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* A Psalm of Asaph . Truly God [is ] good to Israel , to the pure of heart . * And I , my foot had almost stumbled ; my steps had nearly slipped . * For I was jealous of the proud , [when ] I saw the peace of the wicked . * For [there are ] no bands in their death ; but their strength [is ] fat . * They [are ] not in trouble [like other ] men ; neither are they plagued like other men . * Therefore pride enchains them ; violence covers them [like ] a robe . * Their eyes stand out with fatness ; they have more than the heart could imagine . * They scoff and speak in malice of cruelty ; from on high they speak . * They set their mouth against the heavens , and their tongue walks through the earth . * Therefore His people return here , and waters of a full [cup are ] wrung out to them . * And they say , How does God know ? And is there knowledge in the Most High ? * Behold , these [are ] the ungodly , who are at ease in the world ; they increase [in ] riches . * Surely I have made my heart pure [in ] vain , and washed my hands in innocence . * For all the day long I have been plagued , and chastened every morning . * If I say , I will speak thus ; behold , I would deceive a generation of Your sons . * When I thought deeply in order to understand this , it [was ] painful for me , * until I went into the sanctuary of God ; [then ] I understood their end . * Surely You set them in slippery places ; You cast them down into ruin . * How have they been [brought ] into grief , as in a moment ! They are fully eaten up with terrors , * like a dream when [one ] awakens ; so , O LORD , when You awake , You shall despise their image . * For my heart was grieved and I was pricked [in ] my reins . * So foolish [was ] I , and I did not know ; I was [like ] a beast before You . * But I [am ] always with You ; You have held [me ] by my right hand . * You shall lead me with Your counsel , and afterward receive me [to ] glory . * Whom have I in Heaven ? And besides You I desire none on earth . * My flesh and my heart fail ; [but ] God [is ] the strength of my heart , and my part forever . * For lo , those who are far from You shall perish ; You have destroyed all who go lusting away from You . * And I , [it is ] good for me to draw near to God ; I have put my trust in the LORD God , to declare all Your works . * An Instruction of Asaph . O God , have You cast [us ] off forever ? Will Your anger smoke against the sheep of Your pasture ? * Remember Your congregation , [which ] You have purchased of old , the rod of Your inheritance which You have redeemed ; this mount Zion in [which ] You have dwelt . * Lift up Your feet to the never-ending ruins , even all that the enemy has done wickedly in the sanctuary . * Your enemies roar in the midst of Your congregation ; they set up their own banners [for ] signs . * He is known as one bringing axes on high , on the thick trees . * And now all its carvings too , they break down with axes and hammers . * They have cast fire into Your sanctuary ; they have defiled the dwelling-place of Your name to the ground . * They said in their hearts , Together let us rage against them ; they have burned up all God 's meeting-places in the land . * We did not see our signs ; [there is ] no prophet any more ; neither [is there ] among us any who knows how long . * O God , how long shall the enemy speak evil ? Shall the enemy blaspheme Your name forever ? * Why do You withdraw Your hand , even Your right hand ? Draw [it ] out of Your bosom . * For God [is ] my king of old , working salvation in the midst of the earth , * You divide the sea by Your strength ; You break the heads of the sea-monsters in the waters . * You cracked open the heads of leviathan , and gave him to [be food ] to the people living in the wilderness . * You divide the fountain and the flood ; You dry up mighty rivers . * The day [is ] Yours , the night also [is ] Yours ; You have prepared the light and the sun . * You have set all the borders of the earth ; You have made summer and winter . * Remember this , the enemy has cursed , O LORD , and the foolish people have blasphemed Your name . * Do not deliver the soul of Your turtle dove to the multitude ; forget not the congregation of Your poor forever . * Look to the covenant ; for the dark places of the earth are full of the houses of evil . * Oh let not the ill-treated ones return ashamed ; let the poor and needy praise Your name . * Arise , O God , plead Your own cause ; remember how the foolish man curses You daily . * Forget not the voice of Your enemies ; the noise of those who rise up against You keeps on increasing . * To the Chief Musician . Do not destroy . A Psalm of Asaph . A Songs . To You , O God , we have given thanks , to You we have given thanks ; for Your name is near , Your wonderful works declared . * When I