





bbe Psalms:61-72

bbe@Psalms:61:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. OOnn aa ccoorrddeedd iinnssttrruummeenntt.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:61:2 @From the end of the earth will I send up my cry to you, when my heart is overcome: take me to the rock which is over-high for me.

bbe@Psalms:61:3 @For you have been my secret place, and my high tower from those who made war on me.

bbe@Psalms:61:4 @I will make your tent my resting-place for ever: I will keep myself under the cover of your wings. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:61:5 @For you, O God, have made answer to my prayers; you have given me the heritage of those who give honour to your name.

bbe@Psalms:61:6 @You will give the king long life; and make his years go on through the generations.

bbe@Psalms:61:7 @May the seat of his authority be before God for ever; may mercy and righteousness keep him safe.

bbe@Psalms:61:8 @So will I make songs in praise of your name for ever, giving to God that which is right day by day.

bbe@Psalms:62:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. AAfftteerr JJeedduutthhuunn.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:62:2 @He only is my Rock and my salvation; he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.

bbe@Psalms:62:3 @How long will you go on designing evil against a man? running against him as against a broken wall, which is on the point of falling?

bbe@Psalms:62:4 @Their only thought is to put him down from his place of honour; their delight is in deceit: blessing is in their mouths but cursing in their hearts. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:62:5 @My soul, put all your faith in God; for from him comes my hope.

bbe@Psalms:62:6 @He only is my Rock and my salvation; he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.

bbe@Psalms:62:7 @In God is my salvation, and my glory; the Rock of my strength, and my safe place.

bbe@Psalms:62:8 @Have faith in him at all times, you people; let your hearts go flowing out before him: God is our safe place. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:62:9 @Truly men of low birth are nothing, and men of high position are not what they seem; if they are put in the scales together they are less than a breath.

bbe@Psalms:62:10 @Have no faith in the rewards of evil-doing, or in profits wrongly made: if your wealth is increased, do not put your hopes on it.

bbe@Psalms:62:11 @Once has God said, twice has it come to my ears, that power is God's:

bbe@Psalms:62:12 @And mercy, O Lord, is yours, for you give to every man the reward of his work.

bbe@Psalms:63:1 @AA PPssaallmm.. OOff DDaavviidd.. WWhheenn hhee wwaass iinn tthhee wwaassttee llaanndd ooff JJuuddaahh..

bbe@Psalms:63:2 @To see your power and your glory, as I have seen you in the holy place.

bbe@Psalms:63:3 @Because your mercy is better than life, my lips will give you praise.

bbe@Psalms:63:4 @So will I go on blessing you all my life, lifting up my hands in your name.

bbe@Psalms:63:5 @My soul will be comforted, as with good food; and my mouth will give you praise with songs of joy;

bbe@Psalms:63:6 @When the memory of you comes to me on my bed, and when I give thought to you in the night-time.

bbe@Psalms:63:7 @Because you have been my help, I will have joy in the shade of your wings.

bbe@Psalms:63:8 @My soul keeps ever near you: your right hand is my support.

bbe@Psalms:63:9 @But those whose desire is my soul's destruction will go down to the lower parts of the earth.

bbe@Psalms:63:10 @They will be cut off by the sword; they will be food for foxes.

bbe@Psalms:63:11 @But the king will have joy in God; everyone who takes an oath by him will have cause for pride; but the false mouth will be stopped.

bbe@Psalms:64:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:64:2 @Keep me safe from the secret purpose of wrongdoers; from the band of the workers of evil;

bbe@Psalms:64:3 @Who make their tongues sharp like a sword, and whose arrows are pointed, even bitter words;

bbe@Psalms:64:4 @So that in secret they may let loose their arrows at the upright, suddenly and unseen.

bbe@Psalms:64:5 @They make themselves strong in an evil purpose; they make holes for secret nets; they say, Who will see it,

bbe@Psalms:64:6 @Or make discovery of our secret purpose? The design is framed with care; and the inner thought of a man, and his heart, is deep.

bbe@Psalms:64:7 @But God sends out an arrow against them; suddenly they are wounded.

bbe@Psalms:64:8 @The evil of their tongues is the cause of their fall; all those who see them are shaking their heads at them.

bbe@Psalms:64:9 @And in fear men make public the works of God; and giving thought to his acts they get wisdom.

bbe@Psalms:64:10 @The upright will be glad in the Lord and have hope in him; and all the lovers of righteousness will give him glory.

bbe@Psalms:65:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff DDaavviidd.. AA SSoonngg..

