





bbe Psalms:73-89

bbe@Psalms:73:1 @Truly, God is good to Israel, even to such as are clean in heart.

bbe@Psalms:73:2 @But as for me, my feet had almost gone from under me; I was near to slipping;

bbe@Psalms:73:3 @Because of my envy of the men of pride, when I saw the well-being of the wrongdoers.

bbe@Psalms:73:4 @For they have no pain; their bodies are fat and strong.

bbe@Psalms:73:5 @They are not in trouble as others are; they have no part in the unhappy fate of men.

bbe@Psalms:73:6 @For this reason pride is round them like a chain; they are clothed with violent behaviour as with a robe.

bbe@Psalms:73:7 @Their eyes are bursting with fat; they have more than their heart's desire.

bbe@Psalms:73:8 @Their thoughts are deep with evil designs; their talk from their seats of power is of cruel acts.

bbe@Psalms:73:9 @Their mouth goes up to heaven; their tongues go walking through the earth.

bbe@Psalms:73:10 @For this reason they are full of bread; and water is ever flowing for them.

bbe@Psalms:73:11 @And they say, How will the Lord see this? is there knowledge in the Most High?

bbe@Psalms:73:12 @Truly, such are the sinners; they do well at all times, and their wealth is increased.

bbe@Psalms:73:13 @As for me, I have made my heart clean to no purpose, washing my hands in righteousness;

bbe@Psalms:73:14 @For I have been troubled all the day; every morning have I undergone punishment.

bbe@Psalms:73:15 @If I would make clear what it is like, I would say, You are false to the generation of your children.

bbe@Psalms:73:16 @When my thoughts were turned to see the reason of this, it was a weariness in my eyes;

bbe@Psalms:73:17 @Till I went into God's holy place, and saw the end of the evil-doers.

bbe@Psalms:73:18 @You put their feet where there was danger of slipping, so that they go down into destruction.

bbe@Psalms:73:19 @How suddenly are they wasted! fears are the cause of their destruction.

bbe@Psalms:73:20 @As a dream when one is awake, they are ended; they are like an image gone out of mind when sleep is over.

bbe@Psalms:73:21 @My heart was made bitter, and I was pained by the bite of grief:

bbe@Psalms:73:22 @As for me, I was foolish, and without knowledge; I was like a beast before you.

bbe@Psalms:73:23 @But still I am ever with you; you have taken me by my right hand.

bbe@Psalms:73:24 @Your wisdom will be my guide, and later you will put me in a place of honour.

bbe@Psalms:73:25 @Whom have I in heaven but you? and having you I have no desire for anything on earth.

bbe@Psalms:73:26 @My flesh and my heart are wasting away: but God is the Rock of my heart and my eternal heritage.

bbe@Psalms:73:27 @For those who are far away from you will come to destruction: you will put an end to all those who have not kept faith with you.

bbe@Psalms:73:28 @But it is good for me to come near to God: I have put my faith in the Lord God, so that I may make clear all his works.

bbe@Psalms:74:1 @MMaasscchhiill.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:74:2 @Keep in mind your band of worshippers, for whom you gave payment in the days which are past, whom you took for yourself as the people of your heritage; even this mountain of Zion, which has been your resting-place.

bbe@Psalms:74:3 @Go up and see the unending destruction; all the evil which your haters have done in the holy place;

bbe@Psalms:74:4 @Sending out their voices like lions among your worshippers; they have put up their signs to be seen.

bbe@Psalms:74:5 @They are cutting down, like a man whose blade is lifted up against the thick trees.

bbe@Psalms:74:6 @Your doors are broken down with hammers and iron blades.

bbe@Psalms:74:7 @They have put on fire your holy place; they have made the place of your name unclean, pulling it down to the earth.

bbe@Psalms:74:8 @They have said in their hearts, Let us put an end to them all together; they have given over to the fire all God's places of worship in the land.

bbe@Psalms:74:9 @We do not see our signs: there is no longer any prophet, or anyone among us to say how long.

bbe@Psalms:74:10 @O God, how long will those who are against us say cruel things? will the hater go on looking down on your name for ever?

bbe@Psalms:74:11 @Why are you keeping back your hand, and covering your right hand in your robe?

bbe@Psalms:74:12 @For from the past God is my King, working salvation in the earth.

bbe@Psalms:74:13 @The sea was parted in two by your strength; the heads of the great sea-beasts were broken.

bbe@Psalms:74:14 @The heads of the great snake were crushed by you; you gave them as food to the fishes of the sea.

bbe@Psalms:74:15 @You made valleys for fountains and springs; you made the ever-flowing rivers dry.

bbe@Psalms:74:16 @The day is yours and the night is yours: you made the light and the sun.

bbe@Psalms:74:17 @By you all the limits of the earth were fixed; you have made summer and winter.

