





strkjv Revelation:1-5 SEEK

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* The Revelation of Jesus Christ , which God gave (5656 ) unto him , to shew (5658 ) unto his servants things which must (5748 ) shortly come to pass (5635 ); and he sent (5660 ) and signified (5656 ) it by his angel unto his servant John : * Who bare record (5656 ) of the word of God , and of the testimony of Jesus Christ , and of all things that he saw (5627 ). * Blessed is he that readeth (5723 ), and they that hear (5723 ) the words of this prophecy , and keep (5723 ) those things which are written (5772 ) therein : for the time is at hand . * John to the seven churches which are in Asia : Grace be unto you , and peace , from him which is (5752 ) (5625 ), and which was (5713 ) (5625 ), and which is to come (5740 ) (5625 ); and from the seven Spirits which are (5748 ) before his throne ; * And from Jesus Christ , who is the faithful witness , and the first begotten of the dead , and the prince of the kings of the earth . Unto him that loved (5660 ) us , and washed (5660 ) us from our sins in his own blood , * And hath made (5656 ) us kings and priests unto God and his Father ; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever . Amen . * Behold (5628 ), he cometh (5736 ) with clouds ; and every eye shall see (5695 ) him , and they also which pierced (5656 ) him : and all kindreds of the earth shall wail (5695 ) because of him . Even so , Amen . * I am (5748 ) Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the ending , saith (5719 ) the Lord , which is (5752 ) (5625 ), and which was (5713 ) (5625 ), and which is to come (5740 ) (5625 ), the Almighty . * I John , who also am your brother , and companion in tribulation , and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ , was (5633 ) in the isle that is called (5746 ) Patmos , for the word of God , and for the testimony of Jesus Christ . * I was (5633 ) in the Spirit on the Lords day , and heard (5656 ) behind me a great voice , as of a trumpet , * Saying (5723 ), I am (5748 ) Alpha and Omega , the first and the last : and , What thou seest (5719 ), write (5657 ) in a book , and send (5657 ) it unto the seven churches which are in Asia ; unto Ephesus , and unto Smyrna , and unto Pergamos , and unto Thyatira , and unto Sardis , and unto Philadelphia , and unto Laodicea . * And I turned (5656 ) to see (5721 ) the voice that spake (5656 ) with me . And being turned (5660 ), I saw (5627 ) seven golden candlesticks ; * And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man , clothed with a garment (5765 ) down to the foot , and girt (5772 ) about the paps with a golden girdle . * His head and his hairs were white like wool , as white as snow ; and his eyes were as a flame of fire ; * And his feet like unto fine brass , as if they burned (5772 ) in a furnace ; and his voice as the sound of many waters . * And he had (5723 ) in his right hand seven stars : and out of his mouth went (5740 ) a sharp twoedged sword : and his countenance was as the sun shineth (5719 ) in his strength . * And when I saw (5627 ) him , I fell (5627 ) at his feet as dead . And he laid (5656 ) his right hand upon me , saying (5723 ) unto me , Fear (5737 ) not ; I am (5748 ) the first and the last : * I am he that liveth (5723 ), and was (5633 ) dead ; and , behold (5628 ), I am (5748 ) alive (5723 ) for evermore , Amen ; and have (5719 ) the keys of hell and of death . * Write (5657 ) the things which thou hast seen (5627 ), and the things which are (5748 ), and the things which shall (5719 ) be (5738 ) hereafter ; * The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest (5627 ) in my right hand , and the seven golden candlesticks . The seven stars are (5748 ) the angels of the seven churches : and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest (5627 ) are (5748 ) the seven churches . * Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write (5657 ); These things saith (5719 ) he that holdeth (5723 ) the seven stars in his right hand , who walketh (5723 ) in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks ; * I know (5758 ) thy works , and thy labour , and thy patience , and how thou canst (5736 ) not bear (5658 ) them which are evil : and thou hast tried (5668 ) them which say (5723 ) they are (5750 ) apostles , and are (5748 ) not , and hast found (5627 ) them liars : * And hast borne (5656 ), and hast (5719 ) patience , and for my names sake hast laboured (5758 ), and hast not fainted (5758 ). * Nevertheless I have (5719 ) somewhat against thee , because thou hast left (5656 ) thy first love . * Remember (5720 ) therefore from whence thou art fallen (5758 ), and repent (5657 ), and do (5657 ) the first works ; or else I will come (5736 ) unto thee quickly , and will remove (5692 ) thy candlestick out of his place , except thou repent (5661 ). * But this thou hast (5719 ), that thou hatest (5719 ) the deeds of the Nicolaitans , which I also hate (5719 ). * He that hath (5723 ) an ear , let him hear (5657 ) what the Spirit saith (5719 ) unto the churches ; To him that overcometh (5723 ) will I give (5692 ) to eat (5629 ) of the tree of life , which is (5748 ) in the midst of the paradise of God . * And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write (5657 ); These things saith (5719 ) the first and the last , which was (5633 ) dead , and is alive (5656 ); * I know (5758 ) thy works , and tribulation , and poverty , (but thou art (5748 ) rich ) and I know the blasphemy of them which say (5723 ) they are (5750 ) Jews , and are (5748 ) not , but are the synagogue of Satan . * Fear (5737 ) none of those things which thou shalt (5719 ) suffer (5721 ): behold (5628 ), the devil shall (5719 ) cast (5629 ) some of you into prison , that ye may be tried (5686 ); and ye shall have (5692 ) tribulation ten days : be thou (5737 ) faithful unto death , and I will give (5692 ) thee a crown of life . * He that hath (5723 ) an ear , let him hear (5657 ) what the Spirit saith (5719 ) unto the churches ; He that overcometh (5723 ) shall not be hurt (5686 ) of the second death . * And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write (5657 ); These things saith (5719 ) he which hath (5723 ) the sharp sword with two edges ; * I know (5758 ) thy works , and where thou dwellest (5719 ), even where Satans seat is : and thou holdest fast (5719 ) my name , and hast not denied (5662 ) my faith , even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr , who was slain (5681 ) among you , where Satan dwelleth (5719 ). * But I have (5719 ) a few things against thee , because thou hast (5719 ) there them that hold (5723 ) the doctrine of Balaam , who taught (5707 ) Balac to cast (5629 ) a stumblingblock before the children of Israel , to eat (5629 ) things sacrificed unto idols , and to commit fornication (5658 ). * So hast (5719 ) thou also them that hold (5723 ) the doctrine of the Nicolaitans , which thing I hate (5719 ). * Repent (5657 ); or else I will come (5736 ) unto thee quickly , and will fight (5692 ) against them with the sword of my mouth . * He that hath (5723 ) an ear , let him hear (5657 ) what the Spirit saith (5719 ) unto the churches ; To him that overcometh (5723 ) will I give (5692 ) to eat (5629 ) of the hidden (5772 ) manna , and will give (5692 ) him a white stone , and in the stone a new name written (5772 ), which no man knoweth (5627 ) saving he that receiveth (5723 ) it . * And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write (5657 ); These things saith (5719 ) the Son of God , who hath (5723 ) his eyes like unto a flame of fire , and his feet are like fine brass ; * I know (5758 ) thy works , and charity , and service , and faith , and thy patience , and thy works ; and the last to be more than the first . * Notwithstanding I have (5719 ) a few things against thee , because thou sufferest (5719 ) that woman Jezebel , which calleth (5723 ) herself a prophetess , to teach (5721 ) and to seduce (5745 ) my servants to commit fornication (5658 ), and to eat (5629 ) things sacrificed unto idols . * And I gave (5656 ) her space to repent (5661 ) of her fornication ; and she repented (5656 ) not . * Behold (5628 ), I will cast (5719 ) her into a bed , and them that commit adultery (5723 ) with her into great tribulation , except they repent (5661 ) of their deeds . * And I will kill (5692 ) her children with death ; and all the churches shall know (5695 ) that I am (5748 ) he which searcheth (5723 ) the reins and hearts : and I will give (5692 ) unto every one of you according to your works . * But unto you I say (5719 ), and unto the rest in Thyatira , as many as have (5719 ) not this doctrine , and which have not known (5627 ) the depths of Satan , as they speak (5719 ); I will put (5692 ) upon you none other burden . * But that which ye have (5719 ) already hold fast (5657 ) till I come (5661 ). * And he that overcometh (5723 ), and keepeth (5723 ) my works unto the end , to him will I give (5692 ) power over the nations : * And he shall rule (5692 ) them with a rod of iron ; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers (5743 ): even as I received (5758 ) of my Father . * And I will give (5692 ) him the morning star . * He that hath (5723 ) an ear , let him hear (5657 ) what the Spirit saith (5719 ) unto the churches . * And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write (5657 ); These things saith (5719 ) he that hath (5723 ) the seven Spirits of God , and the seven stars ; I know (5758 ) thy works , that thou