





bbe Psalms:50-60

bbe@Psalms:50:1 @AA PPssaallmm.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:50:2 @From Zion, most beautiful of places, God has sent out his light.

bbe@Psalms:50:3 @Our God will come, and will not keep quiet; with fire burning before him, and storm-winds round him.

bbe@Psalms:50:4 @His voice will go out to the heavens and to the earth, for the judging of his people:

bbe@Psalms:50:5 @Let my saints come together to me; those who have made an agreement with me by offerings.

bbe@Psalms:50:6 @And let the heavens make clear his righteousness; for God himself is the judge. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:50:7 @Give ear, O my people, to my words; O Israel, I will be a witness against you; I am God, even your God.

bbe@Psalms:50:8 @I will not take up a cause against you because of your offerings, or because of your burned offerings, which are ever before me.

bbe@Psalms:50:9 @I will take no ox out of your house, or he-goats from your flocks;

bbe@Psalms:50:10 @For every beast of the woodland is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.

bbe@Psalms:50:11 @I see all the birds of the mountains, and the beasts of the field are mine.

bbe@Psalms:50:12 @If I had need of food, I would not give you word of it; for the earth is mine and all its wealth.

bbe@Psalms:50:13 @Am I to take the flesh of the ox for my food, or the blood of goats for my drink?

bbe@Psalms:50:14 @Make an offering of praise to God; keep the agreements which you have made with the Most High;

bbe@Psalms:50:15 @Let your voice come up to me in the day of trouble; I will be your saviour, so that you may give glory to me.

bbe@Psalms:50:16 @But to the sinner, God says, What are you doing, talking of my laws, or taking the words of my agreement in your mouth?

bbe@Psalms:50:17 @Seeing that you have no desire for my teaching, turning your back on my words.

bbe@Psalms:50:18 @When you saw a thief, you were in agreement with him, and you were joined with those who took other men's wives.

bbe@Psalms:50:19 @You have given your mouth to evil, your tongue to words of deceit.

bbe@Psalms:50:20 @You say evil of your brother; you make false statements against your mother's son.

bbe@Psalms:50:21 @These things have you done, and I said nothing; it seemed to you that I was such a one as yourself; but I will make a protest against you, and put them in order before your eyes.

bbe@Psalms:50:22 @Now keep this in mind, you who have no memory of God, for fear that you may be crushed under my hand, with no one to give you help:

bbe@Psalms:50:23 @Whoever makes an offering of praise gives glory to me; and to him who is upright in his ways I will make clear the salvation of God.

bbe@Psalms:51:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff DDaavviidd.. WWhheenn NNaatthhaann tthhee pprroopphheett ccaammee ttoo hhiimm,, aafftteerr hhee hhaadd ggoonnee iinn ttoo BBaatthh--sshheebbaa..

bbe@Psalms:51:2 @Let all my wrongdoing be washed away, and make me clean from evil.

bbe@Psalms:51:3 @For I am conscious of my error; my sin is ever before me.

bbe@Psalms:51:4 @Against you, you only, have I done wrong, working that which is evil in your eyes; so that your words may be seen to be right, and you may be clear when you are judging.

bbe@Psalms:51:5 @Truly, I was formed in evil, and in sin did my mother give me birth.

bbe@Psalms:51:6 @Your desire is for what is true in the inner parts: in the secrets of my soul you will give me knowledge of wisdom.

bbe@Psalms:51:7 @Make me free from sin with hyssop: let me be washed whiter than snow.

bbe@Psalms:51:8 @Make me full of joy and rapture; so that the bones which have been broken may be glad.

bbe@Psalms:51:9 @Let your face be turned from my wrongdoing, and take away all my sins.

bbe@Psalms:51:10 @Make a clean heart in me, O God; give me a right spirit again.

bbe@Psalms:51:11 @Do not put me away from before you, or take your holy spirit from me.

bbe@Psalms:51:12 @Give me back the joy of your salvation; let a free spirit be my support.

bbe@Psalms:51:13 @Then will I make your ways clear to wrongdoers; and sinners will be turned to you.

bbe@Psalms:51:14 @Be my saviour from violent death, O God, the God of my salvation; and my tongue will give praise to your righteousness.

bbe@Psalms:51:15 @O Lord, let my lips be open, so that my mouth may make clear your praise.

bbe@Psalms:51:16 @You have no desire for an offering or I would give it; you have no delight in burned offerings.

bbe@Psalms:51:17 @The offerings of God are a broken spirit; a broken and sorrowing heart, O God, you will not put from you.

bbe@Psalms:51:18 @Do good to Zion in your good pleasure, building up the walls of Jerusalem.