bbe@Psalms:74:18 @Keep this in mind, O Lord, that your haters have said cruel things, and that your name has been looked down on by a people of evil behaviour.

bbe@Psalms:74:19 @O give not the soul of your dove to the hawk; let not the life of the poor go out of your memory for ever.

bbe@Psalms:74:20 @Keep in mind your undertaking; for the dark places of the earth are full of pride and cruel acts.

bbe@Psalms:74:21 @O let not the crushed be turned back in shame; let the low man and the poor give praise to your name.

bbe@Psalms:74:22 @Up! O God, be the judge of your cause; keep in mind the bitter things which the man of evil behaviour says against you every day.

bbe@Psalms:74:23 @Keep in mind the voice of your haters; the outcry of those who come against you goes up every day.

bbe@Psalms:75:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo AAll--ttaasshhhheetthh.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff AAssaapphh.. AA SSoonngg..

bbe@Psalms:75:2 @When the right time has come, I will be the judge in righteousness.

bbe@Psalms:75:3 @When the earth and all its people become feeble, I am the support of its pillars. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:75:4 @I say to the men of pride, Let your pride be gone: and to the sinners, Let not your horn be lifted up.

bbe@Psalms:75:5 @Let not your horn be lifted up: let no more words of pride come from your outstretched necks.

bbe@Psalms:75:6 @For honour does not come from the east, or from the west, or uplifting from the south;

bbe@Psalms:75:7 @But God is the judge, putting down one, and lifting up another.

bbe@Psalms:75:8 @For in the hand of the Lord is a cup, and the wine is red; it is well mixed, overflowing from his hand: he will make all the sinners of the earth take of it, even to the last drop.

bbe@Psalms:75:9 @But I will ever be full of joy, making songs of praise to the God of Jacob.

bbe@Psalms:75:10 @By him will all the horns of the sinners be cut off; but the horns of the upright will be lifted up.

bbe@Psalms:76:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo NNeeggiinnootthh.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff AAssaapphh.. AA SSoonngg..

bbe@Psalms:76:2 @In Salem is his tent, his resting-place in Zion.

bbe@Psalms:76:3 @There were the arrows of the bow broken, there he put an end to body-cover, sword, and fight. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:76:4 @You are shining and full of glory, more than the eternal mountains.

bbe@Psalms:76:5 @Gone is the wealth of the strong, their last sleep has overcome them; the men of war have become feeble.

bbe@Psalms:76:6 @At the voice of your wrath, O God of Jacob, deep sleep has overcome carriage and horse.

bbe@Psalms:76:7 @You, you are to be feared; who may keep his place before you in the time of your wrath?

bbe@Psalms:76:8 @From heaven you gave your decision; the earth, in its fear, gave no sound,

bbe@Psalms:76:9 @When God took his place as judge, for the salvation of the poor on the earth. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:76:10 @The... will give you praise; the rest of...

bbe@Psalms:76:11 @Give to the Lord your God what is his by right; let all who are round him give offerings to him who is to be feared.

bbe@Psalms:76:12 @He puts an end to the wrath of rulers; he is feared by the kings of the earth.

bbe@Psalms:77:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. AAfftteerr JJeedduutthhuunn.. OOff AAssaapphh.. AA PPssaallmm..

bbe@Psalms:77:2 @In the day of my trouble, my heart was turned to the Lord: my hand was stretched out in the night without resting; my soul would not be comforted.

bbe@Psalms:77:3 @I will keep God in memory, with sounds of grief; my thoughts are troubled, and my spirit is overcome. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:77:4 @You keep my eyes from sleep; I am so troubled that no words come.

bbe@Psalms:77:5 @My thoughts go back to the days of the past, to the years which are gone.

bbe@Psalms:77:6 @The memory of my song comes back to me in the night; my thoughts are moving in my heart; my spirit is searching with care.

bbe@Psalms:77:7 @Will the Lord put me away for ever? will he be kind no longer?

bbe@Psalms:77:8 @Is his mercy quite gone for ever? has his word come to nothing?

bbe@Psalms:77:9 @Has God put away the memory of his pity? are his mercies shut up by his wrath? (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:77:10 @And I said, It is a weight on my spirit; but I will keep in mind the years of the right hand of the Most High.

bbe@Psalms:77:11 @I will keep in mind the works of Jah: I will keep the memory of your wonders in the past.

bbe@Psalms:77:12 @I will give thought to all your work, while my mind goes over your acts of power.

bbe@Psalms:77:13 @Your way, O God, is holy: what god is so great as our God?

bbe@Psalms:77:14 @You are the God who does works of power: you have made your strength clear to the nations.

bbe@Psalms:77:15 @With your arm you have made your people free, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:77:16 @The waters saw you, O God; the waters saw you, they were in fear: even the deep was troubled.

bbe@Psalms:77:17 @The clouds sent out water; the skies gave out a sound; truly, your arrows went far and wide.