take the appointed time , I will judge uprightly . * The earth and all its people are melting away ; I hold up its pillars . Selah . * I said to the proud , Do not boast ; and to the wicked , Do not lift up the horn ; * do not lift up your horn on high ; [nor ] speak [with ] a stiff neck . * For lifting up [comes ] neither from the east , nor from the west , nor from the south . * But God [is ] the judge ; [He ] puts down one and sets up another . * For in the hand of the LORD [there is ] a cup , and the wine is red ; it is fully mixed ; and He pours out from it ; but the dregs of it , all the wicked of the earth shall drain its dregs [and ] drink . * But I will declare forever ; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob . * Also I will cut off all the horns of the wicked ; [but ] the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up . * To the Chief Musician . For stringed instruments . A Psalm of Asaph . A Songs . God [is ] known in Judah , His name is great in Israel . * And His abode is in Salem ; and His dwelling-place in Zion . * There He broke the fiery arrows of the bow , the shield , and the sword , and the battle . Selah . * You [are ] more glorious [and ] excellent than the mountains of prey . * The stouthearted have been stripped ; they slept their sleep ; and none of the men of might have found their hands . * By Your rebuke , O God of Jacob , both the horse and the chariot have sunk into a sleep . * You , [even ] You , [are ] terrifying , and who can stand when once You are angry ? * You cause judgment to be heard from Heaven ; the earth feared and was still , * when God arose to judgment , to save all the meek of the earth . Selah . * Surely the wrath of man shall praise You ; the wrath that is left , You shall bind up . * Vow , and pay to the LORD your God ; let all that are around Him bring presents to the Fearful One . * He shall cut off the spirit in princes ; [He is ] feared by the kings of the earth . * To the Chief Musician . To Jeduthun . A Psalm of Asaph . I cried to God with my voice , to God [is ] my voice ; and He gave ear to me . * In the day of my trouble I sought the LORD ; my hand was poured in the night , and ceased not ; my soul refused to be comforted . * I remembered God , and was troubled ; I complained , and my spirit fainted . Selah . * You keep my eyes awake ; I am troubled and I cannot speak . * I have thought on the days of old , the years of ages [past ]. * I remember my song in the night ; I speak with my own heart , and my spirit carefully searches . * Will the Lord cast off forever ? And will He be favorable no more ? * Is His mercy gone forever ? Has [His ] word failed for all generations ? * Has God forgotten to be gracious ? Has He in anger shut up His tender mercies ? Selah . * And I said , This [is ] my weakness , the years of the right hand of the Most High . * I will remember the works of the LORD ; surely I will remember Your wonders of old . * I will also think on all Your work , and talk of Your doings . * Your way , O God , [is ] in holiness ; who [is ] so great a God as our God ? * You [are ] the God who does wonders ; You have declared Your strength among the people . * You have with [Your ] arm redeemed Your people , the sons of Jacob and Joseph . Selah . * The waters saw You , O God , the waters saw You ; they were afraid ; the depths also were troubled . * The clouds poured out water ; the skies sent out a sound ; Your arrows also flew here and there . * The voice of Your thunder [was ] in the sky ; the lightnings lit up the world ; the earth trembled and shook . * Your way [is ] in the sea , and Your path in the great waters , and Your footsteps are not known . * You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron . * An instruction of Asaph . Give ear , O my people , [to ] my law ; bow down your ears to the words of my mouth . * I will open my mouth in a parable ; I will speak dark sayings of old , * which we have heard and known , and our fathers have told us . * We will not hide [them ] from their sons , showing to the generations to come the praises of the LORD , and His strength , and His wonderful works that He has done . * For He set up a testimony in Jacob , and ordered a law in Israel , which He commanded our fathers , that they should teach them to their sons ; * so that the generation to come might know ; sons shall be born , and they shall arise [and ] tell their sons , * so that they might set their hope in God , and not forget the works of God , but keep His commandments ; * and might not be like their fathers , a stubborn and rebellious generation , a generation [that ] did not set their heart aright , and whose spirit was not faithful with God . * The sons of Ephraim , armed shooters of bows , turned back in the day of battle . * They did not keep the covenant of God , and refused to walk in His law . * And they forgot His works and His wonders which He had shown them . * He did marvelous things in the sight of their fathers , in the land of Egypt , [in ] the field of Zoan . * He divided the sea and caused them to pass through ; and He made the waters to stand in a heap . * And in the daytime He led them with a cloud , and all the night with a light of fire . * He split the rocks in the wilderness , and let [them ] drink , as [from ] the great depths . * He brought streams also out of the rock , and caused waters to run down like rivers . * And they sinned still more against Him , by provoking the Most High in the wilderness . * And they tempted God in their heart by asking food for their lust . * And they spoke against God ; they said , Can God set a table in the wilderness ? * Behold ! He struck the rock so that the waters gushed out , and the streams overflowed . Can He also give bread ? Can He provide flesh for His people ? * Therefore the LORD heard , and was made furious ; so a fire was kindled against Jacob , and anger also came up against Israel , * because they did not believe in God , and did not trust in His salvation ; * though He had commanded the clouds from above , and had opened the doors of the heavens ; * and had rained down manna on them to eat , and He gave them of the grain of the heavens . * Man ate the food of the mighty ; He sent them meat to the full . * He caused an east [wind ] to blow in the sky ; and by His power He brought in the south [wind ]. * and He also rained flesh on them like dust , and winged birds like the sand of the sea ; * and He let [them ] fall in the middle of their camp , all around their tents . * So they ate , and were filled to the full ; for He gave them their own desire . * They were not turned away from their lust , but while their food [was ] still in their mouths , * the wrath of God came on them and killed the fattest of them , and struck down the chosen of Israel . * For all this they still sinned , and did not believe because of His wonderful works . * Therefore He ended their days in vanity and their years in trouble . * When He killed them , then they looked for Him ; and they turned back and sought after God . * And they remembered that God [was ] their rock , and the Most High God was their redeemer . * But they flattered Him with their mouths , and they lied to Him with their tongues . * For their heart was not right with Him , neither were they faithful in His covenant . * But He , full of pity , forgave their iniquity , and did not destroy [them ]; yea , many times He turned His anger away , and did not stir up all His wrath . * For He remembered that they [were but ] flesh , a wind that passes away and does not come again . * How often they provoked Him in the wilderness , and grieved Him in the desert ! * Yea , they turned back and tempted God , and pained to the Holy One of Israel . * They did not remember His hand , the day when He delivered them from the enemy ; * how He had set His signs in Egypt , and His wonders in the fields of Zoan . * He turned their rivers into blood , and their floods , [so that ] they could not drink . * He sent different kinds of flies among them , which devoured them ; and frogs , which destroyed them . * He also gave their crops to the stripping locust , and their labor to the locust . * He destroyed their vines with hail , and their sycamore trees with sleet . * He gave up their cattle to the hail , and their flocks to bolts of fire . * He sent on them the heat of His anger , wrath and fury and trouble , by sending evil angels . * He made a way to His anger ; He did not save their soul from death , but gave their life over to the plague , * and struck all the first-born in Egypt , the first of the strong in the tents of Ham ; * and led His people forth like sheep , and guided them in the wilderness like a flock . * And He led them on safely , so that they did not fear ; but the sea flooded over their enemies . * And He brought them within His own holy border , this mountain , [which ] His right hand had bought . * He also cast out the nations before them , and divided them an inheritance by line , and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents . * Yet they tempted and provoked the Most High God , and kept not His testimonies ; * but they turned back , and acted unfaithfully like their fathers ; they were turned aside like a deceiving bow . * For they provoked Him to anger with their high places , and moved Him to jealousy with their carved images . * When God heard , He was angry , and turned away from Israel ; * so that He left the tabernacle of Shiloh , the tent [which ] He placed among men , * and delivered His strength into captivity , and His glory into the enemy 's hands . * He also gave His people over to the sword , and was angry with His inheritance . * The fire burned up their young