bbe@Psalms:65:2 @To you, O hearer of prayer, let the words of all flesh come.

bbe@Psalms:65:3 @Evils have overcome us: but as for our sins, you will take them away.

bbe@Psalms:65:4 @Happy is the man of your selection, to whom you give a resting-place in your house; we will be full of the good things out of your holy place.

bbe@Psalms:65:5 @You will give us an answer in righteousness by great acts of power, O God of our salvation; you who are the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of the far-off lands of the sea;

bbe@Psalms:65:6 @The God by whose strength the mountains are fixed; who is robed with power:

bbe@Psalms:65:7 @Who makes the loud voice of the sea quiet, and puts an end to the sound of its waves.

bbe@Psalms:65:8 @Those in the farthest parts of the earth have fear when they see your signs: the outgoings of the morning and evening are glad because of you.

bbe@Psalms:65:9 @You have given your blessing to the earth, watering it and making it fertile; the river of God is full of water: and having made it ready, you give men grain.

bbe@Psalms:65:10 @You make the ploughed lands full of water; you make smooth the slopes: you make the earth soft with showers, sending your blessing on its growth.

bbe@Psalms:65:11 @The year is crowned with the good you give; life-giving rain is dropping from your footsteps,

bbe@Psalms:65:12 @Falling on the grass of the waste land: and the little hills are glad on every side.

bbe@Psalms:65:13 @The grass-land is thick with flocks; the valleys are full of grain; they give glad cries and songs of joy.

bbe@Psalms:66:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. AA SSoonngg.. AA PPssaallmm..

bbe@Psalms:66:2 @Make a song in honour of his name: give praise and glory to him.

bbe@Psalms:66:3 @Say to God, How greatly to be feared are your works! because of your great power your haters are forced to put themselves under your feet.

bbe@Psalms:66:4 @Let all the earth give you worship, and make songs to you; let them make songs to your name. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:66:5 @Come and see the works of God: he is to be feared in all he does to the children of men.

bbe@Psalms:66:6 @The sea was turned into dry land: they went through the river on foot: there did we have joy in him.

bbe@Psalms:66:7 @He is ruling in power for ever; his eyes are watching the nations: may his haters have no strength against him. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:66:8 @Give blessings to our God, O you peoples, let the voice of his praise be loud;

bbe@Psalms:66:9 @Because he gives us life, and has not let our feet be moved.

bbe@Psalms:66:10 @For you, O God, have put us to the test: testing us by fire like silver.

bbe@Psalms:66:11 @You let us be put in prison; chains were put on our legs.

bbe@Psalms:66:12 @You let men go driving over our heads; we went through fire and through water; but you took us out into a wide place.

bbe@Psalms:66:13 @I will come into your house with burned offerings, I will make payment of my debt to you,

bbe@Psalms:66:14 @Keeping the word which came from my lips, and which my mouth said, when I was in trouble.

bbe@Psalms:66:15 @I will give you burned offerings of fat beasts, and the smoke of sheep; I will make offerings of oxen and goats. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:66:16 @Come, give ear to me, all you God-fearing men, so that I may make clear to you what he has done for my soul.

bbe@Psalms:66:17 @My voice went up to him, and I was lifted up from the underworld.

bbe@Psalms:66:18 @I said in my heart, The Lord will not give ear to me:

bbe@Psalms:66:19 @But truly God's ear has been open; he has give attention to the voice of my prayer.

bbe@Psalms:66:20 @Praise be to God who has not taken away his good faith and his mercy from me.

bbe@Psalms:67:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. WWiitthh ccoorrddeedd iinnssttrruummeennttss.. AA PPssaallmm.. AA SSoonngg..

bbe@Psalms:67:2 @So that men may see your way on the earth, and your salvation among all nations.

bbe@Psalms:67:3 @Let the peoples give you praise, O God; let all the peoples give you praise.

bbe@Psalms:67:4 @O let the nations be glad, and make song of joy; for you will be the judge of the peoples in righteousness, guiding the nations of the earth. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:67:5 @Let the peoples give you praise, O God; let all the peoples give you praise.

bbe@Psalms:67:6 @The earth has given her increase; and God, even our God, will give us his blessing.

bbe@Psalms:67:7 @God will give us his blessing; so let all the ends of the earth be in fear of him.

bbe@Psalms:68:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. OOff DDaavviidd.. AA PPssaallmm.. AA SSoonngg..

bbe@Psalms:68:2 @Let them be like smoke before the driving wind; as wax turning soft before the fire, so let them come to an end before the power of God.

