A Psalm . Make a joyful noise to God , all the earth ; * Sing out the honor of His name ; give glory to His praise . * Say to God , How fearful are Your works ! Through the greatness of Your power , Your enemies pretend obedience to You . * All the earth shall worship You ; and they sing to You ; they praise Your name . Selah . * Come and see God 's works , who is awesome in His acts toward the sons of men . * He turns the sea into dry land ; they go through the river on foot ; there we will rejoice with Him . * He rules by His power forever ; His eyes search out the nations ; let not the rebels exalt themselves . Selah . * Bless our God , O peoples , and make heard the voice of His praise ; * Who holds our soul in life and does not allow our foot to slide . * For You , O God , have proved us ; You have tested us as silver is refined . * You have brought us into the net ; You laid afflictions on our loins . * You have let men ride at our head ; we went through fire and through water , but You brought us out to plenty . * I will go into Your house with burnt offerings ; I will pay You my vows , * which my lips have opened , and my mouth has spoken in my trouble . * I will offer burnt sacrifices of fatlings to You , with the incense of rams ; I will offer bulls with goats . Selah . * Come , hear , and let me tell , all you who fear God , what He has done for my soul . * I cried to Him with my mouth , and exaltations were under my tongue . * If I had regarded iniquity in my heart , Jehovah would not have heard . * Surely , God has heard ; He has attended to the voice of my prayer . * Blessed be God , who has not turned away my prayer and His mercy from me ! * To the chief musician , for stringed instruments . A Psalm . A song . May God be merciful to us and bless us , and cause His face to shine upon us . Selah . * That Your way may be known on earth , Your salvation among all nations . * Let the peoples thank You , O God ; let all the peoples thank You . * Oh let the peoples be glad and sing for joy ; for You shall judge the peoples uprightly and govern the peoples on earth . Selah . * Let the peoples give thanks to You , O God ; let all the peoples give thanks to You . * The earth has given its increase ; God , our own God , shall bless us . * God shall bless us ; and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him . * To the chief musician . A Psalm of David . A Songs . God rises up and His enemies are scattered ; and those who hate Him flee from His face . * As smoke is driven away , You drive them away ; as wax melts before the fire , the wicked perish in God 's presence . * But the righteous are glad ; they shout for joy before God ; yea , they exult with gladness . * Sing to God , sing praise to His name ; lift up for Him who rides in the deserts ; by His name Jehovah ; yea , exult in His presence . * In His holy dwelling God is a father of the fatherless , and a judge of the widows . * God causes the lonely to live at home ; He brings out those who are bound with chains , while the rebellious dwell in a dry land . * O God , when You marched before Your people , when You walked on through the wilderness . Selah . * The earth shook , and the heavens dropped before God , this Sinai before God , the God of Israel . * O God , You sent down a shower of plenty , by which You upheld Your inheritance when it was weary . * Your flock lived in it . You , O God , have prepared for the poor in Your goodness . * Jehovah gave the word ; the bearers of it were a great army . * Kings of armies fled , they ran away ; yea , she who stayed home has divided the plunder . * When you lie among the sheepfolds , the wings of a dove are covered with silver , and its feathers with gleaming gold . * When the Almighty scatters kings in it , it snows on Mount Salmon . * The mountain of Bashan is God 's mountain ; the Bashan range is a mountain of peaks . * Why do you gaze in envy , O mountain range , at the mountain God desired for His dwelling ? Yea , Jehovah will dwell in it forever . * The chariots of God are myriads , thousands of changes , the Lord is among them , in Sinai , in the holy place . * You have gone up on high ; You have led captivity captive ; You have received gifts among men ; yea , to dwell among the rebellious , O Jehovah God . * Blessed be the Lord : day by day He bears burdens for us , the God of our salvation . Selah . * Our God is the God of salvation ; and to Jehovah the Lord are the issues of death . * Yea , God will crush the head of His enemies , the hairy crown of him who walks on in his guilt . * The Lord said , I will bring back from Bashan ; I will bring back My people from the depths of the sea ; * so that your foot may be dashed in the blood of your enemies , the tongue of your dogs in it . * They have seen Your processions , O God ; the goings of my God , my King , in the holy place . * The singers went before , then