bbe@Psalms:77:18 @The voice of your thunder went rolling on; the world was flaming with the light of the storm; the earth was shaking.

bbe@Psalms:77:19 @Your way was in the sea, and your road in the great waters; there was no knowledge of your footsteps.

bbe@Psalms:77:20 @You were guiding your people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

bbe@Psalms:78:1 @MMaasscchhiill.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:78:2 @Opening my mouth I will give out a story, even the dark sayings of old times;

bbe@Psalms:78:3 @Which have come to our hearing and our knowledge, as they were given to us by our fathers.

bbe@Psalms:78:4 @We will not keep them secret from our children; we will make clear to the coming generation the praises of the Lord and his strength, and the great works of wonder which he has done.

bbe@Psalms:78:5 @He put up a witness in Jacob, and made a law in Israel; which he gave to our fathers so that they might give knowledge of them to their children;

bbe@Psalms:78:6 @So that the generation to come might have knowledge of them, even the children of the future, who would give word of them to their children;

bbe@Psalms:78:7 @So that they might put their hope in God, and not let God's works go out of their minds, but keep his laws;

bbe@Psalms:78:8 @And not be like their fathers, a stiff-necked and uncontrolled generation; a generation whose heart was hard, whose spirit was not true to God.

bbe@Psalms:78:9 @The children of Ephraim, armed with bows, were turned back on the day of the fight.

bbe@Psalms:78:10 @They were not ruled by God's word, and they would not go in the way of his law;

bbe@Psalms:78:11 @They let his works go out of their memory, and the wonders which he had made them see.

bbe@Psalms:78:12 @He did great works before the eyes of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan.

bbe@Psalms:78:13 @The sea was cut in two so that they might go through; the waters were massed together on this side and on that.

bbe@Psalms:78:14 @In the daytime he was guiding them in the cloud, and all through the night with a light of fire.

bbe@Psalms:78:15 @The rocks of the waste land were broken by his power, and he gave them drink as out of the deep waters.

bbe@Psalms:78:16 @He made streams come out of the rock; and waters came flowing down like rivers.

bbe@Psalms:78:17 @And they went on sinning against him even more, turning away from the Most High in the waste land;

bbe@Psalms:78:18 @Testing God in their hearts, requesting meat for their desire.

bbe@Psalms:78:19 @They said bitter words against God, saying, Is God able to make ready a table in the waste land?

bbe@Psalms:78:20 @See, the rock was cut open by his power, so that the water came rushing out, and overflowing streams; is he able to give us bread? is he able to get meat for his people?

bbe@Psalms:78:21 @So these things came to the Lord's ears, and he was angry; and a fire was lighted against Jacob, and wrath came up against Israel;

bbe@Psalms:78:22 @Because they had no faith in God, and no hope in his salvation.

bbe@Psalms:78:23 @And he gave orders to the clouds on high, and the doors of heaven were open;

bbe@Psalms:78:24 @And he sent down manna like rain for their food, and gave them the grain of heaven.

bbe@Psalms:78:25 @Man took part in the food of strong ones; he sent them meat in full measure.

bbe@Psalms:78:26 @He sent an east wind from heaven, driving on the south wind by his power.

bbe@Psalms:78:27 @He sent down meat on them like dust, and feathered birds like the sand of the sea,

bbe@Psalms:78:28 @And he let it come down into their resting-place, round about their tents.

bbe@Psalms:78:29 @So they had food and were full; for he gave them their desire;

bbe@Psalms:78:30 @But they were not turned from their desires; and while the food was still in their mouths,

bbe@Psalms:78:31 @The wrath of God came on them, and put to death the fattest of them, and put an end to the young men of Israel.

bbe@Psalms:78:32 @For all this they went on sinning even more, and had no faith in his great wonders.

bbe@Psalms:78:33 @So their days were wasted like a breath, and their years in trouble.

bbe@Psalms:78:34 @When he sent death on them, then they made search for him; turning to him and looking for him with care;

bbe@Psalms:78:35 @In the memory that God was their Rock, and the Most High God their saviour.

bbe@Psalms:78:36 @But their lips were false to him, and their tongues were untrue to him;

bbe@Psalms:78:37 @And their hearts were not right with him, and they did not keep their agreement with him.

bbe@Psalms:78:38 @But he, being full of pity, has forgiveness for sin, and does not put an end to man: frequently turning back his wrath, and not being violently angry.

bbe@Psalms:78:39 @So he kept in mind that they were only flesh; a breath which is quickly gone, and will not come again.

bbe@Psalms:78:40 @How frequently did they go against him in the waste land, and give him cause for grief in the dry places!

bbe@Psalms:78:41 @Again they put God to the test, and gave pain to the Holy One of Israel.

bbe@Psalms:78:42 @They did not keep in mind the work of his hand, or the day when he took them from the power of their haters;

bbe@Psalms:78:43 @How he had done his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan;

bbe@Psalms:78:44 @So that their rivers were turned to blood, and they were not able to get drink from their streams.