bbe@Psalms:68:3 @But let the upright be glad; let them have delight before God; let them be full of joy.

bbe@Psalms:68:4 @Make songs to God, make songs of praise to his name; make a way for him who comes through the waste lands; his name is Jah; be glad before him.

bbe@Psalms:68:5 @A father to those who have no father, a judge of the widows, is God in his holy place.

bbe@Psalms:68:6 @Those who are without friends, God puts in families; he makes free those who are in chains; but those who are turned away from him are given a dry land.

bbe@Psalms:68:7 @O God, when you went out before your people, wandering through the waste land; (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:68:8 @The earth was shaking and the heavens were streaming, because God was present; even Sinai itself was moved before God, the God of Israel.

bbe@Psalms:68:9 @You, O God, did freely send the rain, giving strength to the weariness of your heritage.

bbe@Psalms:68:10 @Those whose resting-place was there, even the poor, were comforted by your good things, O God.

bbe@Psalms:68:11 @The Lord gives the word; great is the number of the women who make it public.

bbe@Psalms:68:12 @Kings of armies quickly go in flight: and the women in the houses make a division of their goods.

bbe@Psalms:68:13 @Will you take your rest among the flocks? like the wings of a dove covered with silver, and its feathers with yellow gold.

bbe@Psalms:68:14 @When the Most High put the kings to flight, it was as white as snow in Salmon.

bbe@Psalms:68:15 @A hill of God is the hill of Bashan; a hill with high tops is the hill of Bashan.

bbe@Psalms:68:16 @Why are you looking with envy, you high hills, on the hill desired by God as his resting-place? truly, God will make it his house for ever.

bbe@Psalms:68:17 @The war-carriage of God is among Israel's thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai to the holy place.

bbe@Psalms:68:18 @You have gone up on high, taking your prisoners with you; you have taken offerings from men; the Lord God has taken his place on the seat of his power.

bbe@Psalms:68:19 @Praise be to the Lord, who is our support day by day, even the God of our salvation. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:68:20 @Our God is for us a God of salvation; his are the ways out of death.

bbe@Psalms:68:21 @The heads of the haters of God will be crushed; even the head of him who still goes on in his evil ways.

bbe@Psalms:68:22 @The Lord said, I will make them come back from Bashan, and from the deep parts of the sea;

bbe@Psalms:68:23 @So that your foot may be red with blood, and the tongues of your dogs with the same.

bbe@Psalms:68:24 @We see your going, O God: even the going of my God, my King, into the holy place.

bbe@Psalms:68:25 @The makers of songs go before, the players of music come after, among the young girls playing on brass instruments.

bbe@Psalms:68:26 @Give praise to God in the great meeting; even the Lord, you who come from the fountain of Israel.

bbe@Psalms:68:27 @There is little Benjamin ruling them, the chiefs of Judah and their army, the rulers of Zebulun and the rulers of Naphtali.

bbe@Psalms:68:28 @O God, send out your strength; the strength, O God, with which you have done great things for us,

bbe@Psalms:68:29 @Out of your Temple in Jerusalem.

bbe@Psalms:68:30 @Say sharp words to the beast among the water-plants, the band of strong ones, with the lords of the peoples, put an end to the people whose delight is in war.

bbe@Psalms:68:31 @Kings will give you offerings, they will come out of Egypt; from Pathros will come offerings of silver; Ethiopia will be stretching out her hands to God.

bbe@Psalms:68:32 @Make songs to God, you kingdoms of the earth; O make songs of praise to the Lord; (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:68:33 @To him who goes or the clouds of heaven, the heaven which was from earliest times; he sends out his voice of power.

bbe@Psalms:68:34 @Make clear that strength is God's: he is lifted up over Israel, and his power is in the clouds.

bbe@Psalms:68:35 @O God, you are to be feared in your holy place: the God of Israel gives strength and power to his people. Praise be to God.

bbe@Psalms:69:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo SShhoosshhaannnniimm.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:69:2 @My feet are deep in the soft earth, where there is no support; I have come into deep waters, the waves are flowing over me.

bbe@Psalms:69:3 @I am tired with my crying; my throat is burning: my eyes are wasted with waiting for my God.

bbe@Psalms:69:4 @Those who have hate for me without cause are greater in number than the hairs of my head; those who are against me, falsely desiring my destruction, are very strong; I gave back what I had not taken away.

bbe@Psalms:69:5 @O God, you see how foolish I am; and my wrongdoing is clear to you.

bbe@Psalms:69:6 @Let not those who have hope in you be put to shame because of me, O Lord God of armies: let not those who are waiting for you be made low because of me, O God of Israel.