men ; and their maidens were not given in marriage . * Their priests fell by the sword ; and their widows were not able to weep . * Then the Lord awakened like one out of sleep , like a mighty man rejoicing with wine . * And He drove His enemies backward ; He put them to a never-ending shame . * And He refused the tabernacle of Joseph , and chose not the tribe of Ephraim ; * but chose the tribe of Judah , the mount Zion which He loved . * And He built His holy place like high [palaces ], like the earth which He has founded forever . * He also chose David His servant , and took him from the sheepfolds ; * from following the ewes great with young He brought him to feed Jacob His people , and Israel His inheritance . * And he fed them according to the pureness of his heart , and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands . * A Psalm of Asaph . O God , the nations have come into Your inheritance ; they have defiled Your holy temple ; they have laid Jerusalem in heaps . * They have given the dead bodies of Your servants [as ] food for the birds of the heavens , the flesh of Your saints to the beasts of the earth . * They have shed their blood like water round about Jerusalem , and none to bury . * We have become a shame to our neighbors , a scorn and mockery to those who are around us . * How long , O LORD ? Will You be angry forever ? Shall Your jealousy burn like fire ? * Pour out Your wrath on the nations who have not known You , and on the kingdoms who have not called on Your name . * For [they have ] eaten up Jacob , and wasted his dwelling-place . * O do not remember against us our former sins ; let Your tender mercies meet us quickly ; for we are brought very low . * Help us , O God of our salvation , for the glory of Your name ; and deliver us , and atone for our sins , for Your name 's sake . * Why should the nations say , Where [is ] their God ? Let Him be known among the nations before our eyes [by ] the revenging of the blood of Your servants [which is ] shed . * Let the groaning of the prisoner come before You ; according to the greatness of Your power , leave a remnant of those who are to die , * and give to our neighbors their curse sevenfold into their bosom , the curse with which they have cursed You , O Lord . * Then we , Your people and sheep of Your pasture , will give You thanks forever ; we will show forth Your praise to all generations . * To the Chief Musician . A Testimony Concerning the Lilies . A Psalm of Asaph . Give ear , O Shepherd of Israel , You who lead Joseph like a flock ; You dwelling between the cherubs , shine forth . * Stir up Your strength before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh , and come , save us . * Turn us again , O God , and cause Your face to shine , and we shall be saved ! * O LORD God of hosts , how long will You be angry against the prayer of Your people ? * You feed them with the bread of tears ; and give them tears to drink in great measure . * You make us a strife for our neighbors ; and our enemies laugh among themselves . * Turn us again , O God of hosts , and cause Your face to shine ; and we shall be saved . * You have brought a vine out of Egypt ; You have cast out the nations and planted it . * You cleared before it , and caused it to take deep root ; and it filled the land . * The hills were covered [with ] its shadow , and its boughs [were as ] the great cedars . * It sent out its boughs to the sea , and its branches to the river . * Why have You broken down its hedges , so that all those who pass by the way pluck it ? * The boar out of the wood wastes it , and the wild beast of the field eats it . * Return , we beg You , O God of hosts ; look down from Heaven , and behold , and visit this vine , * and the vineyard which Your right hand has planted , and the Son [that ] You make strong for Yourself . * [It is ] burned with fire , and cut down ; they perish at the rebuke of Your holy face . * Let Your hand be on the Man of Your right hand , on the Son of man [whom ] You have made strong for Yourself . * So we will not go back from You ; make us live , and we will call on Your name . * Turn us again , O LORD God of Hosts ; cause Your face to shine , and we shall be saved . * To the Chief Musician . On Gittith , A Psalm of Asaph . Sing aloud to God our strength ; shout for joy to the God of Jacob . * Lift up a psalm , and bring the timbrel here , the pleasing lyre and harp . * Blow the ram 's horn in the new moon , in the time appointed , on our solemn feast day . * For this [was ] a statute for Israel , an ordinance of the God of Jacob . * This He ordained in Joseph [for ] a testimony , when He went out over the land of Egypt ; I heard a language I understood not . * I removed his shoulder from the burden ; his hands were delivered from the pots . * You called in trouble , and I delivered you ; I answered you in