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* They forgot what he had done , and the miracles that he had shown them . * In the sight of their fathers he wrought marvels in the land of Egypt , in the fields of Zo 'an . * He divided the sea and let them pass through it , and made the waters stand like a heap . * In the daytime he led them with a cloud , and all the night with a fiery light . * He cleft rocks in the wilderness , and gave them drink abundantly as from the deep . * He made streams come out of the rock , and caused waters to flow down like rivers . * Yet they sinned still more against him , rebelling against the Most High in the desert . * They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved . * They spoke against God , saying , "Can God spread a table in the wilderness ? * He smote the rock so that water gushed out and streams overflowed . Can he also give bread , or provide meat for his people ?" * Therefore , when the LORD heard , he was full of wrath ; a fire was kindled against Jacob , his anger mounted against Israel ; * because they had no faith in God , and did not trust his saving power . * Yet he commanded the skies above , and opened the doors of heaven ; * and he rained down upon them manna to eat , and gave them the grain of heaven . * Man ate of the bread of the angels ; he sent them food in abundance . * He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens , and by his power he led out the south wind ; * he rained flesh upon them like dust , winged birds like the sand of the seas ; * he let them fall in the midst of their camp , all around their habitations . * And they ate and were well filled , for he gave them what they craved . * But before they had sated their craving , while the food was still in their mouths , * the anger of God rose against them and he slew the strongest of them , and laid low the picked men of Israel . * In spite of all this they still sinned ; despite his wonders they did not believe . * So he made their days vanish like a breath , and their years in terror . * When he slew them , they sought for him ; they repented and sought God earnestly . * They remembered that God was their rock , the Most High God their redeemer . * But they flattered him with their mouths ; they lied to him with their tongues . * Their heart was not steadfast toward him ; they were not true to his covenant . * Yet he , being compassionate , forgave their iniquity , and did not destroy them ; he restrained his anger often , and did not stir up all his wrath . * He remembered that they were but flesh , a wind that passes and comes not again . * How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness and grieved him in the desert ! * They tested him again and again , and provoked the Holy One of Israel . * They did not keep in mind his power , or the day when he redeemed them from the foe ;

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