bbe@Psalms:69:7 @I have been wounded with sharp words because of you; my face has been covered with shame.

bbe@Psalms:69:8 @I have become strange to my brothers, and like a man from a far country to my mother's children.

bbe@Psalms:69:9 @I am on fire with passion for your house; and the hard things which are said about you have come on me.

bbe@Psalms:69:10 @My bitter weeping, and my going without food, were turned to my shame.

bbe@Psalms:69:11 @When I put on the clothing of grief, they said evil of me.

bbe@Psalms:69:12 @I am a cause of wonder to those in authority; a song to those who are given to strong drink.

bbe@Psalms:69:13 @But as for me, let my prayer be made to you, O Lord, at a time when you are pleased; O God, give me an answer in your great mercy, for your salvation is certain.

bbe@Psalms:69:14 @Take me from the grip of the sticky earth, so that I may not go down into it; let me be lifted up from the deep waters.

bbe@Psalms:69:15 @Let me not be covered by the flowing waters; let not the deep waters go over my head, and let me not be shut up in the underworld.

bbe@Psalms:69:16 @Give an answer to my words, O Lord; for your mercy is good: be turned to me, because of your great pity.

bbe@Psalms:69:17 @Let not your face be covered from your servant, for I am in trouble; quickly give me an answer.

bbe@Psalms:69:18 @Come near to my soul, for its salvation: be my saviour, because of those who are against me.

bbe@Psalms:69:19 @You have seen my shame, how I was laughed at and made low; my haters are all before you.

bbe@Psalms:69:20 @My heart is broken by bitter words, I am full of grief; I made a search for some to have pity on me, but there was no one; I had no comforter.

bbe@Psalms:69:21 @They gave me poison for my food; and bitter wine for my drink.

bbe@Psalms:69:22 @Let their table before them be for their destruction; let their feasts become a net to take them.

bbe@Psalms:69:23 @Let their eyes be blind so that they may not see; let their bodies for ever be shaking.

bbe@Psalms:69:24 @Let your curse come on them; let the heat of your wrath overtake them.

bbe@Psalms:69:25 @Give their houses to destruction, and let there be no one in their tents.

bbe@Psalms:69:26 @Because they are cruel to him against whom your hand is turned; they make bitter the grief of him who is wounded by you.

bbe@Psalms:69:27 @Let their punishment be increased; let them not come into your righteousness.

bbe@Psalms:69:28 @Let their names be taken from the book of the living, let them not be numbered with the upright.

bbe@Psalms:69:29 @But I am poor and full of sorrow; let me be lifted up by your salvation, O Lord.

bbe@Psalms:69:30 @I will give praise to the name of God with a song; I will give glory to him for what he has done.

bbe@Psalms:69:31 @This will be more pleasing to the Lord than an ox, or a young ox of full growth.

bbe@Psalms:69:32 @The poor will see it and be glad: you who are lovers of God, let your hearts have life.

bbe@Psalms:69:33 @For the ears of the Lord are open to the poor, and he takes thought for his prisoners.

bbe@Psalms:69:34 @Let the heavens and the earth give praise to him, the seas, and everything moving in them.

bbe@Psalms:69:35 @For God will be the saviour of Zion, and the builder of the towns of Judah; so that it may be their resting-place and heritage.

bbe@Psalms:69:36 @The seed of his servants will have their part in it, and there the lovers of his name will have rest.

bbe@Psalms:70:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. OOff DDaavviidd.. TToo kkeeeepp iinn mmeemmoorryy..

bbe@Psalms:70:2 @Let those who go after my soul have shame and trouble; let those who have evil designs against me be turned back and made foolish.

bbe@Psalms:70:3 @Let those who say Aha, aha! be turned back as a reward of their shame.

bbe@Psalms:70:4 @Let all those who are looking for you be glad and have joy in you; let the lovers of your salvation ever say, May God be great.

bbe@Psalms:70:5 @But I am poor and in need; come to me quickly, O God; you are my help and my saviour; let there be no waiting, O Lord.

bbe@Psalms:71:1 @In you, O Lord, have I put my hope; let me never be shamed.

bbe@Psalms:71:2 @Keep me safe in your righteousness, and come to my help; give ear to my voice, and be my saviour.

bbe@Psalms:71:3 @Be my strong Rock, the strong place of my salvation; for you are my Rock, and my safe place.

bbe@Psalms:71:4 @O my God, take me out of the hand of the sinner, out of the hand of the evil and cruel man.