the secret place of thunder ; I tested you at the waters of Meribah . Selah . * Hear , O My people , and I will testify to you ; O Israel , if you will listen to Me , * there shall be no strange god in you ; nor shall you worship any strange god . * I [am ] the LORD your God , who brought you out of the land of Egypt ; open your mouth wide , and I will fill it . * But My people would not listen to My voice , and Israel would have none of Me . * So I gave them up to the stubbornness of their own hearts ; [and ] they walked in their own conceits . * Oh that My people had listened to Me , [and ] Israel had walked in My ways ! * I would soon have humbled their enemies , and would have turned My hand against their foes . * The haters of the LORD would have been found liars to Him , and their time would have lasted forever . * And He would have fed them also with the finest of the wheat ; and [with ] honey out of the rock I would have satisfied you . * A Psalm of Asaph . God stands in the congregation of God ; in the midst of the gods He judges . * How long will you judge unjustly and lift up the faces of the wicked ? Selah . * Defend the poor and fatherless ; do justice to the afflicted and needy . * Deliver the poor and needy ; save [them ] out of the hand of the wicked . * They neither know nor will understand ; they walk on in darkness ; all the foundations of the earth are shaken . * I have said , You [are ] gods ; and all of you sons of the Most High . * But you shall die like men , and fall like one of the princes . * Arise , O God , judge the earth ; for You shall inherit in all nations . * A Songs . A Psalm of Asaph . Keep not silence , O God ; do not be speechless , and be not still , O God . * For lo , Your enemies roar ; and those who hate You have lifted up their head . * They take shrewd counsel against Your people , and plot against Your hidden ones . * They have said , Come , and let us cut them off from [being ] a nation , so that the name Israel may be remembered no more . * For with one heart they have plotted together ; they have made a covenant against You -- * the tents of Edom , and the Ishmaelites ; of Moab , and the Hagarites ; * Gebal , and Ammon , and Amalek ; the Philistines with the people of Tyre ; * and Assyria has joined with them ; they have helped the sons of Lot . Selah . * Do to them as [to ] Midian , as [to ] Sisera , as [to ] Jabin at the torrent Kishon ; * who perished at Endor ; they became [as ] dung for the earth . * Make their nobles like Oreb , and like Zeeb ; yea , all their princes like Zebah , and like Zalmunna ; * who said , Let us take possession for ourselves of the houses of God . * O my God , make them like a wheel ; like the stubble before the wind . * As the fire burns a forest , and as the flame sets the mountains on fire , * so pursue them with Your tempest , and make them afraid with Your storm . * Fill their faces with shame , that they may seek Your name , O LORD . * Let them be ashamed and troubled forever ; yea , let them be put to shame , and lost ; * so that [men ] may know that Your name is JEHOVAH , that You alone [are ] the Most High over all the earth . * To the Chief Musician . On Gittith . A Psalm for the sons of Korah . How lovely [are ] Your tabernacles , O LORD of hosts ! * My soul longs , yea , even faints for the courts of the LORD ; my heart and my flesh shout for joy to the living God . * Even the sparrow has found a house , and the swallow a nest for herself where she may lay her young , Your altars , O LORD of hosts , my king and my God . * Blessed [are ] they who dwell in Your house ; they will still praise You . Selah . * Blessed [is ] the man [whose ] strength [is ] in You ; [Your ] ways [are ] in their hearts . * Passing through the valley of weeping , they will make it a fountain ; the early rain also covers [it with ] blessings . * They go from strength to strength , appearing in Zion before God . * O LORD God of hosts , hear my prayer ; give ear , O God of Jacob . Selah . * Behold , O God , our shield , and look on the face of Your anointed . * For a day in Your courts [is ] better than a thousand . I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God , than dwell in the tents of wickedness . * For the LORD God [is ] a sun and shield ; the LORD will give grace and glory ; no good [thing ] will He withhold from those who walk uprightly . * O LORD of hosts , blessed [is ] the man who trusts in You . * To the Chief Musician . A Psalm for the sons of Korah . O LORD , You have been gracious to Your land ; You have brought back the captivity of Jacob . * You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people ; You have covered all their sins . Selah . * You have taken away all Your wrath ; You have turned from the heat of Your anger . * Turn us , O God of our salvation , and cause Your anger toward us to cease . * Will You