bbe@Psalms:78:45 @He sent different sorts of flies among them, poisoning their flesh; and frogs for their destruction.

bbe@Psalms:78:46 @He gave the increase of their fields to worms, the fruits of their industry to the locusts.

bbe@Psalms:78:47 @He sent ice for the destruction of their vines; their trees were damaged by the bitter cold.

bbe@Psalms:78:48 @Ice was rained down on their cattle; thunderstorms sent destruction among the flocks.

bbe@Psalms:78:49 @He sent on them the heat of his wrath, his bitter disgust, letting loose evil angels among them.

bbe@Psalms:78:50 @He let his wrath have its way; he did not keep back their soul from death, but gave their life to disease.

bbe@Psalms:78:51 @He gave to destruction all the first sons of Egypt; the first-fruits of their strength in the tents of Ham;

bbe@Psalms:78:52 @But he took his people out like sheep, guiding them in the waste land like a flock.

bbe@Psalms:78:53 @He took them on safely so that they had no fear; but their haters were covered by the sea.

bbe@Psalms:78:54 @And he was their guide to his holy land, even to the mountain, which his right hand had made his;

bbe@Psalms:78:55 @Driving out nations before them, marking out the line of their heritage, and giving the people of Israel their tents for a resting-place.

bbe@Psalms:78:56 @But they were bitter against the Most High God, testing him, and not keeping his laws;

bbe@Psalms:78:57 @Their hearts were turned back and untrue like their fathers; they were turned to one side like a twisted bow.

bbe@Psalms:78:58 @They made him angry with their high places; moving him to wrath with their images.

bbe@Psalms:78:59 @When this came to God's ears he was very angry, and gave up Israel completely;

bbe@Psalms:78:60 @So that he went away from the holy place in Shiloh, the tent which he had put among men;

bbe@Psalms:78:61 @And he let his strength be taken prisoner, and gave his glory into the hands of his hater.

bbe@Psalms:78:62 @He gave his people up to the sword, and was angry with his heritage.

bbe@Psalms:78:63 @Their young men were burned in the fire; and their virgins were not praised in the bride-song.

bbe@Psalms:78:64 @Their priests were put to death by the sword, and their widows made no weeping for them.

bbe@Psalms:78:65 @Then was the Lord like one awaking from sleep, and like a strong man crying out because of wine.

bbe@Psalms:78:66 @His haters were turned back by his blows and shamed for ever.

bbe@Psalms:78:67 @And he put the tent of Joseph on one side, and took not the tribe of Ephraim;

bbe@Psalms:78:68 @But he took the tribe of Judah for himself, and the mountain of Zion, in which he had pleasure.

bbe@Psalms:78:69 @And he made his holy place like the high heaven, like the earth which is fixed by him for ever.

bbe@Psalms:78:70 @He took David to be his servant, taking him from the place of the flocks;

bbe@Psalms:78:71 @From looking after the sheep which were giving milk, he took him to give food to Jacob his people, and to Israel his heritage.

bbe@Psalms:78:72 @So he gave them food with an upright heart, guiding them by the wisdom of his hands.

bbe@Psalms:79:1 @AA PPssaallmm.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:79:2 @They have given the bodies of your servants as food to the birds of the air, and the flesh of your saints to the beasts of the earth.

bbe@Psalms:79:3 @Their blood has been flowing like water round about Jerusalem; there was no one to put them in their last resting-place.

bbe@Psalms:79:4 @We are looked down on by our neighbours, we are laughed at and made sport of by those who are round us.

bbe@Psalms:79:5 @How long, O Lord? will you be angry for ever? will your wrath go on burning like fire?

bbe@Psalms:79:6 @Let your wrath be on the nations who have no knowledge of you, and on the kingdoms who have not made prayer to your name.

bbe@Psalms:79:7 @For they have taken Jacob for their meat, and made waste his house.

bbe@Psalms:79:8 @Do not keep in mind against us the sins of our fathers; let your mercy come to us quickly, for we have been made very low.

bbe@Psalms:79:9 @Give us help, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name; take us out of danger and give us forgiveness for our sins, because of your name.

bbe@Psalms:79:10 @Why may the nations say, Where is their God? Let payment for the blood of your servants be made openly among the nations before our eyes.

bbe@Psalms:79:11 @Let the cry of the prisoner come before you; with your strong arm make free the children of death;

bbe@Psalms:79:12 @And give punishment seven times over into the breast of our neighbours for the bitter words which they have said against you, O Lord.

bbe@Psalms:79:13 @So we your people, and the sheep of your flock, will give you glory for ever: we will go on praising you through all generations.

bbe@Psalms:80:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo SShhoosshhaannnniimm--eedduutthh.. OOff AAssaapphh.. AA PPssaallmm..