bbe@Psalms:51:19 @Then you will have delight in the offerings of righteousness, in burned offerings and offerings of beasts; then they will make offerings of oxen on your altar.

bbe@Psalms:52:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. MMaasscchhiill.. OOff DDaavviidd.. WWhheenn DDooeegg tthhee EEddoommiittee ccaammee ttoo SSaauull ssaayyiinngg,, DDaavviidd hhaass ccoommee ttoo tthhee hhoouussee ooff AAhhiimmeelleecchh..

bbe@Psalms:52:2 @Purposing destruction, using deceit; your tongue is like a sharp blade.

bbe@Psalms:52:3 @You have more love for evil than for good, for deceit than for works of righteousness. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:52:4 @Destruction is in all your words, O false tongue.

bbe@Psalms:52:5 @But God will put an end to you for ever; driving you out from your tent, uprooting you from the land of the living. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:52:6 @The upright will see it with fear, and will say, laughing at you:

bbe@Psalms:52:7 @See, this is the man who did not make God his strength, but had faith in his goods and his property, and made himself strong in his wealth.

bbe@Psalms:52:8 @But I am like a branching olive-tree in the house of God; I have put my faith in his mercy for ever and ever.

bbe@Psalms:52:9 @I will give you praise without end for what you have done; I will give honour to your name before your saints, for it is good.

bbe@Psalms:53:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo MMaahhaallaatthh.. MMaasscchhiill.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:53:2 @God was looking down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any who had wisdom, searching after God.

bbe@Psalms:53:3 @Every one of them has gone back; they are unclean: there is not one who does good, no, not one.

bbe@Psalms:53:4 @Have the workers of evil no knowledge? they take my people for food, as they would take bread; they make no prayer to God.

bbe@Psalms:53:5 @They were in great fear, where there was no cause for fear: for the bones of those who make war on you have been broken by God; you have put them to shame, because God has no desire for them.

bbe@Psalms:53:6 @May the salvation of Israel come out of Zion! When the fate of his people is changed by God, Jacob will have joy, and Israel will be glad.

bbe@Psalms:54:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; oonn NNeeggiinnootthh.. MMaasscchhiill.. OOff DDaavviidd.. WWhheenn tthhee ZZiipphhiitteess ccaammee aanndd ssaaiidd ttoo SSaauull,, IIss nnoott DDaavviidd kkeeeeppiinngg hhiimmsseellff sseeccrreett aammoonngg uuss??

bbe@Psalms:54:2 @Let my prayer come before you, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.

bbe@Psalms:54:3 @For men who are going after me have come out against me, violent men are purposing to take my soul; they have not put God before their eyes. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:54:4 @See, God is my helper: the Lord is the great supporter of my soul.

bbe@Psalms:54:5 @Let the evil works of my haters come back on them again; let them be cut off by your good faith.

bbe@Psalms:54:6 @Freely will I make my offerings to you; I will give praise to your name, O Lord, for it is good.

bbe@Psalms:54:7 @Because it has been my saviour from all my trouble; and my eyes have seen the punishment of my haters.

bbe@Psalms:55:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr,, oonn NNeeggiinnootthh.. MMaasscchhiill.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:55:2 @Give thought to me, and let my prayer be answered: I have been made low in sorrow;

bbe@Psalms:55:3 @I am troubled because of the voice of the cruel ones, because of the loud cry of the evil-doers; for they put a weight of evil on me, and they are cruel in their hate for me.

bbe@Psalms:55:4 @My heart is deeply wounded, and the fear of death has come on me.

bbe@Psalms:55:5 @Fear and shaking have come over me, with deep fear I am covered.

bbe@Psalms:55:6 @And I said, If only I had wings like a dove! for then I would go in flight from here and be at rest.

bbe@Psalms:55:7 @I would go wandering far away, living in the waste land. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:55:8 @I would quickly take cover from the driving storm and from the violent wind.

bbe@Psalms:55:9 @Send destruction on them, O Lord, make a division of tongues among them: for I have seen fighting and violent acts in the town.

bbe@Psalms:55:10 @By day and night they go round the town, on the walls; trouble and sorrow are in the heart of it.

bbe@Psalms:55:11 @Evil is there; cruel rule and deceit are ever in the streets.

bbe@Psalms:55:12 @For it was not my hater who said evil of me; that would have been no grief to me; it was not one outside the number of my friends who made himself strong against me, or I would have kept myself from him in a secret place;

bbe@Psalms:55:13 @But it was you, my equal, my guide, my well-loved friend.