hast (5719 ) a name that thou livest (5719 ), and art (5748 ) dead . * Be (5737 ) watchful (5723 ), and strengthen (5657 ) the things which remain , that are (5719 ) ready to die (5629 ): for I have not found (5758 ) thy works perfect (5772 ) before God . * Remember (5720 ) therefore how thou hast received (5758 ) and heard (5656 ), and hold fast (5720 ), and repent (5657 ). If therefore thou shalt not watch (5661 ), I will come (5692 ) on thee as a thief , and thou shalt not know (5632 ) what hour I will come (5692 ) upon thee . * Thou hast (5719 ) a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled (5656 ) their garments ; and they shall walk (5692 ) with me in white : for they are (5748 ) worthy . * He that overcometh (5723 ), the same shall be clothed (5698 ) in white raiment ; and I will not blot out (5692 ) his name out of the book of life , but I will confess (5698 ) his name before my Father , and before his angels . * He that hath (5723 ) an ear , let him hear (5657 ) what the Spirit saith (5719 ) unto the churches . * And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write (5657 ); These things saith (5719 ) he that is holy , he that is true , he that hath (5723 ) the key of David , he that openeth (5723 ), and no man shutteth (5719 ); and shutteth (5719 ), and no man openeth (5719 ); * I know (5758 ) thy works : behold (5628 ), I have set (5758 ) before thee an open (5772 ) door , and no man can (5736 ) shut (5658 ) it : for thou hast (5719 ) a little strength , and hast kept (5656 ) my word , and hast not denied (5662 ) my name . * Behold (5628 ), I will make (5719 ) them of the synagogue of Satan , which say (5723 ) they are (5750 ) Jews , and are (5748 ) not , but do lie (5727 ); behold (5628 ), I will make (5692 ) them to come (5661 ) and worship (5661 ) before thy feet , and to know (5632 ) that I have loved (5656 ) thee . * Because thou hast kept (5656 ) the word of my patience , I also will keep (5692 ) thee from the hour of temptation , which shall come (5723 ) (5738 ) upon all the world , to try (5658 ) them that dwell (5723 ) upon the earth . * Behold (5628 ), I come (5736 ) quickly : hold that fast (5720 ) which thou hast (5719 ), that no man take (5632 ) thy crown . * Him that overcometh (5723 ) will I make (5692 ) a pillar in the temple of my God , and he shall go (5632 ) no more out : and I will write (5692 ) upon him the name of my God , and the name of the city of my God , which is new Jerusalem , which cometh down (5723 ) (5625 ) (5719 ) out of heaven from my God : and I will write upon him my new name . * He that hath (5723 ) an ear , let him hear (5657 ) what the Spirit saith (5719 ) unto the churches . * And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write (5657 ); These things saith (5719 ) the Amen , the faithful and true witness , the beginning of the creation of God ; * I know (5758 ) thy works , that thou art (5748 ) neither cold nor hot : I would thou wert (5751 ) cold or hot . * So then because thou art (5748 ) lukewarm , and neither cold nor hot , I will (5719 ) spue (5658 ) thee out of my mouth . * Because thou sayest (5719 ), I am (5748 ) rich , and increased with goods (5758 ), and have (5719 ) need of nothing ; and knowest (5758 ) not that thou art (5748 ) wretched , and miserable , and poor , and blind , and naked : * I counsel (5719 ) thee to buy (5658 ) of me gold tried (5772 ) in the fire , that thou mayest be rich (5661 ); and white raiment , that thou mayest be clothed (5643 ), and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear (5686 ); and anoint (5657 ) thine eyes with eyesalve , that thou mayest see (5725 ). * As many as I love (5725 ), I rebuke (5719 ) and chasten (5719 ): be zealous (5657 ) therefore , and repent (5657 ). * Behold (5628 ), I stand (5758 ) at the door , and knock (5719 ): if any man hear (5661 ) my voice , and open (5661 ) the door , I will come in (5695 ) to him , and will sup (5692 ) with him , and he with me . * To him that overcometh (5723 ) will I grant (5692 ) to sit (5658 ) with me in my throne , even as I also overcame (5656 ), and am set down (5656 ) with my Father in his throne . * He that hath (5723 ) an ear , let him hear (5657 ) what the Spirit saith (5719 ) unto the churches . * After this I looked (5627 ), and , behold (5628 ), a door was opened (5772 ) in heaven : and the first voice which I heard (5656 ) was as it were of a trumpet talking (5723 ) with me ; which said (5723 ), Come up (5628 ) hither , and I will shew (5692 ) thee things which must (5748 ) be (5635 ) hereafter . * And immediately I was (5633 ) in the spirit : and , behold (5628 ), a throne was set (5711 ) in heaven , and one sat (5740 ) on the throne . * And he that sat (5740 ) was (5713 ) to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone : and there was a rainbow round about the throne , in sight like unto an emerald . * And round about the throne were four and twenty seats : and upon the seats I saw (5627 ) four and twenty elders sitting (5740 ), clothed (5772 ) in white raiment ; and they had (5627 ) on their heads crowns of gold . * And out of the throne proceeded (5736 ) lightnings and thunderings and voices : and there were seven lamps of fire burning (5746 ) before the throne , which are (5748 ) the seven Spirits of God . * And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal : and in the midst of the throne , and round about the throne , were four beasts full (5723 ) of eyes before and behind . * And the first beast was like a lion , and the second beast like a calf , and the third beast had (5723 ) a face as a man , and the fourth beast was like a flying (5740 ) eagle . * And the four beasts had (5707 ) each of them six wings about him ; and they were full (5723 ) of eyes within : and they rest not (5719 ) day and night , saying (5723 ), Holy , holy , holy , Lord God Almighty , which was (5713 ) (5625 ), and is (5752 ) (5625 ), and is to come (5740 ) (5625 ). * And when those beasts give (5692 ) glory and honour and thanks to him that sat (5740 ) on the throne , who liveth (5723 ) for ever and ever , * The four and twenty elders fall down (5699 ) before him that sat (5740 ) on the throne , and worship (5719 ) him that liveth (5723 ) for ever and ever , and cast (5719 ) their crowns before the throne , saying (5723 ), * Thou art (5748 ) worthy , O Lord , to receive (5629 ) glory and honour and power : for thou hast created (5656 ) all things , and for thy pleasure they are (5748 ) and were created (5681 ). * And I saw (5627 ) in the right hand of him that sat (5740 ) on the throne a book written (5772 ) within and on the backside , sealed (5772 ) with seven seals . * And I saw (5627 ) a strong angel proclaiming (5723 ) with a loud voice , Who is (5748 ) worthy to open (5658 ) the book , and to loose (5658 ) the seals thereof ? * And no man in heaven , nor in earth , neither under the earth , was able (5711 ) to open (5658 ) the book , neither to look (5721 ) thereon . * And I wept (5707 ) much , because no man was found (5681 ) worthy to open (5658 ) and to read (5629 ) the book , neither to look (5721 ) thereon . * And one of the elders saith (5719 ) unto me , Weep (5720 ) not : behold (5628 ), the Lion of (5752 ) the tribe of Juda , the Root of David , hath prevailed (5656 ) to open (5658 ) the book , and to loose (5658 ) the seven seals thereof . * And I beheld (5627 ), and , lo (5628 ), in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts , and in the midst of the elders , stood (5761 ) a Lamb as it had been slain (5772 ), having (5723 ) seven horns and seven eyes , which are (5748 ) the seven Spirits of God sent forth (5772 ) into all the earth . * And he came (5627 ) and took (5758 ) the book out of the right hand of him that sat (5740 ) upon the throne . * And when he had taken (5627 ) the book , the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down (5627 ) before the Lamb , having (5723 ) every one of them harps , and golden vials full (5723 ) of odours , which are (5748 ) the prayers of saints . * And they sung (5719 ) a new song , saying (5723 ), Thou art (5748 ) worthy to take (5629 ) the book , and to open (5658 ) the seals thereof : for thou wast slain (5648 ), and hast redeemed (5656 ) us to God by thy blood out of every kindred , and tongue , and people , and nation ; * And hast made (5656 ) us unto our God kings and priests : and we shall reign (5692 ) on the earth . * And I beheld (5627 ), and I heard (5656 ) the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders : and the number of them was (5713 ) ten thousand times ten thousand , and thousands of thousands ; * Saying (5723 ) with a loud voice , Worthy is (5748 ) the Lamb that was slain (5772 ) to receive (5629 ) power , and riches , and wisdom , and strength , and honour , and glory , and blessing . * And every creature which is (5748 ) in heaven , and on the earth , and under the earth , and such as are (5748 ) in the sea , and all that are in them , heard I (5656 ) saying (5723 ), Blessing , and honour , and glory , and power , be unto him that sitteth (5740 ) upon the throne , and unto the Lamb for ever and ever . * And the four beasts said (5707 ), Amen . And the four and twenty elders fell down (5627 ) and worshipped (5656 ) him that liveth (5723 ) for ever and ever . * And I saw (5627 ) when the Lamb opened (5656 ) one of the seals , and I heard (5656 ), as it were the noise of thunder , one of the four beasts saying (5723 ), Come (5736 ) and see (5720 ).

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