bbe@Psalms:80:2 @Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, let your strength be awake from sleep, and come as our salvation.

bbe@Psalms:80:3 @Take us back again, O God; let us see the shining of your face, and let us be safe.

bbe@Psalms:80:4 @O Lord God of armies, how long will your wrath be burning against the rest of your people?

bbe@Psalms:80:5 @You have given them the bread of weeping for food; for their drink you have given them sorrow in great measure.

bbe@Psalms:80:6 @You make us a cause of war among our neighbours; our haters are laughing at us among themselves.

bbe@Psalms:80:7 @Take us back again, O God of armies; let us see the shining of your face, and let us be safe.

bbe@Psalms:80:8 @You took a vine out of Egypt: driving out the nations, and planting it in their land.

bbe@Psalms:80:9 @You made ready a place for it, so that it might take deep root, and it sent out its branches over all the land.

bbe@Psalms:80:10 @The mountains were covered with its shade, and the great trees with its branches.

bbe@Psalms:80:11 @It sent out its arms to the Sea, and its branches to the River.

bbe@Psalms:80:12 @Why are its walls broken down by your hands, so that all who go by may take its fruit?

bbe@Psalms:80:13 @It is uprooted by the pigs from the woods, the beasts of the field get their food from it.

bbe@Psalms:80:14 @Come back, O God of armies: from heaven let your eyes be turned to this vine, and give your mind to it,

bbe@Psalms:80:15 @Even to the tree which was planted by your right hand, and to the branch which you made strong for yourself.

bbe@Psalms:80:16 @It is burned with fire; it is cut down: they are made waste by the wrath of your face.

bbe@Psalms:80:17 @Let your hand be on the man of your right hand, on the son of man whom you made strong for yourself.

bbe@Psalms:80:18 @So will we not be turned back from you; keep us in life, and we will give praise to your name.

bbe@Psalms:80:19 @Take us back, O Lord God of armies; let us see the shining of your face, and let us be safe.

bbe@Psalms:81:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo tthhee GGiittttiitthh.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:81:2 @Take up the melody, playing on an instrument of music, even on corded instruments.

bbe@Psalms:81:3 @Let the horn be sounded in the time of the new moon, at the full moon, on our holy feast-day:

bbe@Psalms:81:4 @For this is a rule for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob.

bbe@Psalms:81:5 @He gave it to Joseph as a witness, when he went out over the land of Egypt; then the words of a strange tongue were sounding in my ears.

bbe@Psalms:81:6 @I took the weight from his back; his hands were made free from the baskets.

bbe@Psalms:81:7 @You gave a cry in your trouble, and I made you free; I gave you an answer in the secret place of the thunder; I put you to the test at the waters of Meribah. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:81:8 @Give ear, O my people, and I will give you my word, O Israel, if you will only do as I say!

bbe@Psalms:81:9 @There is to be no strange god among you; you are not to give worship to any other god.

bbe@Psalms:81:10 @I am the Lord your God, who took you up from the land of Egypt: let your mouth be open wide, so that I may give you food.

bbe@Psalms:81:11 @But my people did not give ear to my voice; Israel would have nothing to do with me.

bbe@Psalms:81:12 @So I gave them up to the desires of their hearts; that they might go after their evil purposes.

bbe@Psalms:81:13 @If only my people would give ear to me, walking in my ways!

bbe@Psalms:81:14 @I would quickly overcome their haters: my hand would be turned against those who make war on them.

bbe@Psalms:81:15 @The haters of the Lord would be broken, and their destruction would be eternal.

bbe@Psalms:81:16 @I would give them the best grain for food; you would be full of honey from the rock.

bbe@Psalms:82:1 @AA PPssaallmm.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:82:2 @How long will you go on judging falsely, having respect for the persons of evil-doers? (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:82:3 @Give ear to the cause of the poor and the children without fathers; let those who are troubled and in need have their rights.

bbe@Psalms:82:4 @Be the saviour of the poor and those who have nothing: take them out of the hand of the evil-doers.

bbe@Psalms:82:5 @They have no knowledge or sense; they go about in the dark: all the bases of the earth are moved.

bbe@Psalms:82:6 @I said, You are gods; all of you are the sons of the Most High:

bbe@Psalms:82:7 @But you will come to death like men, falling like one of the rulers of the earth.

bbe@Psalms:82:8 @Up! O God, come as judge of the earth; for all the nations are your heritage.

bbe@Psalms:83:1 @AA SSoonngg.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff AAssaapphh..

bbe@Psalms:83:2 @For see! those who make war on you are out of control; your haters are lifting up their heads.

bbe@Psalms:83:3 @They have made wise designs against your people, talking together against those whom you keep in a secret place.

bbe@Psalms:83:4 @They have said, Come, let us put an end to them as a nation; so that the name of Israel may go out of man's memory.