be angry with us forever ? Will You draw out Your anger to all generations ? * Will You not give us life again , so that Your people may rejoice in You ? * Show us Your mercy , O LORD , and grant us Your salvation . * I will hear what God the LORD will speak ; for He will speak peace to His people , and to His saints ; but let them not turn again to folly . * Surely His salvation [is ] near those that fear Him , so that glory may dwell in our land . * Mercy and truth have met together ; righteousness and peace have kissed [each other ]. * Truth shall spring out of the earth ; and righteousness shall look down from Heaven . * Yea , the LORD shall give good ; and our land shall yield its increase . * Righteousness shall go before Him and shall set [us ] in the way of His steps . * A Prayer of David . Bow down Your ear , O LORD , hear me ; for I [am ] poor and needy . * Preserve my soul ; for I [am ] holy ; O You my God , save Your servant who trusts in You . * Be merciful to me , O Lord ; for I cry to You daily . * Give joy to the soul of Your servant ; for to You , O Lord , I lift up my soul . * For You , Lord , [are ] good and ready to forgive , and rich in mercy to all those who call on You . * Give ear , O LORD , to my prayer ; and attend to the voice of my prayers . * In the day of my trouble I will call on You ; for You will answer me . * Among the gods [there is ] none like You , O Lord ; none [are ] like Your works . * All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You , O Lord , and shall glorify Your name . * For You [are ] great and do wonderful things ; You alone [are ] God . * Teach me Your way , O LORD ; I will walk in Your truth ; my heart rejoices to fear Your name . * I will praise You , O Lord my God , with all my heart , and I will glorify Your name forevermore . * For great [is ] Your mercy toward me ; and You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell . * O God , the proud have risen against me , and the company of violent [men ] have sought after my life , and have not set You before them . * But You , O God , [are ] God full of pity , and gracious , long-suffering , and rich in mercy and truth . * Oh turn to me , and have mercy on me ; give Your strength to Your servant , and save the son of Your handmaid . * Show me a token for good , so that they who hate me may see and be ashamed ; because You , LORD , have helped me and comforted me . * A Psalm for the sons of Korah , A Songs . His foundation [is ] in the holy mountains . * The LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob . * Glorious things [are ] spoken of you , O city of God . Selah . * I will mention Rahab and Babylon to those who know me ; behold , Philistia and Tyre , with Ethiopia ; this [man ] was born there . * And to Zion it shall be said , [This ] man and [that ] man was born in her ; and the Highest shall establish her . * The LORD shall count , in recording the peoples , [that ] this [man ] was born there . Selah . * And the singers , the players of the pipe : all my springs [are ] in You ! * A Songs . A Psalm for the sons of Korah . To the Chief Musician . On Mahalath , to make humble . A Poem of Heman the Ezrahite . O LORD God of my salvation , I have cried day and night before You . * Let my prayer come before You ; bow down Your ear to my cry . * For my soul is full of troubles , and my life draws near the grave . * I am counted with those who go down to the Pit ; I am like a feeble man ; * free among the dead , like the slain that lie in the grave , whom You remember no more ; and by Your hand they are cut off . * You have laid me in the lowest pit , in darkness , in the deeps . * Your wrath lies hard on me , and You have afflicted [me ] with all Your waves . Selah . * You have taken my friends away from me ; You have made me a hateful thing to them . [I am ] shut up , and I cannot go out . * My eye mourns because of affliction ; O LORD , I have called daily on You ; I have stretched out my hands to You . * For will You do wonders to the dead ? Shall the dead rise [and ] praise You ? Selah . * Shall Your loving-kindness be declared in the grave ? [Or ] Your faithfulness in ruin ? * Shall Your wonders be known in the dark , and Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness ? * But to You I have cried , O LORD ; and in the morning my prayer shall go before You . * O LORD , why do You cast off my soul ? [Why ] do You hide Your face from me ? * I [am ] afflicted and ready to die from my youth up ; while I suffer Your terrors , I pine away . * Your fierce wrath goes over me ; Your terrors have cut me off . * They surrounded me like waters all the day long ; they have come together around me . * You have taken lover and friend far from me , [and ] those who know me into darkness . * A Poem of Ethan the Ezrahite . I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever ; with my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations . * For I have said , Mercy shall be built up forever ; You shall establish Your faithfulness in the heavens . * I have cut a covenant with My chosen ; I have sworn to David My servant , * Your seed will I establish forever , and build up your throne to all generations . Selah . * And the heavens shall praise Your wonders , O LORD , Your faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints . * For who in the sky can be ranked [with ] the LORD ? Who among the mighty is like the LORD ? * God is greatly to be feared in the congregation of the saints , and to be adored by all around Him . * O LORD God of hosts , who [is ] a strong LORD like You ? And Your faithfulness is round about You ? * You rule the raging of the sea ; when its waves arise , You still them . * You have broken Rahab in pieces , as one that is slain ; You have scattered Your enemies with Your strong arm . * The heavens [are ] Yours , the earth also [is ] Yours ; You have founded the world and its fullness . * The north and the south , You have created them ; Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in Your name . * You have a mighty arm ; Your hand is strong , [and ] Your right hand is high . * Justice and judgment [are ] the foundation of Your throne ; mercy and truth shall go before Your face . * Blessed [is ] the people that knows the joyful sound ; they shall walk , O LORD , in the light of Your face . * In Your name they shall rejoice all the day ; and in Your righteousness they shall be lifted up . * For You [are ] the glory of their strength ; and in Your favor our horn shall be lifted up . * For the LORD [is ] our shield ; yea , our king [is ] the Holy One of Israel . * Then You spoke in a vision to Your holy one , and You said , I have laid help on a mighty one ; I have lifted up a chosen one out of the people . * I have found David , My servant ; with My holy oil I have anointed him . * My hand shall be always with him ; My arm also shall make him strong . * The enemy shall not use force on him , nor the son of wickedness afflict him . * And I will beat down his foes before his face , and plague those who hate him . * But My faithfulness and My mercy [shall be ] with him ; and in My name his horn [shall be ] lifted up . * I will set his hand also in the sea , and his right hand in the rivers . * He shall cry to Me , My Father , You [are ] my God , and the rock of my salvation . * And I will make him [My ] first-born , higher than the kings of the earth . * I will keep My mercy for him forever , and My covenant shall stand fast with him . * Also I have set his seed forever , and his throne as the days of the heavens . * If his children forsake My law , and do not walk in My judgments ; * if they profane My statutes , and do not keep My commandments ; * then I will visit their wickedness with the rod , and their sin with stripes . * But I will not completely take My loving-kindness from him , and I will not be false in My faithfulness . * I will not break My covenant , nor change the thing that has gone out of My lips . * Once I have sworn by My holiness that I will not lie to David . * His seed shall endure forever , and his throne as the sun before Me . * It shall be established forever like the moon , and [like ] a faithful witness in the heavens . Selah . * But You have cast off and rejected [us ]; You have been angry with Your anointed . * You have turned away from the covenant of Your servant ; You have defiled his crown to the ground . * You have broken down all his hedges ; You have brought his strongholds to ruin . * All who pass by the way plunder him ; he is a curse to his neighbors . * You have set up the right hand of his enemies ; You have made all [his ] enemies rejoice . * You also have turned back the edge of his sword and have not made him stand in the battle . * You have made his glory to cease , and have thrown his throne down to the ground . * The days of his youth You have shortened ; You have covered him [with ] shame . Selah . * How long , LORD ? Will You hide Yourself forever ? Shall Your wrath burn like fire ? * Remember , I pray , how short my time is ; why have You made all men in vain ? * What man lives and never sees death ? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave ? Selah . * O Lord , where [are ] Your former loving-kindnesses [which ] You swore to David in Your truth ? * Remember , Lord , the scorn of Your servants ; [how ] I bear in my bosom the insult of all the mighty people , * [with ] which Your enemies have cursed , O LORD ; [with ] which they have cursed the footsteps of Your anointed . * Blessed [is ] the LORD forevermore . Amen and Amen . * A Prayer of Moses , the man of God . O LORD , You have been our dwelling-place in all generations .

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