bbe@Psalms:55:14 @We had loving talk together, and went to the house of God in company.

bbe@Psalms:55:15 @Let the hand of death come on them suddenly, and let them go down living into the underworld; because evil is in their houses and in their hearts.

bbe@Psalms:55:16 @As for me, I will make my prayer to God, and he will be my saviour.

bbe@Psalms:55:17 @In the evening and in the morning and in the middle of the day I will make my prayer with sounds of grief; and my voice will come to his ears.

bbe@Psalms:55:18 @He has taken my soul away from the attack which was made against me, and given it peace; for great numbers were against me.

bbe@Psalms:55:19 @God will give thought to me; he who from early times is strong will send pain and trouble on them. (Selah.) Because they are unchanged, they have no fear of God.

bbe@Psalms:55:20 @He has put out his hand against those who were at peace with him; he has not kept his agreement.

bbe@Psalms:55:21 @The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, but they were sharp swords.

bbe@Psalms:55:22 @Put your cares on the Lord, and he will be your support; he will not let the upright man be moved.

bbe@Psalms:55:23 @But you, O God, will send them down into the underworld; the cruel and the false will be cut off before half their days are ended; but I will have faith in you.

bbe@Psalms:56:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo JJoonnaatthh eelleemm rreehhookkiimm.. OOff DDaavviidd.. MMiicchhttaamm.. WWhheenn tthhee PPhhiilliissttiinneess ttooookk hhiimm iinn GGaatthh..

bbe@Psalms:56:2 @My haters are ever ready to put an end to me; great numbers are lifting themselves up against me.

bbe@Psalms:56:3 @In the time of my fear, I will have faith in you.

bbe@Psalms:56:4 @In God will I give praise to his word; in God have I put my hope; I will have no fear of what flesh may do to me.

bbe@Psalms:56:5 @Every day they make wrong use of my words; all their thoughts are against me for evil.

bbe@Psalms:56:6 @They come together, they are waiting in secret places, they take note of my steps, they are waiting for my soul.

bbe@Psalms:56:7 @By evil-doing they will not get free from punishment. In wrath, O God, let the peoples be made low.

bbe@Psalms:56:8 @You have seen my wanderings; put the drops from my eyes into your bottle; are they not in your record?

bbe@Psalms:56:9 @When I send up my cry to you, my haters will be turned back; I am certain of this, for God is with me.

bbe@Psalms:56:10 @In God will I give praise to his word; in the Lord will I give praise to his word.

bbe@Psalms:56:11 @In God have I put my hope, I will have no fear of what man may do to me.

bbe@Psalms:56:12 @I keep the memory of my debt to you, O God; I will give you the offerings of praise.

bbe@Psalms:56:13 @Because you have taken my soul from the power of death; and kept my feet from falling, so that I may be walking before God in the light of life.

bbe@Psalms:57:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo AAll--ttaasshhhheetthh.. MMiicchhttaamm.. OOff DDaavviidd.. WWhheenn hhee wweenntt iinn fflliigghhtt ffrroomm SSaauull,, iinn tthhee hhoollee ooff tthhee rroocckk..

bbe@Psalms:57:2 @I will send up my cry to the Most High God; to God who does all things for me.

bbe@Psalms:57:3 @He will send from heaven, and take me from the power of him whose desire is for my destruction. God will send out his mercy and his good faith.

bbe@Psalms:57:4 @My soul is among lions; I am stretched out among those who are on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword.

bbe@Psalms:57:5 @O God, be lifted up higher than the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.

bbe@Psalms:57:6 @They have made ready a net for my steps; my soul is bent down; they have made a great hole before me, and have gone down into it themselves. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:57:7 @My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will make songs, and give praise.

bbe@Psalms:57:8 @You are my glory; let the instruments of music be awake; I myself will be awake with the dawn.

bbe@Psalms:57:9 @I will give you praise, O Lord, among the peoples; I will make songs to you among the nations.

bbe@Psalms:57:10 @For your mercy is great, stretching up to the heavens, and your righteousness goes up to the clouds.

bbe@Psalms:57:11 @Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth.

bbe@Psalms:58:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo AAll--ttaasshhhheetthh.. MMiicchhttaamm.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:58:2 @The purposes of your hearts are evil; your hands are full of cruel doings on the earth.

bbe@Psalms:58:3 @The evil-doers are strange from the first; from the hour of their birth they go out of the true way, saying false words.

bbe@Psalms:58:4 @Their poison is like the poison of a snake; they are like the adder, whose ears are shut;

bbe@Psalms:58:5 @Who will not be moved by the voice of the wonder-worker, however great are his powers.