bbe@Psalms:83:5 @For they have all come to an agreement; they are all joined together against you:

bbe@Psalms:83:6 @The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagarites;

bbe@Psalms:83:7 @Gebal and Ammon and Amalek; the Philistines and the people of Tyre;

bbe@Psalms:83:8 @Assur is joined with them; they have become the support of the children of Lot. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:83:9 @Do to them what you did to the Midianites; what you did to Sisera and Jabin, at the stream of Kishon:

bbe@Psalms:83:10 @Who came to destruction at En-dor; their bodies became dust and waste.

bbe@Psalms:83:11 @Make their chiefs like Oreb and Zeeb; and all their rulers like Zebah and Zalmunna:

bbe@Psalms:83:12 @Who have said, Let us take for our heritage the resting-place of God.

bbe@Psalms:83:13 @O my God, make them like the rolling dust; like dry stems before the wind.

bbe@Psalms:83:14 @As fire burning a wood, and as a flame causing fire on the mountains,

bbe@Psalms:83:15 @So go after them with your strong wind, and let them be full of fear because of your storm.

bbe@Psalms:83:16 @Let their faces be full of shame; so that they may give honour to your name, O Lord.

bbe@Psalms:83:17 @Let them be overcome and troubled for ever; let them be put to shame and come to destruction;

bbe@Psalms:83:18 @So that men may see that you only, whose name is Yahweh, are Most High over all the earth.

bbe@Psalms:84:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo tthhee GGiittttiitthh AA PPssaallmm.. OOff tthhee ssoonnss ooff KKoorraahh..

bbe@Psalms:84:2 @The passion of my soul's desire is for the house of the Lord; my heart and my flesh are crying out for the living God.

bbe@Psalms:84:3 @The little birds have places for themselves, where they may put their young, even your altars, O Lord of armies, my King and my God.

bbe@Psalms:84:4 @Happy are they whose resting-place is in your house: they will still be praising you. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:84:5 @Happy is the man whose strength is in you; in whose heart are the highways to Zion.

bbe@Psalms:84:6 @Going through the valley of balsam-trees, they make it a place of springs; it is clothed with blessings by the early rain.

bbe@Psalms:84:7 @They go from strength to strength; every one of them comes before God in Zion.

bbe@Psalms:84:8 @O Lord God of armies, let my prayer come to you: give ear, O God of Jacob. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:84:9 @O God, let your eyes be on him who is our safe cover, and let your heart be turned to your king.

bbe@Psalms:84:10 @For a day in your house is better than a thousand. It is better to be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to be living in the tents of sin.

bbe@Psalms:84:11 @The Lord God is our sun and our strength: the Lord will give grace and glory: he will not keep back any good thing from those whose ways are upright.

bbe@Psalms:84:12 @O Lord of armies, happy is the man whose hope is in you.

bbe@Psalms:85:1 @TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff tthhee ssoonnss ooff KKoorraahh..

bbe@Psalms:85:2 @The wrongdoing of your people had forgiveness; all their sin had been covered. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:85:3 @You were no longer angry: you were turned from the heat of your wrath.

bbe@Psalms:85:4 @Come back to us, O God of our salvation, and be angry with us no longer.

bbe@Psalms:85:5 @Will you go on being angry with us for ever? will you keep your wrath against us through all the long generations?

bbe@Psalms:85:6 @Will you not give us life again, so that your people may be glad in you?

bbe@Psalms:85:7 @Let us see your mercy, O Lord, and give us your salvation.

bbe@Psalms:85:8 @I will give ear to the voice of the Lord; for he will say words of peace to his people and to his saints; but let them not go back to their foolish ways.

bbe@Psalms:85:9 @Truly, his salvation is near to his worshippers; so that glory may be in our land.

bbe@Psalms:85:10 @Mercy and faith have come together; righteousness and peace have given one another a kiss.

bbe@Psalms:85:11 @Faith comes up from the earth like a plant; righteousness is looking down from heaven.

bbe@Psalms:85:12 @The Lord will give what is good; and our land will give its increase.

bbe@Psalms:85:13 @Righteousness will go before him, making a way for his footsteps.

bbe@Psalms:86:1 @AA PPrraayyeerr.. OOff DDaavviidd..

bbe@Psalms:86:2 @Keep my soul, for I am true to you; O my God, give salvation to your servant, whose hope is in you.

bbe@Psalms:86:3 @Have mercy on me, O Lord; for my cry goes up to you all the day.

bbe@Psalms:86:4 @Make glad the soul of your servant; for it is lifted up to you, O Lord.

bbe@Psalms:86:5 @You are good, O Lord, and full of forgiveness; your mercy is great to all who make their cry to you.

bbe@Psalms:86:6 @O Lord, give ear to my prayer; and take note of the sound of my requests.

bbe@Psalms:86:7 @In the day of my trouble I send up my cry to you; for you will give me an answer.