the musicians came ; among them were the virgins playing the timbrels . * O bless God in the congregations , the Lord , from the fountain of Israel . * There is little Benjamin their ruler ; the leaders of Judah in their crowd , and the leaders of Zebulun , the leaders of Naphtali . * Your God has commanded your strength ; O God , be strong , in this that You have worked out for us . * Because of Your temple over Jerusalem , kings shall bring a present to You . * Oh rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds , the herd of bulls , with the calves of the peoples , trampling down with pieces of silver . He scatters the people who delight in war . * Let nobles be brought out of Egypt ; Ethiopia shall run up her hands to God . * Sing to God , kingdoms of the earth , praises to the Lord . Selah . * To Him who rides on the heavens of heavens of old ; lo , He sends out His voice , a mighty voice . * Ascribe strength to God over Israel ; His majesty and His strength in the skies . * O God , You are awesome out of Your holy places ; the God of Israel is He who gives strength and powers to the people . Blessed be God ! * To the chief musician . Concerning the Lilies . Of David . Save me , O God , for the waters have come in to my soul . * I sink in deep mire , and there is no standing ; I have come into deep waters where the floods overflow me . * I am weary from my crying , my throat is scorched ; my eyes fail while I wait for my God . * They who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head ; they who would destroy me are mighty , my lying enemies ; then I restored what I did not take by violence . * O God , You know my foolishness , and my guiltiness is not hidden from You . * O Jehovah of hosts , do not let those who wait on You be ashamed for my sake ; let not the ones who seek You be ashamed for my sake , O God of Israel . * Because I suffered reproach for Your sake , shame has covered my face . * I have become a stranger to my brothers and a foreigner to my mother 's children . * For the zeal of Your house has consumed Me ; and the reproaches of the ones who reproach You have fallen on Me . * When I humbled my soul with fasting , it also was to my reproach ; * I also made sackcloth my clothing , and I became a mockery to them . * They who sit in the gate spoke of me ; and I was the song of drunkards . * But as for me , my prayer is to You , O Jehovah , at a time of favor , O God ! in the plentitude of Your mercy answer me , in the truth of Your salvation . * Deliver me out of the mire , that I may not sink ; let me be delivered from those who hate me , and out of the deep waters . * Let not the flood waters overflow me , nor let the deep swallow me up ; and let not the pit shut its mouth on me . * Hear me , O Jehovah , for Your mercy is good ; in the plentitude of Your tender mercies , turn toward me . * And do not hide Your face from Your servant ; for I am distressed ; hear me quickly ; * draw near my soul ; redeem it ; ransom me because of my enemies . * You know my reproach and my shame , and my dishonor ; my enemies are all before You . * Reproach has broken my heart , and I am faint ; and I waited for one to show pity , but there was no one ; and for comforters , but I found none . * They also gave Me gall in my food ; and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink . * Let their table be a trap before them , and to those at ease a snare . * Let their eyes be darkened from seeing , and cause their loins to quiver continually . * Pour out Your wrath on them ; and let the glow of Your anger overtake them . * Let their home be made desolate ; let no one dwell in their tents . * For whom You have stricken , they have persecuted ; and they gossip to the pain of those You pierced . * Put iniquity to their iniquity , and do not let them enter into Your righteousness . * Blot them out from the Book of Life ; yea , let them not be written with the righteous . * But I am poor and in pain ; O God , Your salvation shall set me on high . * I will praise God 's name in a song ; and I will magnify Him with thanks . * And it shall please Jehovah more than bulls , horned or hoofed bull . * The humble have seen and are glad ; you who seek God , your heart shall live . * For Jehovah hears the needy , and He does not despise His prisoners . * Let the heavens and the earth praise Him ; the seas , and everything that moves in them . * For God will save Zion ; and He will build the cities of Judah , and they shall live there and possess it . * And His servants ' seed shall inherit ; and they who love His name shall live in it . * To the chief musician . A Psalm of David , to bring to remembrance . O God , deliver me ! Hurry , O Jehovah , to help me ! * Let those who seek after my soul be ashamed and turned pale ; let them be turned backward and shamed , those who desire my evil . * Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame , those who say , Aha , aha ! * Let all those who seek You rejoice , and be glad in You ; and let those who love Your salvation forever say , Let God be magnified . * But I am poor and needy , come quickly to me , O God ; You are my help and my deliverer ; O Jehovah , do not wait any longer . * I put my trust in You , O Jehovah , let me not be put to shame forever . * In Your righteousness deliver me and rescue me ; bow down Your ear to me and save me . * Be a rock of strength for me , to which I may always go ; You have given a command to save me ; for You are my rock and my fortress . * O my God , deliver me out of the hand of the wicked , and out of the palm of the unjust and the ruthless . * For You are my hope , O Lord Jehovah , my trust from my youth . * I have rested on You from the belly ; You are He who took me out of my mother 's womb ; my praise shall be always of You . * I am like a wonder to many , but You are my strong tower . * My mouth is filled with Your praise , with your glory all the day long . * Do not cast me off now at the time of my old age . Do not forsake me when my strength fails . * For my enemies speak against me ; and those who lurk for my soul plot together . * And they say , God has forsaken him ; pursue him and take him , for there is no one to deliver . * O God , do not be far from me ; Oh my God come quickly to help me . * Let them be ashamed ; let those who are enemies of my soul be consumed ; let them be covered with reproach , and let those seeking evil for me be dishonored ; * and I will hope without ceasing , and I will add more on all Your praise . * My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day ; for I do not know the numbers . * I will come in the strength of the lord Jehovah ; I will speak of Your righteousness , of Yours alone . * O God , You have taught me from my youth ; and until now I have declared Your wonders . * And now that I am old and grayheaded , O God , do not leave me until I have manifested Your strength to the generation , Your power to everyone who is to come . * And , Your righteousness , O God , is to the heights , You who have done great things . O God , who is like You ? * Who has shown me great and evil distresses ; You will turn me ; You will make me live ; and You will bring me up from the depths of the earth . * You will multiply my greatness and surround and comfort me . * I will also thank You with a harp , O my God ; I will sing Your truth ; I will sing to You with the lyre , O Holy One of Israel . * My lips shall shout for joy , for I will sing praise to You ; also my soul which you have redeemed . * And my tongue shall muse on Your righteousness all the day ; because those seeking my evil are disgraced ; they are put to shame . * Of Solomon . Give the King Your judgments , O God ; and Your righteousness to the King 's son . * Your people He shall judge in righteousness , and Your poor in justice . * The mountains will lift up peace to the people ; and the little hills through righteousness . * He shall judge the poor of the people ; and He shall save the sons of the needy ; and He shall crush the oppressor . * They shall fear You with the sun , and before the moon in all generations . * He shall descend like rain on the mown grass , like showers that water the earth . * In His days the righteous shall flourish , and plenty of peace , till the moon is not . * He shall also rule from sea to sea , and from the River to the ends of the earth . * Those dwelling in the desert will bow before Him , and His enemies will lick the dust . * The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents ; the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts . * Yea , all kings shall fall down before Him ; all nations shall serve Him . * For He shall save the needy who cries , and the poor with no helper . * He shall have pity on the poor and needy ; and He saves the souls of the needy ones . * He shall redeem their souls from oppression and violence ; and their blood shall be precious in His eyes . * And He shall live , and the gold of Sheba shall be given to Him ; and prayer shall be made for Him continually ; He shall bless Him all the day long . * A fullness of grain shall be in the earth on top of the mountains ; its fruit shall shake like Lebanon ; and they of the city shall flourish like the grass of the earth . * His name shall be forever ; His name shall continue before the sun ; and they shall bless themselves by Him ; all nations shall call Him blessed . * Blessed is Jehovah God , the God of Israel , who alone does wonderful things . * And blessed is His glorious name forever ; and the whole earth is filled with His glory ! Amen and amen ! * The prayers of David the son of Jesse have ended . * A Psalm of Asaph . Truly God is good to Israel , to those who are of a pure heart .

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