bbe@Psalms:58:6 @O God, let their teeth be broken in their mouths; let the great teeth of the young lions be pulled out, O Lord.

bbe@Psalms:58:7 @Let them be turned to liquid like the ever-flowing waters; let them be cut off like the grass by the way.

bbe@Psalms:58:8 @Let them be like an after-birth which is turned to water and comes to an end; like the fruit of a woman who gives birth before her time, let them not see the sun.

bbe@Psalms:58:9 @Before they are conscious of it, let them be cut down like thorns; let a strong wind take them away like waste growth.

bbe@Psalms:58:10 @The upright man will be glad when he sees their punishment; his feet will be washed in the blood of the evil-doer.

bbe@Psalms:58:11 @So that men will say, Truly there is a reward for righteousness; truly there is a God who is judge on the earth.

bbe@Psalms:59:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo AAtt--ttaasshhhheetthh.. MMiicchhttaamm.. OOff DDaavviidd.. WWhheenn SSaauull sseenntt,, aanndd tthheeyy wweerree wwaattcchhiinngg tthhee hhoouussee,, ttoo ppuutt hhiimm ttoo ddeeaatthh..

bbe@Psalms:59:2 @Take me out of the power of the workers of evil, and keep me safe from the men of blood.

bbe@Psalms:59:3 @For see, they are watching in secret for my soul; the strong have come together against me? but not because of my sin, or my evil-doing, O Lord.

bbe@Psalms:59:4 @For no sin of mine they go quickly and get themselves ready; be awake and come to my help, and see.

bbe@Psalms:59:5 @You, O Lord God of armies, are the God of Israel; come now and give punishment to the nations; have no mercy on any workers of deceit. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:59:6 @They come back in the evening; they make a noise like a dog, and go round the town.

bbe@Psalms:59:7 @See, hate is dropping from their lips; curses are on their tongues: they say, Who gives attention to it?

bbe@Psalms:59:8 @But you are laughing at them, O Lord; you will make sport of all the nations.

bbe@Psalms:59:9 @O my strength, I will put my hope in you; because God is my strong tower.

bbe@Psalms:59:10 @The God of my mercy will go before me: God will let me see my desire effected on my haters.

bbe@Psalms:59:11 @Put them not to death, for so my people will keep the memory of them: let them be sent in all directions by your power; make them low, O Lord our saviour.

bbe@Psalms:59:12 @Because of the sin of their mouths and the word of their lips, let them even be taken in their pride; and for their curses and their deceit,

bbe@Psalms:59:13 @Put an end to them in your wrath, put an end to them, so that they may not be seen again; let them see that God is ruling in Jacob and to the ends of the earth. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:59:14 @And in the evening let them come back, and make a noise like a dog, and go round the town.

bbe@Psalms:59:15 @Let them go wandering up and down in search of food, and be there all night if they have not enough.

bbe@Psalms:59:16 @But I will make songs of your power; yes, I will give cries of joy for your mercy in the morning; because you have been my strength and my high tower in the day of my trouble.

bbe@Psalms:59:17 @To you, O my strength, will I make my song: because God is my high tower, even the God of my mercy.

bbe@Psalms:60:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo SShhuusshhaann--eedduutthh.. MMiicchhttaamm.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:60:2 @God, you have put us away from you, you have sent us in all directions, you have been angry; O be turned to us again.

bbe@Psalms:60:3 @By the power of your hand the earth is shaking and broken; make it strong again, for it is moved.

bbe@Psalms:60:4 @You have made the people see hard times; you have given us the wine of shaking for our drink.

bbe@Psalms:60:5 @Give a safe place to those who have fear of you, where they may go in flight from before the bow. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:60:6 @So that your loved ones may be made safe, let your right hand be my salvation, and give me an answer.

bbe@Psalms:60:7 @God has said in his holy place, I will be glad: I will make a division of Shechem, and the valley of Succoth will be measured out.

bbe@Psalms:60:8 @Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; and Ephraim is the strength of my head; Judah is my law-giver;

bbe@Psalms:60:9 @Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I put out my shoe; over Philistia will a glad cry be sounded.

bbe@Psalms:60:10 @Who will take me into the strong town? who will be my guide into Edom?

bbe@Psalms:60:11 @Have not you put us away, O God? and you have not gone out with our armies.

bbe@Psalms:60:12 @Give us help in our trouble; for there is no help in man.

bbe@Psalms:60:13 @Through God we will do great things, for through him our haters will be crushed under our feet.

bbe@Psalms:61:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. OOnn aa ccoorrddeedd iinnssttrruummeenntt.. OOff DDaavviidd..

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