bbe@Psalms:86:8 @There is no god like you, O Lord; there are no works like your works.

bbe@Psalms:86:9 @Let all the nations whom you have made come and give worship to you, O Lord, giving glory to your name.

bbe@Psalms:86:10 @For you are great, and do great works of wonder; you only are God.

bbe@Psalms:86:11 @Make your way clear to me, O Lord; I will go on my way in your faith: let my heart be glad in the fear of your name.

bbe@Psalms:86:12 @I will give you praise, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will give glory to your name for ever.

bbe@Psalms:86:13 @For your mercy to me is great; you have taken my soul up from the deep places of the underworld.

bbe@Psalms:86:14 @O God, men of pride have come up against me, and the army of violent men would take my life; they have not put you before them.

bbe@Psalms:86:15 @But you, O Lord, are a God full of pity and forgiveness, slow to get angry, great in mercy and wisdom.

bbe@Psalms:86:16 @O be turned to me and have mercy on me: give your strength to your servant, and your salvation to the son of her who is your servant.

bbe@Psalms:86:17 @Give me a sign for good; so that my haters may see it and be shamed; because you, Lord, have been my help and comfort.

bbe@Psalms:87:1 @OOff tthhee ssoonnss ooff KKoorraahh.. AA PPssaallmm.. AA SSoonngg..

bbe@Psalms:87:2 @The Lord has more love for the doors of Zion than for all the tents of Jacob.

bbe@Psalms:87:3 @Noble things are said of you, O town of God. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:87:4 @Rahab and Babylon will be named among those who have knowledge of me; see, Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man had his birth there.

bbe@Psalms:87:5 @And of Zion it will be said, This or that man had his birth there; and the Most High will make her strong.

bbe@Psalms:87:6 @The Lord will keep in mind, when he is writing the records of the people, that this man had his birth there. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:87:7 @The players on instruments will be there, and the dancers will say, All my springs are in you.

bbe@Psalms:88:1 @AA SSoonngg.. AA PPssaallmm.. OOff tthhee ssoonnss ooff KKoorraahh.. TToo tthhee cchhiieeff mmuussiicc--mmaakkeerr;; ppuutt ttoo MMaahhaallaatthh LLeeaannnnootthh.. MMaasscchhiill.. OOff HHeemmaann tthhee EEzzrraahhiittee..

bbe@Psalms:88:2 @Let my prayer come before you; give ear to my cry:

bbe@Psalms:88:3 @For my soul is full of evils, and my life has come near to the underworld.

bbe@Psalms:88:4 @I am numbered among those who go down into the earth; I have become like a man for whom there is no help:

bbe@Psalms:88:5 @My soul is among the dead, like those in the underworld, to whom you give no more thought; for they are cut off from your care.

bbe@Psalms:88:6 @You have put me in the lowest deep, even in dark places.

bbe@Psalms:88:7 @The weight of your wrath is crushing me, all your waves have overcome me. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:88:8 @You have sent my friends far away from me; you have made me a disgusting thing in their eyes: I am shut up, and not able to come out.

bbe@Psalms:88:9 @My eyes are wasting away because of my trouble: Lord, my cry has gone up to you every day, my hands are stretched out to you.

bbe@Psalms:88:10 @Will you do works of wonder for the dead? will the shades come back to give you praise? (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:88:11 @Will the story of your mercy be given in the house of the dead? will news of your faith come to the place of destruction?

bbe@Psalms:88:12 @May there be knowledge of your wonders in the dark? or of your righteousness where memory is dead?

bbe@Psalms:88:13 @But to you did I send up my cry, O Lord; in the morning my prayer came before you.

bbe@Psalms:88:14 @Lord, why have you sent away my soul? why is your face covered from me?

bbe@Psalms:88:15 @I have been troubled and in fear of death from the time when I was young; your wrath is hard on me, and I have no strength.

bbe@Psalms:88:16 @The heat of your wrath has gone over me; I am broken by your cruel punishments.

bbe@Psalms:88:17 @They are round me all the day like water; they have made a circle about me.

bbe@Psalms:88:18 @You have sent my friends and lovers far from me; I am gone from the memory of those who are dear to me.

bbe@Psalms:89:1 @MMaasscchhiill.. OOff EEtthhaann tthhee EEzzrraahhiittee..

bbe@Psalms:89:2 @For you have said, Mercy will be made strong for ever; my faith will be unchanging in the heavens.

bbe@Psalms:89:3 @I have made an agreement with the man of my selection, I have made an oath to David my servant;

bbe@Psalms:89:4 @I will make your seed go on for ever, your kingdom will be strong through all generations. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:89:5 @In heaven let them give praise for your wonders, O Lord; and your unchanging faith among the saints.

bbe@Psalms:89:6 @For who is there in the heavens in comparison with the Lord? who is like the Lord among the sons of the gods?