bbe@Psalms:71:5 @For you are my hope, O Lord God; I have had faith in you from the time when I was young.

bbe@Psalms:71:6 @You have been my support from the day of my birth; you took me out of my mother's body; my praise will be ever of you.

bbe@Psalms:71:7 @I am a wonder to all; but you are my strong tower.

bbe@Psalms:71:8 @My mouth will be full of your praise and glory all the day.

bbe@Psalms:71:9 @Do not give me up when I am old; be my help even when my strength is gone.

bbe@Psalms:71:10 @For my haters are waiting secretly for me; and those who are watching for my soul are banded together in their evil designs,

bbe@Psalms:71:11 @Saying, God has given him up; go after him and take him, for he has no helper.

bbe@Psalms:71:12 @O God, be not far from me; O my God, come quickly to my help.

bbe@Psalms:71:13 @Let those who say evil against my soul be overcome and put to shame; let my haters be made low and have no honour.

bbe@Psalms:71:14 @But I will go on ever hoping, and increasing in all your praise.

bbe@Psalms:71:15 @My mouth will make clear your righteousness and your salvation all the day; for they are more than may be measured.

bbe@Psalms:71:16 @I will give news of the great acts of the Lord God; my words will be of your righteousness, and of yours only.

bbe@Psalms:71:17 @O God, you have been my teacher from the time when I was young; and I have been talking of your works of wonder even till now.

bbe@Psalms:71:18 @Now when I am old and grey-headed, O God, give me not up; till I have made clear your strength to this generation, and your power to all those to come.

bbe@Psalms:71:19 @Your righteousness, O God, is very high; you have done great things; O God, who is like you?

bbe@Psalms:71:20 @You, who have sent great and bitter troubles on me, will give me life again, lifting me up from the deep waters of the underworld.

bbe@Psalms:71:21 @You will make me greater than before, and give me comfort on every side.

bbe@Psalms:71:22 @I will give praise to you with instruments of music, O my God, for you are true; I will make songs to you with music, O Holy One of Israel.

bbe@Psalms:71:23 @Joy will be on my lips when I make melody to you; and in my soul, to which you have given salvation.

bbe@Psalms:71:24 @My tongue will be talking of your righteousness all the day; for those whose purpose is to do me evil have been crushed and put to shame.

bbe@Psalms:72:1 @OOff SSoolloommoonn..

bbe@Psalms:72:2 @May he be a judge of your people in righteousness, and make true decisions for the poor.

bbe@Psalms:72:3 @May the mountains give peace to the people, and the hills righteousness.

bbe@Psalms:72:4 @May he be a judge of the poor among the people, may he give salvation to the children of those who are in need; by him let the violent be crushed.

bbe@Psalms:72:5 @May his life go on as long as the sun and moon, through all generations.

bbe@Psalms:72:6 @May he come down like rain on the cut grass; like showers watering the earth.

bbe@Psalms:72:7 @In his days may the upright do well, living in peace as long as there is a moon in heaven.

bbe@Psalms:72:8 @Let his kingdom be from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.

bbe@Psalms:72:9 @Let those who are against him go down before him; and let his haters be low in the dust.

bbe@Psalms:72:10 @Let the kings of Tarshish and of the islands come back with offerings; let the kings of Sheba and Seba give of their stores.

bbe@Psalms:72:11 @Yes, let all kings go down before him; let all nations be his servants.

bbe@Psalms:72:12 @For he will be a saviour to the poor in answer to his cry; and to him who is in need, without a helper.

bbe@Psalms:72:13 @He will have pity on the poor, and be the saviour of those who are in need.

bbe@Psalms:72:14 @He will keep their souls free from evil designs and violent attacks; and their blood will be of value in his eyes.

bbe@Psalms:72:15 @May he have long life, and may gold from Sheba be given to him: may prayers be made for him at all times; may blessings be on him every day.

bbe@Psalms:72:16 @May there be wide-stretching fields of grain in the land, shaking on the top of the mountains, full of fruit like Lebanon: may its stems be unnumbered like the grass of the earth.

bbe@Psalms:72:17 @May his name go on for ever, as long as the sun: may men be blessing themselves by him; may all nations be blessing his name.

bbe@Psalms:72:18 @Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, the only doer of wonders.

bbe@Psalms:72:19 @Praise to the glory of his noble name for ever; let all the earth be full of his glory. So be it, So be it.

bbe@Psalms:72:20 @The prayers of David, the son of Jesse, are ended. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:73:1 @Truly, God is good to Israel, even to such as are clean in heart.

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