bbe@Psalms:89:7 @God is greatly to be feared among the saints, and to be honoured over all those who are about him.

bbe@Psalms:89:8 @O Lord God of armies, who is strong like you, O Jah? and your unchanging faith is round about you.

bbe@Psalms:89:9 @You have rule over the sea in storm; when its waves are troubled, you make them calm.

bbe@Psalms:89:10 @Rahab was crushed by you like one wounded to death; with your strong arm you put to flight all your haters.

bbe@Psalms:89:11 @Yours are the heavens, and the earth is yours; you have made the world, and everything which is in it.

bbe@Psalms:89:12 @You have made the north and the south; Tabor and Hermon are sounding with joy at your name.

bbe@Psalms:89:13 @Yours is an arm of power; strong is your hand and high your right hand.

bbe@Psalms:89:14 @The seat of your kingdom is resting on righteousness and right judging: mercy and good faith come before your face.

bbe@Psalms:89:15 @Happy are the people who have knowledge of the holy cry: the light of your face, O Lord, will be shining on their way.

bbe@Psalms:89:16 @In your name will they have joy all the day: in your righteousness will they be lifted up.

bbe@Psalms:89:17 @For you are the glory of their strength; in your pleasure will our horn be lifted up.

bbe@Psalms:89:18 @For our breastplate is the Lord; and our king is the Holy One of Israel's.

bbe@Psalms:89:19 @Then your voice came to your holy one in a vision, saying, I have put the crown on a strong one, lifting up one taken from among the people.

bbe@Psalms:89:20 @I have made discovery of David my servant; I have put my holy oil on his head.

bbe@Psalms:89:21 @My hand will be his support; my arm will give him strength.

bbe@Psalms:89:22 @The deceit of those who are against him will not overcome him; he will not be troubled by the sons of evil.

bbe@Psalms:89:23 @I will have those who are against him broken before his face, and his haters will be crushed under my blows.

bbe@Psalms:89:24 @But my faith and my mercy will be with him; and in my name will his horn be lifted up.

bbe@Psalms:89:25 @I will put his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.

bbe@Psalms:89:26 @He will say to me, You are my father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.

bbe@Psalms:89:27 @And I will make him the first of my sons, most high over the kings of the earth.

bbe@Psalms:89:28 @I will keep my mercy for him for ever; my agreement with him will not be changed.

bbe@Psalms:89:29 @His seed will keep their place for ever; his kingdom will be eternal, like the heavens.

bbe@Psalms:89:30 @If his children give up my law, and are not ruled by my decisions;

bbe@Psalms:89:31 @If my rules are broken, and my orders are not kept;

bbe@Psalms:89:32 @Then I will send punishment on them for their sin; my rod will be the reward of their evil-doing.

bbe@Psalms:89:33 @But I will not take away my mercy from him, and will not be false to my faith.

bbe@Psalms:89:34 @I will be true to my agreement; the things which have gone out of my lips will not be changed.

bbe@Psalms:89:35 @I have made an oath once by my holy name, that I will not be false to David.

bbe@Psalms:89:36 @His seed will not come to an end for ever; the seat of his kingdom will be like the sun before me.

bbe@Psalms:89:37 @It will be fixed for ever like the moon; and the witness in heaven is true. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:89:38 @But you have put him away in disgust; you have been angry with the king of your selection.

bbe@Psalms:89:39 @You have made your agreement with your servant of no effect: you have had no respect for his crown, it has come down even to the earth.

bbe@Psalms:89:40 @All his walls are broken down; you have given his strong towers to destruction.

bbe@Psalms:89:41 @All those who come by take away his goods; he is laughed at by his neighbours.

bbe@Psalms:89:42 @You have given power to the right hand of his haters; you have made glad all those who are against him.

bbe@Psalms:89:43 @His sword is turned back; you have not been his support in the fight.

bbe@Psalms:89:44 @You have put an end to his glory: the seat of his kingdom has been levelled to the earth.

bbe@Psalms:89:45 @You have made him old before his time; he is covered with shame. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:89:46 @How long, O Lord, will you Keep yourself for ever from our eyes? how long will your wrath be burning like fire?

bbe@Psalms:89:47 @See how short my time is; why have you made all men for no purpose?

bbe@Psalms:89:48 @What man now living will not see death? will he be able to keep back his soul from the underworld? (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:89:49 @Lord, where are your earlier mercies? where is the oath which you made to David in unchanging faith?

bbe@Psalms:89:50 @Keep in mind, O Lord, the shame of your servants, and how the bitter words of all the people have come into my heart;

bbe@Psalms:89:51 @The bitter words of your haters, O Lord, shaming the footsteps of your king.

bbe@Psalms:89:52 @Let the Lord be praised for ever. So be it, So be it.

bbe@Psalms:90:1 @AA PPrraayyeerr ooff MMoosseess,, tthhee mmaann ooff GGoodd..

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